Faculty Survey

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GIK Institute Faculty Satisfaction Survey


The purpose of this survey is to assess faculty members’ satisfaction level with nature of work (teaching, research, service); institutional leadership and governance; resources and support; interdisciplinary work, collaboration, and mentoring; tenure and promotions; Faculty/Department’s engagement, quality & collegiality; appreciation and recognition and retention, and negotiation.

The faculty satisfaction survey will be useful in enhancing and improving the work environment and processes at the Institute. This is done by sharing important findings of the survey with management of the Institute for continuous quality improvement. It also helps to identify strengths and weaknesses that could be capitalized upon or enhanced to improve the overall performance of the Institute. These data, along with many other forms of evidence, can apprise institutional improvement efforts for the future.

The GIK Institute Faculty Satisfaction Survey can be accessed by following the link given below:


How Faculty Satisfaction Survey results are used for Continuous Quality Improvement

Like other surveys, once the Faculty Satisfaction Survey data collection is closed, a report is made on the survey results, to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses. The report is then disseminated to the institute’s management. The results of the survey are primarily used by the institute’s management to identify areas for improvement and take corresponding corrective actions. It is a requirement of HEC from 2020 that the university management should provide an action plan against weak areas identified in the survey results.

Click here to access the results of GIK Institute Faculty Satisfaction Survey 2021.

Confidentiality Statement:

All surveys conducted by QEC are voluntary. Please be assured that the data you submit are confidential, and the results of these surveys will be presented in a way that individual respondents cannot be identified and is confidential. For the purposes of analysis, we may combine other data with your responses to our surveys.




Contact Us

M. Wisal Khalil

Director QEC

Ph: 0938 281026 ext. 2261

Email: wisal@giki.edu.pk


Dr. Asad Mahmood

Assistant Professor / Coordinator

Ph: 0938 281026 ext. 2285

Email: asad.mahmood@giki.edu.pk


Ms. Gul Afroze

Assistant Director QEC

Ph: 0938 281026 ext. 2411

Email: gulafroze@giki.edu.pk


Mr. Afsar Zaman

Data Analyst QEC

Ph: 0938 281026 ext. 2711

Email: afsar@giki.edu.pk

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