


QEC at GIKI conducts a number of surveys from different types of stakeholders to get their
feedback. GIKI values the opinion of the stakeholders and the obtained feedback is reviewed
by the highest level management to gain an insight into the stakeholder’s perception as well
as the issues, if any, being faced by them so as to bring about timely and necessary
changes in the institute.

Survey Conduct Process

● All the surveys are conducted online.
● An appropriate time is given to the participants of the survey to provide their
● Regular reminders are given to improve the response-rate.
● Most of the surveys conducted by QEC at GIKI are anonymous in nature to protect
the identity of the respondents. In some cases, where the surveys may be kept
non-anonymous for the sake of improving the response rate, the responders’ identity
is always kept confidential and never released in any of the survey reports.
● Upon the closure of any survey, a corresponding survey report is prepared which
contains all the necessary details, e.g., survey statistics, survey results. comments
from the respondents etc.
● The survey reports are sent to the different departments/faculties as well as the
institute’s management for their review, and for devising action plan
● The survey reports are also disseminated to the relevant stakeholders and put up on
the QEC webpage for Surveys.

Types of Surveys

1. Graduating Batch Survey 
2. Alumni Survey
3. Employer Survey
4. Faculty Survey 

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