Quality Enhancement Cell

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News and Events Archive

  • Dr. Asad Mahmood, Coordinator QEC attended online training session on “HEDR Online Readiness Round 2” organized by Quality Assurance Agency, HEC, on 30 November, 2020.
  • Assistant Director QEC, Ms. Gul Afroze attended International online events on ” THE Live Asia / THE Awards Asia” organized by Times Higher Education Ranking on November 17, 2020.
  • First meeting of QEC Focal Persons with Coordinator QEC, Dr. Asad Mahmood held on Tuesday, 29th October, 2020 at 3:00 PM in Conference Room, FME.
  • Coordinator QEC, Dr. Asad Mahmood attended online Interactive session of MD (QAA) with Heads of QECs organized by Quality Assurance Agency, HEC on 30th September, 2020.
  • Assistant Director QEC, Ms. Gul Afroze and Data Analyst QEC, Mr. Afsar Zaman attended  International online events on “Innovation & Impact Virtual Mini Summit and Live Rankings Launch” organized by Times Higher Education Ranking on April 22, 2020.
  • Dr. Taqi Ahmad Cheema, Associate Professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, GIK Institute Topi, delivered a very informative Training Session on CLO’s and PLO’s pertaining to Outcome Based Education at Department of Management Sciences, GIK Institute on 17 march 2020.
  • Dr. Muhammad Mushtaq Khan, Head of Department, Department of Design and Manufacturing Engineering (DME), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) Islamabad, External Expert, visited, GIK Institute on 12th March 2020 for the Assessment of MS & PhD Mechanical Engineering Program of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
  • Dr. Muhammad Fasih Uddin Butt, Tenured Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, External Expert, COMSATS University Islamabad visited, GIK Institute on 9th March 2020 for the Assessment of MS & PhD Electronic Engineering Program of Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
  • Dr. Ghulam Abbas, FCSE, Dr. Shahid Alam, FEE and Mr. Badre Munir, FCSE received “Award of Certificate of Appreciation for Excellence in Teaching” for Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 semesters.
  • Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi, Director QEC, visited Dawood University of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Karachi as Convener of the IPE Committee for HEC IPE Review visit held on 21-23 January 2020.
  • Dr. Khalid Rahman, Associate Professor/Coordinator QEC from GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology visited University of Wah as External Expert for Self-Review of MS/M.Phil. and Ph.D. Programs held on Thursday, 5th December 2019.
  • Data Analyst QEC, Mr. Afsar Zaman attended a 3-day training on “Managing Employees Performance through Motivation “on 18th – 20th November 2019 at Pakistan Manpower Institute (PMI) Islamabad.
  • Second meeting of QEC Focal Persons with Coordinator QEC is held on Thursday, 7th November 2019 in FME Conference Room, chaired by Dr. Khalid Rahman Coordinator QEC for preparation of Department wise QS Academic Peer List for QS World University Rankings 2020.
  • First meeting of QEC Focal Persons with Coordinator QEC was held on Tuesday, 29th October 2019 at 3:00 PM in FME Conference Room, chaired by Dr. Khalid Rahman Coordinator QEC for planning of data collection on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings 2020.
  • QEC had notified that following Focal Persons are nominated from each Faculty/Department to coordinate and provide data from their relevant Faculties/Departments regarding all QEC activities from now on, 30th September 2019.

QEC Focal Persons:

  • Dr. Rashid Jillani, Assistant Professor, FCSE
  • Dr. Shahid Alam, Assistant Professor, FEE
  • Dr. Asad Mehmood, Assistant Professor, FES
  • Dr. Khawar Rehman, Assistant Professor, DCvE
  • Dr. M. Ilyas, Assistant Professor, FME
  • Dr. Ammar Ali Gull, Assistant Professor, DMgS
  • Dr. Ramzan Abdul Karim, Assistant Professor, FMCE
  • Dr. Shozab Mehdi, Assistant Professor, DChE
  • First meeting with Program Team members of MS & PhD Electrical Engineering, & Mechanical Engineering was held at FME Conference room, chaired by Dr. Khalid Rahman Coordinator (QEC) for preparation of Graduate (MS & PhD) Self-Assessment Report on 29th July 2019.
  • Prof. Dr. Rizwan Gul, External Expert, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, visited GIK Institute on 24th July 2019 for the Assessment of MS Nanotechnology & Materials Engineering and PhD Materials Engineering Programs of Faculty of Materials Science & Chemical Engineering (FMCE).
  • Official notification of newly assigned Program Team members for Graduate MS & PhD Program was notified on 23rd July 2019.
  • Prof. Dr. Jameel Un Nabi, Convener QEC, attended one-day National Conference on Quality Assurance in Academia (NCQAA) on Tuesday, June 25, 2019 at ILMA University, Karachi.
  • Dr. Muhammad Imran Wazir, External Expert, IM Sciences, Peshawar, visited GIK Institute on 25th June 2019 for the Assessment of BS Management Sciences Program, Department of Management Sciences and Humanities.
  • Dr. Zahid Halim, Ex-Coordinator QEC gave a presentation on Outcome Based Education at University of Engineering and Technology on 4th June 2019.
  • Prof. Dr. Muddasar Habib, External Expert, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar visited, GIK Institute on 3rd May 2019 for the Assessment of MS & PhD Chemical Engineering Programs, Faculty of Materials Science & Chemical Engineering (FMCE).
  • Dr. Azhar Iqbal, External Expert, Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad visited, GIK Institute on 2nd May 2019 for the Assessment of MS & PhD Computer Science Programs, Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering.
  • Dr. M. Arshad Islam, External Expert, National University Islamabad visited, GIK Institute on 2nd May 2019 for the Assessment of MS & PhD Computer Engineering Programs, Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering.

Last Updated: 30 , November 2020

  • Data Analyst QEC, Mr. Afsar Zaman attended Workshop on “R” for everyone; Introduction to Data Analysis and Visualization “on 25th – 26th April, 2019 at COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI).
  • Assistant Director QEC, Ms. Gul Afroze attended 2nd International Conference on Quality Assurance at Higher Education and Annual General meeting on April 23-25, 2019 at University of Education Lahore.
  • Coordinator QEC, Dr. Khalid Rehman and Assistant Director QEC, Ms. Gul Afroze attended the Progress Review Meeting of Quality Enhancement Cells, QAA, HEC on 15th & 16th April, 2019 at Grand Ambassador Hotel, Islamabad.
  • GIK Institute ranked 201–300 in the overall 2019 THE University Impact Rankings worldwide and among TOP 3 Universities (Overall SDGs) in Pakistan. Also, GIK Institute ranked 24th in SDG 4 – Quality Education around the world.
  • Dr. Khalid Rehman attended QS Seminar on University Rankings & Ratings at Jinnah Auditorium, NUST Campus, H-12, Islamabad on 1st April 2019.
  • A Special Seminar was conducted on “International Perspective of Quality and Accreditation in Engineering Education” by Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahamd Khalid, at MLH FMCE for Faculty members, Engineers and Graduate students on 20th February, 2019.
  • First meeting with Program Team members of MS & PhD Computer Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Nanotechnology & Materials Engineering and Chemical Engineering was held at FME Conference room, chaired by Dr. Khalid Rahman Coordinator (QEC) for preparation of Graduate (MS & PhD) Self-Assessment Report on 18th February, 2019.
  • A Special Seminar was conducted on “OBE/OBA System” by Dr. Zahid Halim, Dean FCSE at FES Conference Room on 22nd January, 2019.
  • Mr. Afsar Zaman, Data Analyst QEC attended One Day CPD training workshops of US Certified “Associate QEC Lead Analyst” training at UET Peshawar on January 26, 2019.

Last Updated: 14 , May 2019

  • Online Evaluation Teachers and Courses registered for Fall 2018 Semester was opened for students on 10th December, 2018 and closed by 16th December, 2018.
  • QEC, along with the ASC Committee performed mock visit of BS Engineering Programs offered by Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Department of Chemical Engineering. GIK Institute for OBE accreditation on 6-7 December, 2018.
  • IPE Review Committee of Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), HEC visited Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Topi for Institutional Performance Evaluation to promote good governance and to enhance state of quality in Higher Education Institutions on 28 to 30 November 2018.
  • A Program Review Committee of Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), HEC visited Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Topi for Program Review of MS/ M.Phil. & PhD programs on November 29th, 2018.
  • Prof. Dr. Sajid Qamar, HOD, Department of Physics, COMSATS University Islamabad, External Expert visited GIK Institute for evaluation of” MS/Phil and PhD programs Review Mock Exercise” offered by GIK Institute on 30th July, 2018 as per QAA, HEC requirement.
  • Mr. Afsar Zaman, Data Analyst-QEC attended 2nd National Level Seminar on “Promoting Quality Culture in HEIs”organized by University of Wah on 10th May 2018.
  • Online Evaluation Teachers and Courses registered in spring 2018 Semester was opened for students on 08 May, 2018 and closed by 14 May, 2018.
  • Coordinator QEC, Dr. Khalid Rehman and AD QEC, Ms. Gul Afroze attended the Progress Review Meeting of Quality Enhancement Cells a 02 Day Activity of Heads of QECs on 18-19 April, 2018 at Margala Hotel, Islamabad
  • Ms. Gul Afroze, AD QEC attended a 2 days US certified EOMS Professional  training  1st Time in Pakistan (the new “Management Systems for Higher Educational Organizations – Requirements with Guidance for use”  (ISO 21001)) on Friday – Saturday March 09-10, 2018
  • Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi, Pro- Rector (Academic)/Convener QEC, delivered a key note lecturer and acknowledged the efforts and contribution towards excellent teaching of GIK Institute faculty members in last two consecutive semesters on Wednesday, 7th March 2018 at Conference Room of AHA Auditorium.

Last Updated: 11 , January 2019

  • A one day seminar on “Quality Assurance of MS/PhD Program from Internal and External Quality Assurance Perspectives” by Mr. Farrukh Idrees, Manager, Directorate of Quality Assurance, FAST-NUCES Islamabad was conducted at GIK Institute, Topi on 16th January, 2018.
  • The progress review meeting of IPE was conducted on Wednesday, 27th December, 2017 at 03:00 P.M in the office of Pro-Rector (A) under Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), chaired by Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi, Pro- Rector (Academic)/Convener QEC, GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Topi.
  • Online Evaluation Teachers and Courses registered in Fall 2017 Semester was opened for students on 20 December, 2017 and closed by 28 December, 2017
  • Ms. Gul Afroze, AD QEC and Mr. Afsar Zaman, Data Analyst QEC attended the 1st International Conference on “Quality Assurance at Higher Education” organized by Khyber Medical University Peshawar on December 18-19, 2017 at KMU, Peshawar.
  • The Third Committee meeting for progress review of Annual Report 2016-17 was held on Tuesday, 12th December, 2017 at 10:30 am in office of the Pro-Rector (A), chaired by Dr. Noor Muhammad, Assistant Professor, MGS, GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Topi.
  • The Second Committee meeting for progress review of Annual Report 2016-17 was held on Monday, 9th October, 2017 at 02:30 pm in Department of Management Sciences, Brabers Building under Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), chaired by Dr. Noor Muhammad, Assistant Professor, MGS, GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Topi.
  • Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi has assumed charge as the 9th Pro-Rector (Academic) & 3rd Director QEC of Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology. Earlier Prof. Dr. Javed Ahmed Chattha, former Pro-Rector (Academic), relinquished his charge and left to join his family in USA.

Last Updated: 01 , Feburery 2018

  • Dr. Farida Tahir, Assistant professor, External Expert, CIIT, Islamabad visited, GIK Institute on 04/08/2017 for the Assessment of MS Applied Physics Program, Faculty of Engineering Sciences.
  • Dr. Umer Hayat, Assistant professor, External Expert, Quaid i Azam University, Islamabad visited, GIK Institute on 13/07/2017 for the Assessment of MS Applied Mathematics Program, Faculty of Engineering Sciences.
  • Dr. Muhammad Bilal Sajid, External Expert, USPCAS-E, National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST), Islamabad visited, GIK Institute on 10/07/2017 for the Assessment of MS Energy System Engineering Program, Inter – Faculty Program of GIK Institute.
  • Two Faculties of GIK Institute, Faculty Electronic Engineering and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for their high academic standards adopting “Outcome Based Education” or, OBE System, which greatly facilitated Pakistan’s membership of the Washington Accord. 21/6/2017
  • Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shahid, External Expert, National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST), Islamabad visited, GIK Institute on 22/05/2017 for the Assessment of MS Materials Engineering Program, Faculty of Material Sciences & Chemical Engineering.
  • Graduating Students Survey was successfully conducted before convocation – 2017 held on 12 May, 2017.
  • AD QEC, Ms. Gul Afroze attended the training on “Quality Assurance & Governance” funded by the Tertiary Education Support Program (TESP) of HEC on May 18, 2017 to May 20, 2017 at Margala Hotel, Islamabad.
  • Online Evaluation of Students, Teachers and Courses registered in Spring 2017 Semester was opened for students on 1st May, 2017 and closed by 5th May, 2017.

Last Updated: 08 , August 2017

  • Assistant Director QEC attended the 02 Day Activity of Heads of QECs at Margalla Hotel, Islamabad on 19-20 April, 2017.
  • Employer Survey was successfully conducted during Industrial Open House / Careers Fair 2017 held on 13th& 14th April, 2017.
  • Dr. Fahd Amjad, External Expert, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad visited, GIK Institute on 12/04/2017 for the Assessment of MS Engineering Management Program, Department of Management Sciences.
  • One day Hands-on Workshop for Engineering Faculty on Design Course Teaching Engineering Students by Prof. Dr. Abul Fazal Arif and Dr. Mobeen Shoukat, KFUPM, KSA was conducted at GIK Institute, Topi, on April 06, 2017.
  • Online Faculty Survey – 2017 was conducted on April 03, 2017.
  • First meeting with Program Team members of MS Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering was held at FME Conference room, chaired by Dr. Khalid Rahman Coordinator (QEC) for preparation of Graduate (MS) Self-Assessment Report on 19th January, 2017.
  • Online Faculty Course Review Report Survey was conducted on January 16, 2017.
  • Online Alumni Survey is under progress since 24th January, 2017 and to be completed in due course.
  • Course Outline / Contents are collected for the spring semester 2017 according to Outcome Based Education (OBE/OBA) format on 18th January 2017.
  • Quality Enhancement Cell of GIK Institute has obtained 96.7% score (W category) in the quantitative assessment of QAA, HEC for the period ending at 30th June, 2016.

Last Updated: 28 , April 2017

  • First meeting with Program Team members of MS Applied (Mathematics & Physics), MS Energy System Engineering & MS Engineering Management was held at FME Conference room, chaired by Dr. Khalid Rehman Coordinator (QEC) for preparation of Graduate (MS) Self-Assessment Report on 28th December, 2016.
  • Official notification of newly assigned Program Team members for Graduate MS Program was notified on 19th December, 2016.
  • Online Evaluation of Students, Teachers and Courses registered in Fall 2016 Semester was opened for students on 13th December, 2016 and closed by 19th December, 2016.
  • Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), visitation team along with Washington Accord officials Mr. Basil Wakelin, Mr. Colin Peter Smith and Dr. Jung Soo Kim visited GIK Institute from 23rd to 26th November, 2016 for Accreditation visit of Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Engineering Programs according to PEC Accreditation Manual 2014 OBA guidelines.
  • Engr. Prof. Dr. Saeed ur Rahman SS-CARE (CASE Islamabad) convener PEC, along with the PEC delegation visited GIK Institute for the Accreditation of BS Electronic Engineering and BS Mechanical Engineering program according to (PEC Accreditation Manual 2014 OBA guidelines) on 12th November, 2016.
  • Prof. Megat Johari and Prof. Azlan bin Abdul Aziz, Washington Accord Mentor, along with the PEC delegation visited GIK Institute for the Accreditation of BS Mechanical Engineering, BS Electronic Engineering and BS Material Engineering program according to (PEC Accreditation Manual 2014 OBA guidelines) on 18th – 19th September 2016.
  • Coordinator QEC, Dr. Khalid Rehman attended the Progress Review Meeting of Quality Enhancement Cells, falling under group V & VI held on 6th – 7th October, 2016 at Hotel Grand Regency Islamabad.
  • Assistant Director Library and Data Analyst QEC attended meeting on Plagiarism Policy and Turnitin Workshop for Universities of KPK, Islamabad, AJK and GB region at HEC on 6th October 2016.

Last Updated: 9 , January 2017

  • Quality Enhancement Cell Organizing a one day Workshop on Continous Professional Development Program (CPD) by DR. ARIF IQBAL RANA (LUMS) at GIK Institute on 22/6/2016
  • Prof.Dr. A. K. Salahriya, External Expert, Wah Engineering College, University of Wah, Wah Cantt, visited, GIK Institute on 015/06/2016 for the Assessment of BS Chemical Engineering Program of Department of Chemical Engineering.
  • Dr. Fahd Amjad, External Expert, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad visited, GIK Institute on 08/06/2016 for the Assessment of BS Management Sciences Program of Department of Management Sciences.
  • A Mock Visit was conducted by Prof. Dr Nisar Ahmed, Dean FEE, Dr. Zahid Halim, Associate Professor FCSE and Dr. Khalid Rehman, Coordinator QEC on 2th June, 2016 on Outcome Based Education for the Faculty members of Material Sciences & Chemical Engineering.

Last Updated: 16 , June 2016

  • Quality Awareness Seminar was conducted on 29th March, 2016 (11:45 – 12:45) by Dr. Zahid Halim at FCSE Conference Room. All Deans/Faculty Members and Program Teams attended the awareness seminar.
  • The 1stmeeting as planned was held on Tuesday, 29th March, 2016 at 11:45 A.M chaired by Dr. Zahid Halim, Coordinator QEC, GIK Institute.
  • Official notification of new coordinator QEC was passed on 5th May, 2016. Dr. Khalid Rehman, Assistant Professor will be the new coordinator of QEC and shall resume his responsibility with effect from 16th May, 2016.
  • Online Evaluation of Students, Teachers and Courses registered in spring 2016 Semester was conducted in May, 2016.
  • Alumni Survey, Employer survey and Graduating survey for year 2016 were conducted online.
  • Coordinator QEC, Dr Zahid Halim and AD QEC, Annum Ghauri attended the 10th Progress Review Meeting & Workshop of Quality Enhancement Cells, of 15 Private sector HEIs/DAIs on 9th and 10th March, 2016 at Hotel Grand Regency. Coordinator QEC, Dr Zahid Halim also attended the workshop on Bloom’s taxonomy.
  • A Review Visit to comply with PMs Directives for QA and Good Governance at HEIs was arranged on Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at GIK Institute.
  • Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute secured 3rd position in the Engineering Category of HEIs list revealed by HEC in 2016.

Last Updated: 16 , May  2016

  • Quality Enhancement Cell of GIK Institute has obtained 94% score (W category) in the quantitative assessment of QAA, HEC for the period ending 30th June, 2015.
  • One day International Workshop on Outcome Based Education (OBE) by Prof. Dr. Abul Fazal Arif, KFUPM KSA. It was an advisory visit arranged by QEC team from January 13 – 15, 2016.
  • Online Evaluation of Students, Teachers and Courses registered in Fall 2015 Semester was conducted in December, 2015.
  • Online Faculty Survey was conducted in November, 2015 for the main education mission and up gradation of curricular matter from faculty members of the GIK institute.
  • Engr. Prof. Dr. Saeed ur Rahman SS-CARE (CASE Islamabad) expert along with the PEC delegation visited GIK Institute for the Accreditation of BS Electronic Engineering and BS Computer Engineering program according to (PEC Accreditation Manual 2014 OBA guidelines) on 15 – 17 October 2015.
  • A Mock Visit was conducted by Prof. Dr Nisar Ahmed, Dean FEE and Dr. Zahid Halim, Coordinator QEC on 8th and 9th Oct, 2015 on Outcome Based Education for the Faculty members of Computer Science Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

Last Updated: 03 , Feburary 2016

  • A Training Sessions on Outcome Based Education for the Faculty members of Computer Science Engineering and Department of Management Sciences and Humanities was held on 02 September, 2015 by Dr. Khalid Rehman, Assistant Professor FME.
  • A Training Sessions on Outcome Based Education for the Faculty members of Electronic Engineering and Engineering Sciences was held on 26 August, 2015 by Dr. Zahid Halim, Coordinator QEC.
  • A Training Sessions on Outcome Based Education for the Faculty members of Mechanical Engineering and Material Engineering was held on 25 August, 2015 by Dr. Zahid Halim, Coordinator QEC.
  • Dr. Zahid Halim, Coordinator QEC and Ramzan, Assistant Professor FMSE, along with the PEC delegation visited Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad for OBA Mock accreditation of Material Sciences and Engineering Program on 29 August, 2015. They attended pre-visit meeting which was held on August 28, 2015 at PEC HQ.
  • A session with Deans and HoD MSH by Dr. Zahid Halim Coordinator QEC on OBE and PEC requirement was held on Tuesday, 18 August 2015 in office of the Pro-Rector (Academic).
  • A meeting of ASC (Accreditation Support Committee) members was held & chaired by Dr. Zahid Halim, Convener ASC in the office of Coordinator QEC on 13th August, 2015.
  • QEC, GIK Participated in video conferencing arranged by Indus University on ” Developing a Systematic Internal Quality Assurance System” on August 13th, 2015.
  • Dr. Zahid Halim, Coordiantor QEC attended meeting of  WA working Group at PEC HQ as representative from GIK Institute on 16th July, 2015.

Last Updated: 02 , October 2015

  • Online Faculty Course Review Report Survey was conducted on June 11, 2015.
  • Dr. Khalid Akhtar, External Expert, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad visited, GIK Institute on 15/06/2015 for the Assessment of Undergraduate BS Program of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
  • Dr. Farida Tahir, External Expert, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad visited, GIK Institute on 04/06/2015 for the Assessment of Graduate PhD Program (Applied Physics) of Faculty of Engineering Sciences.
  • Prof. Dr. Noor Muhammad Khan,  External Expert, Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad visited, GIK Institute on 03/06/2015 for the Assessment of Undergraduate BS Program of Faculty of Electrical  Engineering.
  • ASC (Accreditation Support Committee) visited FME to support faculty/department in the accreditation process of BS (Mechanical Engineering) program on Friday, 29th May, 2015.
  • Dr. Umar Hayat, External Expert, Quaid i Azam University, Islamabad visited, GIK Institute on 27/05/2015 for the Assessment of Graduate PhD Program (Applied Mathematics) of Faculty of Engineering Sciences.
  • Graduating Students Survey was successfully conducted before convocation – 2015 held on 16 June, 2015.
  • Online Evaluation of Students, Teacher and Courses registered in Spring 2015 Semester started from Monday May 25th, 2015.
  • Dr. Arshad Islam,  External Expert, Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad visited, GIK Institute on 22/05/2015 for the Assessment of Undergraduate BS Program of Faculty of Computer Sciences and  Engineering.

Last Updated: 24 , June 2015

  • A meeting of ASC (Accreditation Support Committee) members was held & chaired by Dr. Zahid Halim, Convener ASC in the office of Coordinator QEC on 9th April, 2015.
  • Online Alumni Survey is under progress since 12th April, 2015 and to be completed in due course.
  • ASC (Accreditation Support Committee) visited FCSE to support faculty/department in the accreditation process of BS (Computer Engineering) program on Thursday, 23rd April, 2015.
  • Dr. Khalid Rehman, FME / Member ASC delivered 50 minutes talk at FES Conference Room on Outcome Based Education on 27th April, 2015.
  • ASC (Accreditation Support Committee) visited FEE to support faculty/department in the accreditation process of BS (Electronic Engineering) program on Thursday, 30th April, 2015.
  • Dr. Zahid Halim, Coordinator QEC gave presentation on Outcome Based Education at Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Departments at FAST-National University on 4th May, 2015.
  • ASC (Accreditation Support Committee) visited FES to support faculty/department in the accreditation process of BS (Engineering Sciences) program on Tuesday, 5th May, 2015.
  • Employer Survey was successfully conducted during Industrial Open House / Careers Fair 2015 held on 7th& 8th May, 2015.
  • ASC (Accreditation Support Committee) visited FMSE to support faculty/department in the accreditation process of BS (Material Science and Engineering) program on Thursday, 14th May, 2015.

Last Updated: 18 May, 2015

  • A meeting with Program Team members of Management Sciences & Humanities was held & chaired by Dr. Zahid Halim Coordinator (QEC) for preparation of their undergraduate (BS) Self-Assessment Report on (25 March, 2015).
  • Evaluation of Students, Teacher and Courses for Graduate Program was conducted on 25 February, 2015.
  • A meeting with Program Team members of Faculty of Engineering Sciences was held & chaired by Dr. Zahid Halim Coordinator (QEC) for preparation of their undergraduate (BS) Self-Assessment Report on (25 March, 2015).
  • A meeting with Program Team members of Faculty of Material Sciences & Engineering was held & chaired by Dr. Zahid Halim Coordinator (QEC) for preparation of their undergraduate (BS) Self-Assessment Report on (17 February, 2015).
  • A meeting with Program Team members of Faculty of Electronic Engineering was held & chaired by Dr. Zahid Halim Coordinator (QEC) for preparation of their undergraduate (BS) Self-Assessment Report on (17 February, 2015).
  • A meeting with Program Team members of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was held & chaired by Dr. Zahid Halim Coordinator (QEC) for preparation of their undergraduate (BS) Self-Assessment Report on (16 February, 2015).
  • A meeting with Program Team members of Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering was held & chaired by Dr. Zahid Halim Coordinator (QEC) for preparation of their undergraduate (BS) Self-Assessment Report on (16 February, 2015).

Last Updated: 26 March, 2015

  • The 18th meeting on preparation of Self-Assessment Report in accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014” was conducted on 8th January, 2015 in FCSE conference room.
  • The 19th meeting on preparation of Self-Assessment Report in accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014 ”  was conducted on 13thJanuary, 2015 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • The 20th meeting on preparation of Self-Assessment Report in accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014 ”  was conducted on 16th January, 2015 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • Dr. Zahid Halim, Coordinator (QEC) & Ms. Annum Ghauri, AD (QEC) attended the 9th Quarterly Progress Review Meeting and Workshop on “Six Sigma” for QECs of “W” Category Private Sector Universities, on 23rd -24th December 2014 at HEC, Headquarters, H-8, Islamabad.
  • Second cycle of Self-Assessment exercise (BS Program) has been initiated and Program Team formation was notified by Pro – Rector (A) / Director QEC on 21st January, 2015.
  • A meeting with Program Team members of Faculty of Engineering Sciences was held & chaired by Dr. Zahid Halim coordinator QEC to review their Graduate (PhD) Self-Assessment Report on 2nd Feb, 2015.

Last Updated: 9 February, 2015

  • The 16th meeting on Preparation of Self-Assessment Report in Accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014 ”  was conducted on 30th September, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • The 17th meeting on Preparation of Self-Assessment Report in Accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014 ”  was conducted on 20th November, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid conducted a seminar regarding the “Implementation of OBE system at GIKI” on 22nd Oct, 2014 at Main Lecture Hall, FMSE.
  • Professor Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid delivered a Seminar on “Adoption of Outcome Based Education and Assessment” at AHA Auditorium, GIK Institute on 28th November, 2014.
  • Prof. Azlan Abdul Aziz, Malaysian expert along with the PEC delegation visited GIK Institute for the implementation of Outcome Based Education system on 5th-6th December, 2014.
  • Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid, SI Pro Rector (A) conducted a seminar on Outcome Based Education (OBE) on 8th December, 2014 in AHA Auditorium.
  • Online Evaluation of Students, Teacher and Courses registered in fall 2014 Semester started from Monday December 8, 2014.
  • Quality Enhancement Cell of GIK Institute has obtained 90% score (W category) in the quantitative assessment of QAA, HEC for the period ending 30th June, 2014.
  • The 15th meeting on Preparation of Self-Assessment Report in Accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014 ”  was conducted on 18 September, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • The seventh meeting on Institutional performance Evaluation visit (IPE) to be conducted in June by HEC was held on 17 September, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • The 14th meeting on Preparation of Self-Assessment Report in Accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014 ”  was conducted on 9 September, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • The 13th meeting on Preparation of Self-Assessment Report in Accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014 ”  was  conducted on 11th July, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • PEC Delegation including Malaysian expert visited GIK Institute on Monday, 14 July 2014 at 10:00 am for Self-Assessment Report of Computer Engineering Program will be presented and session was held in the FMSE conference room
  • The 12th meeting on Preparation of Self-Assessment Report in Accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014 ” was conducted on 9th July, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • The 11th meeting on Preparation of Self-Assessment Report in Accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014 ”  was conducted on 8th July, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • The 10th meeting on Preparation of Self-Assessment Report in Accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014 ”  was conducted on 1th July, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Last Updated: 15 December, 2014

  • Dr. Masroor Hussain, Assistant Professor (FCSE) and Dr. Suleman Mazhar, Assistant Professor, (FCSE) Has attend three days’ workshop on “ Program Evaluator ” organized by National Computing Education Accreditation Council, HEC at 23-24 June 2014.
  • The 9th meeting on Preparation of Self-Assessment Report in Accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014 ”  was conducted on 20th June, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • The 8th meeting on Preparation of Self-Assessment Report in Accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014 ”  was conducted on 17th June, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • Prof. Dr.  Noor Muhammad Khan, (External Expert), MAJU, Islamabad visited, GIK Institute on 11/06/2014 for the Assessment of Graduate PhD Program of Faculty of Electronic Engineering.
  • The Fifth meeting on Institutional performance Evaluation visit (IPE) was conducted in June by HEC was held on 17 June, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • The 7th meeting on Preparation of Self-Assessment Report in Accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014” was conducted on 3 June, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • Prof. Dr. Abdul Ghafoor, Principal and Dean SMME, (External Expert), NUST visited, GIK Institute on 30/05/2014 for the Assessment of Graduate PhD Program of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
  • The 6th meeting on Preparation of Self-Assessment Report in Accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014 ”  was conducted on 30th May, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • The Fourth meeting on Institutional performance Evaluation visit (IPE) to be conducted in June by HEC was held on 29 May, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • Dr. Muhammad Salim, Assistant Professor (FCSE) and Dr. Amer Qureshi, Assistant Professor, (FES) Has attend two days’ workshop on “ Learning Outcome for the faculty of Universities of KPK, AJK and Islamabad” organized by HEC at 28-29 May 2014.
  • The 5th meeting on Preparation of Self-Assessment Report in Accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014 ”  was conducted on 28th May, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • The 4th meeting on Preparation of Self-Assessment Report in Accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014 ”  was conducted on 26th May, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • The 3rd meeting on Preparation of Self-Assessment Report in Accordance to PEC, “Outcome Based Assessment / Outcome Based Education Manual – 2014 ”  was conducted on 23th May, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Last Updated  23 June, 2014
  • Dr. Arshad Islam,  External Expert, Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad visited, GIK Institute on 16/05/2014 for the Assessment of Graduate PhD Program of Faculty of Computer Sciences and  Engineering.
  • Quality Awareness Seminar conducted at Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering by Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid Pro-Rector (academics) on 14/05/2014.
  • Quality Awareness Seminar conducted at Faculty of Electronic Engineering by Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid Pro-Rector (academics) on 14/05/2014.
  • Professor Dr. Yaseen Iqbal,  Foreign Professor,  Department of Physics , University of Peshawar visited, GIK Institute on 09/05/2014 for the Assessment of Graduate PhD Program of Faculty of Material Science and  Engineering.
  • Online Evaluation of Students, Teacher and Courses Registered in spring 2014 Semester was completed on Wednesday May 07, 2014.
  • Coordinator QEC GIK Institute has attended the 8th meeting of Quality Enhancement Cells established in W Category Private Sector Universities scheduled on 8th & 9th May, 2014 (Thursday- Friday) at HEC Regional Center Lahore.
  • The Third meeting on Institutional performance Evaluation visit (IPE) to be conducted in June by HEC was held on 9th May, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • A meeting with Program Team members of Faculty of Material Sciences & Engineering was held & chaired by Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid, SI to review their Graduate (PhD) Self Assessment Report on (07 May, 2014).
  • A meeting with Program Team members of Faculty of Electronic Engineering was held & chaired by Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid, SI to review their Graduate (PhD) Self Assessment Report on (07 May, 2014).
  • The Second meeting on Institutional performance Evaluation visit (IPE) to be conducted in June by HEC was held on 30th April, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC
  • The first meeting on Institutional performance Evaluation (IPE) visit IPE to be conducted in June by HEC was held on 21st April, 2014 in the office of Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC.
  • Professor Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid as a member of PEC IEA working group completed the review of PEC Accreditation Manual 2014 to include OBE and OBA.
  • Professor Dr. Fazal Khalid visited Malaysia attended as member of PEC delegation from 18-21 March 2014 as part of the program for Washington Accord membership. The PEC team visited University Sains Malaysia USM and Board of Engineering Malaysia BEM and had briefing sessions on their system of accreditation. This also provided opportunity to initiate and establish academic collaboration with USM.
  • Employer Survey is conducted during Career Fair & Industrial Open House on 10/04/2014.
  • Online Alumni Survey is under progress since (27/03/02014) and to be completed in due course.
  • The following Ph.D. Review Committee visited the GIK Institute on Wednesday, the 26th March, 2014 to determine the implementation statues of these criteria in the Universities:

Dr. Rafiq Baloch, Director General (QAA), HEC

Prof. Dr. Naeem Khalid, Advisor Academics, HEC

Prof. Dr. Ishtiaq A. Qazi, Associate Dean, NUST

Mr. Shoaib Irshad, Coordinator “Ph.D. Program Review Visits”/Assistant Director (QAA),HEC

  • 12th Meeting of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) committee was held on Thursday, 12 February 2014 at 3:00 p.m in office of the Pro-Rector (Academic).
  • Online Evaluation of Students, Teacher and Courses Registered in Fall 2013 Semester was completed on Monday December 16, 2013.
  • Quality Awareness Seminar at Faculty of Material Science and Engineering by Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid SI, Pro-Rector (A) / Convener QEC on 20/11/2013.
  • A meeting with Program Team members of Faculty of Electronic Engineering was held & chaired by Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid, SI to review their Graduate (PhD) Self Assessment Report on (06 November, 2013).

Last Updated: 20 May, 2014

  • Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi has achieved the 3rd Position in the Quality and Research Based Ranking of Higher Education Institute in Pakistan. (July, 2013).
  • A meeting with Program Team members of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was held & chaired by Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid, SI to review their Graduate ( PhD) Self Assessment Report  on ( 29 August,  2013).
  • A meeting with Program Team members of Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering was held & chaired by Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid, SI to review their Graduate (PhD) Self Assessment Report on (29 August, 2013).
  • Professor Dr. Yaseen Iqbal,  Foreign Professor,  Department of Physics , University of Peshawar visited, GIK Institute on 07/06/2013 for the Assessment of Graduate MS Program of Faculty of Material Science and  Engineering.
  • Assistant Director QEC GIK Institute has  attend the seventh meeting of Quality Enhancement Cells established in W Category Private Sector Universities is scheduled to be held on 6th & 7th June, 2013 (Thursday- Friday) at HEC Regional Center Lahore.
  • Quality Awareness Seminar at Faculty of Material Science and Engineering by Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid SI, Pro-Rector (A) / Convener QEC on 05/06/2013.
  • Quality Enhancement Cell of the  GIK institute, has Join Association of Quality Assurance Agencies of the Islamic World (QA-Islamic) 04/06/2013 (http://www.mqa.gov.my/aqaaiw/)
  • Quality Awareness Seminar at Faculty of Computer Sciences and Engineering by  Dr. Zahid Halim , Dean FCSE / Coordinator QEC on 27/05/2013.
  • Professor Dr. Sajid Qamar, chairman DOP, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad visited, GIK Institute on 22/05/2013 for the Assessment of Graduate Program of Faculty of Engineering Sciences.
  • Assistant Director  of Quality Enhancement Cell of GIK institute, has attend Two Days workshop on (Strengthening Programme Self-Assessment ” by a Foreign Expert  ) at  23rd – 24th May, 2013 organized by QAA, Higher Education Commission Islamabad.
  • Survey of graduating undergraduate students conducted from 1-8 May 2013.
  • Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid (SI) Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC and Dr. Zahid Halim, Coordinator QEC attended an International workshop organized by the QEC of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology on QS University Rankings in collaboration with Higher Education Commission on May 2, 2013 in Islamabad.
  • Online Evaluation of Courses Registered in Spring 2013 Semester conducted from Friday May 03,to Thursday May 09, 2013.
  • Quality Enhancement Cell of the  GIK institute, has Join The Talloires Network (Tufts University on Tue 9/4/2013  (http://talloiresnetwork.tufts.edu/ghulam-ishaq-khan-institute-of-engineering-sciences-and-technology-pakistan/)
  • Employer Survey conducted during Industrial Open House / Careers Fair 2013 was held on 11th & 12th April, 2013.
  • Professor Dr. Hammad Majeed, of FAST-NU Islamabad visited GIK Institute on 08/04/2013 for the Assessment of Graduate Program of Faculty of Electronic Engineering.
  • Brig. (R) Salim Ahmed Khan, Director Quality Enhancement Cell of RIPHAH International University Islamabad visited GIK Institute on 08/04/2013 for the Assessment of Graduate Program of Faculty of Electronic Engineering.
  • Professor Dr. Shahid Khalil, Dean Faculty of Mechanical and Aeronautical, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, visited GIK institute on 25/03/2013 for the Assessment of Graduate Program of Faculty of Electronic Engineering.
  • Prof. Dr. Yaseen Iqbal, Foreign Professor, University of Peshawar  has been nominated and invited as expert for evaluation of  Graduate Self Assessment Report (SAR) of Material Sciences & Engineering.
  • Brig (R) Salim Ahmed Khan, Director QEC, Riphah University Islamabad, has been nominated and invited as expert for evaluation of  Graduate Self Assessment Report (SAR) of Electronic Engineering.
  • Dr. Hammad Majeed, Assistant Professor,DCS, NU-FAST Islamabad, has been nominated and invited as expert for evaluation of  Graduate Self Assessment Report (SAR) of Computer Science Engineering.
  • Professor  Dr. Sajid Qamar, Chairman DOP, CIIT, Islamabad has been nominated and invited as expert for evaluation of  Graduate Self Assessment Report (SAR) of Engineering Sciences.
  • Professor  Dr. Muhammad Shahid Khalil, UET Taxila has been nominated and invited as expert for evaluation of  Graduate Self Assessment Report (SAR) of Mechanical Engineering.
  • A meeting with Program Team members of Faculty of Engineering Sciences was held & chaired by Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid, SI to review their Graduate Self Assessment Report & formation of Assessment Team.  (27th February, 2013).
  • A meeting with Program Team members of Faculty of Material Sciences & Engineering was held & chaired by Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid, SI to review their Graduate Self Assessment Report & formation of Assessment Team.  (27th February, 2013).
  • Professor Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid, SI attend  the 3 days Accreditation workshop on “The Outcome- Based Accreditation/Assessment System” For Training of Program’s Evaluators of PEC Organized by HEC in collaboration with PEC February 12-14, 2013.
  • GIKI QEC has participated in video conferencing arranged by Khyber Medical University onQuality Management ” through video conferencing, (Join All Pakistan QEC video Conference session on Feb, 08.2013).
  • A meeting with Program Team members of Faculty of Electronic Engineering was held & chaired by Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid, SI to review their Graduate Self Assessment Report & formation of Assessment Team.  (25th January, 2013)
  • A meeting with Program Team members of Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering was held & chaired by Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid, SI to review their Graduate Self Assessment Report & formation of Assessment Team.  (25th January, 2013)
  • Two days workshop on “ Emerging Trends in Computational Science” Sponsored by HEC at Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering, GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology Topi, Swabi. (9th & 10th January, 2013).
  • The GIK Institute has a hundred percent online Course Evaluation by students for Fall 2012.
  • A meeting with Program Team members of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was held & chaired by Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid, SI to review their Graduate Self Assessment Report & formation of Assessment Team. (28th  December, 2012)
  • Convener QEC Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid, SI held a meeting with QEC Staff on 25 December, 2012.
  • The Convener QEC Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid,SI held a meeting with PT members on compilation of SAR’s for Graduate programs on 29/11/2012.
  • Dr. Zahid Halim, Assistant Professor has been nominated as Coordinator (QEC) 13/12/2012.
  • Mr. Owais Khan Join the QEC as Assistant Director w.e.f 12/12/2012.                                                                                              Last Updated: 29 April, 2014

Keynote Lectures:

  • Coordinator QEC GIK Institute has attended the 8th meeting of Quality Enhancement Cells established in W Category Private Sector Universities scheduled on 8th & 9th May, 2014 (Thursday- Friday) at HEC Regional Center Lahore.

  • Professor Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid as a member of PEC IEA working group completed the review of PEC Accreditation Manual 2014 to include OBE and OBA.

  • Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid SI and Dr. Zahid Halim GIK Institute have attended a training session at PEC on “Gap Analysis– by comparing the existing Self Assessment Report of HEC with the newly developed Self Assessment Report of PEC to be adopted for higher education in Pakistan.”

  • Professor Dr. Fazal Khalid visited Malaysia attended as member of PEC delegation from 18-21 March 2014 as part of the program for Washington Accord membership. The PEC team visited University Sains Malaysia USM and Board of Engineering Malaysia BEM and had briefing sessions on their system of accreditation. This also provided opportunity to initiate and establish academic collaboration with USM.
  • Assistant Director QEC GIK Institute has  attend the seventh meeting of Quality Enhancement Cells established in W Category Private Sector Universities is scheduled to be held on 6th & 7th June, 2013 (Thursday- Friday) at HEC Regional Center Lahore.
  • Assistant Director  of Quality Enhancement Cell of GIK institute, has attend Two Days workshop on (Strengthening Programme Self-Assessment ” by a Foreign Expert  ) at  23rd – 24th May, 2013.
  • Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid (SI) Pro-Rector (A)/Convener QEC and Dr. Zahid Halim, Coordinator QEC attended an International workshop organized by the QEC of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology on QS University Rankings in collaboration with Higher Education Commission on May 2, 2013 in Islamabad.
  • Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid attended a 3-day accreditation workshop on the “The Outcome-Based Accreditation / Assessment System” for training of program’s evaluators organized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) in collaboration with the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) held on 12-14 February 2013.
  • Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid gave a presentation to BEM delegates on behalf of Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) on 11 February 2013.
  • Dr. M. Arshad Islam, Coordinator Quality Enhancement Cell, was nominated and attended the 6th Quarterly Meeting and Workshop for QEC of “W” Category Private Sector Universities, on 08-09 October 2012 at Iqra University, Karachi (Main Campus).
  • Professor Khalid participated and gave lecture on “Accreditation System – OBA-based assessment Criteria” – Briefing on importance of Evaluators (as per WA Guidelines) towards OBA approach” in PEC one-day seminar held on 5 March 2011 at PEC HQs Islamabad
  • Professor Khalid gave a lecture / presentation on “Accreditation system / process for engineering programs” Arranged by the PEC at UET Lahore on 12 February 2011
  • Dr. Fida, Associate Professor (FMSE) delivered a lecture on “Interaction in the Class with the Students” to the college teachers of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on 22nd January 2011 Dr. Fida, Associate Professor (FMSE) gave a lecture on “Instruction Strategy in the Class Room” to the college teachers on 12th March 2011
  • Dr. Fida, Associate Professor (FMSE) delivered a lecture on “Thoughtful Reflection on Education in Pakistan” at Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan on 24th March 2011

Nomination as member of the Selection Board

  • Professor Khalid, member of the Syndicate and Academic Council of UET Peshawar, is nominated as member of the Selection Board for a period of two years w.e.f 26 October 2010

Meetings of National Committees, and Industries

  • Professor Khalid convened a meeting of the PEC EA&QEC Sub-committee on revision of schedule-II of PEC Act held on 20 April 2011 at PEC HQs Islamabad.
  • He attended a meeting of the PEC EA&QEC Sub- committee on revision of accreditation manual / guidelines held on 20 April 2011 at PEC HQs Islamabad.
  • Professor Khalid convened a meeting of the PEC, EA&QEC Sub-Committee on revision of schedule-II of PEC Act held on 2 April 2011 at PEC HQs Islamabad Professor Khalid attended 8th meeting of the PEC Act & Byelaws Committee held on 22 March 2011 at PEC HQs Islamabad Professor Khalid attended joint meeting of the PEC EA&QEC Sub-Committees working on Revision of Accreditation and International Membership with IEA (WA & EMF) held on 5 March 2011 at PEC HQs Islamabad
  • Professor Khalid attended a meeting of the PEC Committee / Task Force on International Membership with IEA for Washington Accord And EMF held on 4 February 2011 at PEC HQs Islamabad • Professor Khalid attended PEC EA&QEC Sub- Committee meeting held on 4 February 2011 at PEC HQs Islamabad Professor Khalid attended 7th meeting of the PEC Act & Byelaws Committee held on 29 January 2011 at PEC HQs Islamabad
  • Professor Khalid attended a meeting of the PEC Committee / Task Force on International Membership with IEA for Washington Accord And EMF held on 21 January 2011 at the PEC HQs Islamabad
  • Professor Khalid attended a meeting of the Special Science Committee held on 11 December 2010, constituted by the Higher Education Department, Govt of KPK for recommendations for civil award to be awarded on Independence day
  • Professor Khalid attended a meeting of the Special Science Committee held on 11 December 2010, constituted by the Higher Education Department, Govt of KPK for recommendations for civil award to be awarded on Independence day

Science Fair organized at GIKI

  • Approximately 150 students, including 55 girls from different Universities/ Institutions from all over the country participated in the Science Fair, held at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology. Twenty-nine research projects were displayed in the fair. The event was organized by the Science Society, GIK Institute. Renowned nuclear physicist, Dr Noor Muhammad Butt, was chief guest at the prize distribution ceremony. Prof Dr Fazal Ahmad Khalid, Pro-Rector (academic), GIK Institute also graced the occasion. The main objective of the fair was to motivate students for taking their own initiatives in the science, launching research projects, achieve excellent results in different fields, and boost the desire for improving the indigenous technology. Dr Butt said the projects like converting the Kinetic energy into the electrical energy, a device to make visually impaired persons safer and water purification plant, were very interesting.
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