GIKI Alumni Survey

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The institute values the opinion of its alumni and their opinion is sought via the alumni survey
conducted each year. Whereas all the alumni are invited to provide their opinion and
suggestions, the alumni graduated in the recent 5 years are especially followed-up to
provide their responses.

How Alumni Survey results are used for Continuous Quality Improvement

Like other surveys, once the alumni survey data collection is closed, a report is made on the
survey results, to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses. The alumni survey report is
then disseminated to the respective departments/faculties, as well as the institute’s

The results of the survey are primarily used for two purposes in GIKI:

  1. By the management to see areas which require improvement and take corresponding
    actions. It is a requirement of HEC from 2020 that the university management should
    provide an action plan against weak areas identified in the survey results.
  2. By the individual faculties/departments which have mapped their PEOs (Program
    Educational Objectives) against different questions/categories in the survey
    questionnaire. Details about the PEOs for any program can be found on the webpage
    for that program/faculty. The KPIs for the attainment of the PEOs have been defined
    accordingly by that department/faculty. All this is part of the relatively recent ‘OBE =
    Outcome Based Education’ philosophy to which all engineering programs in Pakistan
    should adhere to if they want accreditation from PEC (Pakistan Engineering Council).
    The details about the KPI attainment for different PEOs is generally in the SAR
    (Self-Assessment Reports) document for the different programs, which are required
    to be created whenever a program applies for its re-accreditation from PEC.

Link for Alumni Survey Form

Survey Reports
Year 2020


Contact Us

M. Wisal Khalil

Director QEC

Ph: 0938 281026 ext. 2261



Dr. Asad Mahmood

Assistant Professor / Coordinator

Ph: 0938 281026 ext. 2285



Ms. Gul Afroze

Assistant Director QEC

Ph: 0938 281026 ext. 2411



Mr. Afsar Zaman

Data Analyst QEC

Ph: 0938 281026 ext. 2711


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