Graduating Batch Survey

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GIK Institute Graduating Batch Survey


The Graduating Batch Survey seeks input of graduating students on the quality of education they received during their 4 years stay at the Institute. This survey is conducted from the students towards the end of their 8th semester of education. The survey results help to assess students’ perception on teaching and learning processes within their concerned faculties/departments. Like other surveys conducted by the GIKI QEC, this survey is also anonymous in nature, and the identities of the students are not captured at the time of seeking feedback.

How Graduating Survey results are used for Continuous Quality Improvement

Like other surveys, once the Graduating Batch Survey data collection is closed, a report is made on the survey results, to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses. The Graduating Batch Survey report is then disseminated to the HoDs/Deans of the respective departments/faculties, as well as the institute’s management.

The results of the survey are primarily used by the institute’s management, as well as by the respective programs’ HoDs/Deans, to identify areas for improvement and take corresponding corrective actions. It is a requirement of HEC from 2020 that the university management should provide an action plan against weak areas identified in the survey results.

Survey Links:

Survey link for SMgS (

Survey link for Engineering Programs (

Survey Reports:

Graduating Student Survey Analysis Report 2021

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