
Scholarship Program

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Since 2003, GIKI Alumni Association has been offering Financial Assistance to students who cannot afford to pay their tuition fee. However, from this year we have stopped Financial Assistance and are now starting Scholarship Program with limited seats.

Who is Eligible?

Scholarships are strictly made available using following criteria:

  • Need – student unable to pay for his/her tuition due to financial constraints.
  • Merit – student’s academic performance must reflect due commitment to his/her academic program and his/her CGPA must be 2.5 or above.

Limited Funds

GIKI Alumni Association’s Scholarship Program is aimed at assisting the genuinely needy students who are unable to meet their educational expenditure. It should be realized that a limited amount is available for providing scholarships to the students. Therefore serious effort should be made to raise funds (loans, scholarships etc.) from all other sources available before applying to the Alumni Association for scholarship.

Who can Apply?

Following students can apply for scholarships:

  1. Students currently enrolled at GIK Institute in any of the undergraduate / bachelor’s degree programs.
  2. Financial assistance is not offered to PhD students.
  3. Financial assistance is not offered in the freshmen year i.e. 1st and 2nd semester of undergraduate degree program.
  4. Undergraduate students can only apply for starting second [2nd] year of their academic program.

What is offered as Scholarship?

Scholarship is offered to cover partial tuition fee and in some rare circumstances complete tuition fee for selected applicants in following two distinct categories:

  1. Interest free loan without requiring any collateral with relaxed repayment structure.
  2. Zakat funding for eligible (MUSTAHIQ) applicants without any need for repayment.

Program highlights

  1. Scholarships are only offered for a given year without any commitment for continued assistance for remainder of student’s academic program.
  2. Students will have to submit a new application every year and their application will be processed and evaluated with rest of the applications.
  3. Each applicant will have to establish their financial need and academic standing by submitting a completed application form with supplemental documents.
  4. Applicants will be asked to appear for an evaluation interview in front of a panel.
  5. A calendar with key milestone dates will be posted highlighting deadlines for application submission, interview dates and announcement of results.
  6. Funding is limited; therefore, after establishing the financial needs of a student, the selection process puts special emphasis on academic performance of the applicants.
How to Apply?

Please read the following instructions carefully to apply for financial assistance:

  1. Click here to fill form and submit the financial assistance application form as a Adobe Acrobat PDF Form.
  2. Read the instructions carefully.
  3. You must have your gmail account to sign in and submit form.
  4. If you don’t have any gmail account yet, create one and sign in through that for form submission.
  5. Use your own gmail account as GIKI Alumni Association will verify email and any form submitted by other’s email will be rejected.
  6. Complete the application form using the instructions in the online form. Make sure you fill the form fields properly.
  7. 7. Once complete, upload required files and click the SUBMIT button.
  8. Submit the form before submission deadline.
  9. 9. Prepare a hard copy of application package and bring it along on the day of interview. Put together documents in following order:
    Make sure your NAME and Registration Number are clearly visible and highlighted. Print the completed submitted form which you will receive in your email and sign the declaration on the last page.
    Attach all of the supplemental documents at the end.
  10. Application CalendarPlease note down the following deadlines for completing the application process:
  11. Application Submission Deadline: Saturday, 10th August 2019 
    Interviews on campus: TBD 
    Announce Results : TBD
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