Employer Survey

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GIK Institute Employer Survey


 The purpose of this survey is to obtain employers’ input on the quality of education provided by GIK Institute and to assess the quality of the academic programs. The survey outcomes play an important role in developing/updating and delivering education training at the Institute

Your feedback counts. Your response will help shape important decisions at the Institute. Along with feedback from other employers, it will provide data that assists the Institute enhance the quality of its education and training. The survey should take around 05 minutes to complete.

Survey Form Link:

The GIK Institute Employer Survey can be accessed by following the link given below:


How Employer Survey results are used for Continuous Quality Improvement

Like other surveys, once the Employer Survey data collection is closed, a report is made on the survey results, to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses. The report is then disseminated to the relevant faculties and departments and also shared with the institute’s management. The results of the survey are primarily used by the institute’s management to identify areas for improvement and take corresponding corrective actions. The Deans/HoDs also discuss the results in various internal meetings for improvement. It is a requirement of HEC from 2020 that the relevant faculties/departments and university management should provide an action plan against weak areas identified in the survey results. The action plan is shared with QEC by relevant offices and QEC then follows up on the corrective actions taken against the findings of the report.

Survey Reports:

Click here to access the results of GIK Institute Employer Survey 2021.

Confidentiality Statement:

All surveys conducted by QEC are voluntary. Please be assured that the data you submit are confidential, and the results of these surveys will be presented in a way that individual respondents cannot be identified and is confidential. For the purposes of analysis, we may combine other data with your responses to our surveys.


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