President’s Message

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It is a matter of great satisfaction for me to see the Ghulam Ishaq Khan (GIK) Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology continue to take major strides in its pursuit of excellence in education and research. GIK has not only maintained its leading position in many engineering fields, but has now, further expanded its activities to provide quality education in new and innovative areas at the cutting edge of technological research, innovation, and development, worldwide.

In today’s digital world where information and knowledge are fast becoming the basis of human economic and social interaction and progress, GIK is determined to be in the forefront of these developments. Plans for setting up a Center for work on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its applications to National Development are under active consideration. In this regard, GIK has forged important partnership for faculty and student exchange with a number of well-known foreign Universities and a well-known International Corporation. Our Business and Management program also offers opportunities to students to couple their technical knowledge and skills with the practical know how of entrepreneurship and enterprise development.

GIK has always striven to select the best and the most motivated students. Selection on Merit has always been our only criteria for enrollment. Once enrolled, students can rest assured that they will be provided with all available benefits and support to facilitate them in the successful pursuit of their studies. We are very encouraged to see a quantum leap in the number of female students who are excelling in every field and hope to see larger female enrollment in the future.

We are very proud of our capable management, under the able leadership of the Rector and supported by the distinguished members of the faculty. They are, indeed, a body of competent and dedicated supervisors, teachers and support staff and an asset to the Institution. All Faculty members recognize their key role as teachers and mentors to our young students, who can rely upon them for their sympathetic guidance and support.

Finally, I would like to add that the expanding GIK facilities with spacious ground, elegant classrooms and hostels and state of the art equipment and laboratories, offer a fully supportive environment for study, research, creative activities and sports, and its tranquil and peaceful location a grand opportunity for serious scholarship.

I wish you all great success.


President SOPREST and Board of Governors, GIK Institute
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