Institutional Performance Evaluation (IPE) Review Visits

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The institutional performance evaluation (IPE) is a process that consists of an Institute Portfolio Report (IPR) and a team visit providing an institution with performance indicators which permits to look at the university critically; to have input from an external IPE team; and to take the necessary steps towards continuous quality improvement (CQI).

This IPE process which takes place periodically is of vital importance to all universities that desire to meet international standards. In order to achieve the desired objectives of IPE, QEC GIK institute prepares IPR providing answers to the questions listed in conjunction with each of the standards in HEC provided IPE Manual as well as the university wide data. This Institute Portfolio Report needs to be prepared before the visit of IPE Panel. The IPE Panel is at university for three days for assessment.

HEC IPE Manual

University wide data sheet 


Pre-Visit Process

a) Role of Institute

QEC GIK Institute prepares an “Institute Portfolio Report (IPR)”. It comprises of information about the Institute mostly based on answers to questions that have been provided at the end of each standard in the HEC IPE manual. There are 11 standards in the IPR. 11 folders of relevant evidence against each standard are maintained. At the time of visit, the supporting documents that may be needed by IPE panel are placed in the room set aside for them. A separate room is set for IPE panel, where all the documents related to Institute Portfolio Report, is placed.

b) Role of IPE Panel

The original documents examined by the IPE Panel and all discussions conducted with officials/students will are confidential. Individual names are not mentioned in the feedback report.

IPE Process

DAY #1

  1. IPE Panel Meet with the Vice Chancellor
  2. IPE Panel works in room with working lunch


  1. Panel meets for review and discussion
  2. Panel meets with Chairmen / heads of departments (List will be provided by IPE Panel)
  3. IPE Panel meets with Asst. Professor/lecturer (List will be provided by IPE Panel)
  4. Panel meets with the Postgraduate, Graduate and Undergraduate students (one from each selected department)
  5. Panel meets with the Registrar, Head of Finance, Director P & D, Controller Examination, Director QEC,
  6. IPE Panel work privately IPE Panel may request additional information and/or may request a meeting with other senior officers to seek clarification regarding certain points in the IPR.

DAY #3

  1. Visits to selected classroom facilities, laboratories and library
  2. IPE Panel continues its work (with working lunch)
  3. Exit interview with VC. It is on the discretion the VC to whom he/she wishes to be present for the exit interview

The 1st Draft of IPE Feedback Report

  • Draft Report is prepared as per the format approved by the competent authority at HEC.
  • In the exit interview, Panel shares the salient features with the Vice Chancellor (and/or his team).

Post IPE Process

  • Team Leader submits the report to QAA for further submission to competent authority at HEC for the approval.
  • After the approval, IPE Report is shared with Institute for compliance.
  • QEC prepares a Compliance Implementation Plan (CIP) against observations and findings of HEC’s IPE report in consultation with relevant Faculties/Departments. In CIP, Action Plan with target period for its implementation is sought from relevant faculties/departments.
  • The CIP is finalized and approved from competent authority.
  • QEC after 2 to 3 months intervals follow up with Faculties/Departments for progress on implementation of corrective actions against HEC IPE Report Findings via CIP.
  • QEC shares all necessary documents (compliance and Report) to QAA, HEC in June each year via Yearly Progress Report (YPR).
  • The Compliance Implementation Plan Submitted to HEC for previous IPE Visits


Contact Us

M. Wisal Khalil

Director QEC

Ph: 0938 281026 ext. 2261



Dr. Asad Mahmood

Assistant Professor / Coordinator

Ph: 0938 281026 ext. 2285



Ms. Gul Afroze

Assistant Director QEC

Ph: 0938 281026 ext. 2411



Mr. Afsar Zaman

Data Analyst QEC

Ph: 0938 281026 ext. 2711


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