Dr. Yousaf Ali Khan obtained an MS degree in the area of Operations Research from the University of Southampton, UK. He also holds a Master’s degree from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. He has completed his Ph.D. degree in (Economics & Management) from the University of Macerata (Italy). Dr. Yousaf has research interests in quantitative modeling practices in economics and management, Operational research, and environmental economics. Dr. Yousaf is currently offering his services to the reputable GIKI institute as an Associate Professor. He has published in journals such as Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, International Journal of Logistic Management, Australian Journal of Management, Transportation Planning and Technology, Journal of Cleaner Production., Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Research in Transportation Economics, Journal of Safety science, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. Review of Income and Wealth, journal of Environmental Hazards-Human & Policy Dimensions, journal of Construction Management & Economics. Science of the Total Environment, Environment and Ecological Statistics.
He is currently working on the following projects:
- Policy modeling and Impact analysis for different sectors in an economy
- Development of Quantitative models for decision making
- Measuring Structural changes in the GHG’s emission in the EU & Asian countries
- Measuring the economic and environmental landscape of different countries
- Data Collection Techniques
- Developing techniques to Predict the impact on highly uncertain events
- impact analysis of different sectors in different economies
- Interpretation of Survey results and report writing
- Production and Operation Planning and controlling of different firms in Asia
His research interests are primarily in the areas of:
- Operations and Production management
- Multi-Criteria Decision Making
- Forecasting and Optimization
- Input-Output Analysis
- Policy modeling and Impact analysis
- Ecological indicators
- Foot printing
- Risk & Financial Management
- Social Accounting Matrix
- Supply Chain management
- Decision Analysis
- Disaster Risk Management
- Environmental Economics
- Energy Economics
Journal Publications
Journal Contributions (Cumulative Impact Factor = 394)
Ishaq Alam, Yousaf Ali: Studying the effects of Türkiye earthquake disaster and its impact on real estate industry: A risk analysis based on input-output & non-linear optimization models: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Volume 96, 1 October 2023, 103920. IF-5
- Ubaid Ullah Khan, Yousaf Ali, Antonella Petrillo and Fabio De Felice .2023, Macro-environmental factors and their impact on startups from the perspective of developing countries.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING. VOL. 16, NO. 1, 166–183 . IF-3.7
- Azfar Uddin, Yousaf Ali , Muhammad Sabir , Antonella Petrillo, Fabio De Felice: 2023: Circular economy and its implementation in cement industry: A case point in Pakistan. Science of The Total Environment, p.161418. IF-10.
- Ali, Y., Nadeem, M., Rehman, O.U.,Saarinen, L.T.Barriers and Strategies for Digitalisation of Economy in Developing Countries: Pakistan a Case in Point. Journal of the Knowledge Economy. Springer. SSCI. ABDC. AJG. IF-3.3
- Abdullah Khan; Yousaf Ali & Dragan Pamucar: Solar PV power plant site selection using a GIS‑based non‑linear multi‑criteria optimization technique. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Springer IF-5.8
- Ali, Y., Sabir, M., Amjad, P., Najam, W. and Shafiq, M., 2023. Ports War: Determining Gwadar and Chabahar Ports Trade Attractiveness Using Multi Criteria Decision Analysis. Iranian Journal of Management Studies. IF-1.4. SCOPUS,ISI, ESCI, AJG 1*.
- Hassan, M.S., Ali, Y., Petrillo, A. and De Felice, F., 2023. Risk assessment of circular economy practices in construction industry of Pakistan. Science of The Total Environment, p.161418. IF-9.8
- Ali, Y., Khan, D.U., Sabir, M. and Jaisinghani, A., 2022. A cost-benefit analysis of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline. Transnational Corporations Review, pp.1-13. IF-3.3.ESCI, Scopus, ABDC, AJG 1* .
- Khan, A.U., Ali, Y., Pamucar, D. and Vasa, L., 2022. Risk Management for Cold Supply Chain: Case of a Developing Country. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 19(8). IF-1.4.
- Feroz Khan & Yousaf Ali: Moving towards a sustainable circular bio-economy in the agriculture sector of a developing country. Ecological Economics– ABDC-A, IF-7
- Amin Ullah Khan & Yousaf Ali: Enhancement of resilience and quality of Cold Supply Chain under the disruptions caused by (COVID-19)- A case of a developing country. Australian Journal of Management. Sage. ABDC-A, IF-4.6.
- Erum Irfan, Yousaf Ali and Muhammad sabir; Analyzing Role of Businesses’ Investment in Digital Literacy: A Case of Pakistan. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. ABDC-A, IF-12.
- Yousaf Ali, Amin Ullah Khan, Hameem Bin Hameed: Selection of Sustainable Mode of Transportation Based on Environmental, Economic, and Social Factors: Pakistan a Case in Point in Transportation in Developing Economies journal by Springer.IF-1.4 ESCI, SCOPUS.
- Sabir, M., Ali, Y., Abdullah, Ali, A., Khan, J., & Ur Rehman, Z. (2022). The choice between organic and inorganic farming: Lessons from Pakistan. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 1-8. doi:10.1017/S1742170522000072. IF-2.5. ESCI, SCOPUS
- Ali, Y., Sabir, M., Abubaker, A., Saad, H. and Ali, S.B., 2022. Improving Inland Freight Logistic Efficiencies: Is There Any Ideal Modal Spilt?. Case Studies on Transport Policy.IF-2.5. ESCI-SCOPUS-ABDC-B
- Pervez, H., Ali, Y., Pamucar, D., Garai-Fodor, M. and Csiszárik-Kocsir, Á., 2022. Evaluation of critical risk factors in the implementation of modular construction. PloS one, 17(8), p.e0272448 IF-3.5.
- Ali, Y., Sabir, M. Mode–route choice decisions: a case study of CPEC investment in Pakistan Railways. Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport. 2022,115, 5–21. IF-0.6 WoS, SCOPUS
- Mirza Muhammad Usama Baig, Yousaf Ali, Obaid Ur Rehman: Enhancing Resilience of Oil Supply Chains in Context of Developing Countries in Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications (ORESTA) journal, SCOPUS.
- Asees Awan & Yousaf Ali: Risk Assessment in Supply Chain Networks of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Chinese Political Science Review.IF-2.8 ESCI. SCOPUS.
- Khan, F. and Ali, Y., 2022 Implementation of the circular supply chain management in the pharmaceutical industry. Environment, Development, and Sustainability, 1-16. IF-4.9.
- Babar, A.H.K. and Ali, Y., 2022. Optimization of charging infrastructure planning for plug-in electric vehicles based on a dynamic programming model. Transportation Planning and Technology . ABDC-B, IF-1.5.
- Babar, A.H.K. and Ali, Y., 2022. Framework construction for augmentation of resilience in critical infrastructure: Developing countries a case in point. Technology in Society, 68, p.101809. IF-9.2, ABDC-B.
- Ali, Y., Ahmad, M., Sabir, M. and Shah, S.A., 2021. Regional development through energy infrastructure: A comparison and optimization of Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) & Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipelines. Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications, 4(3), pp.82-106. SCOPUS, ESCI. DOI:
- Khan, F. and Ali, Y., 2021. A facilitating framework for a developing country to adopt smart waste management in the context of circular economy. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pp.1-16. IF-5.8.
- Sabir, M. and Ali, Y., 2021. URBAN TRAFFIC CONGESTION REVISITED. Theoretical and Empirical Research in Urban Management, 16(4), pp.34-54. SCOPUS.
- Rehman, O.U., Ali, Y., and Sabir, M 2022. Risk Assessment and Mitigation for Electric Power Sectors: A Developing Country’s Perspective will be published in International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection (IJCIP, IF-3.6
- Yousaf Ali with Obaid Ur Rehman: Enhancing Healthcare Supply Chain Resilience: Decision Making in a Fuzzy Environment. In International Journal of Logistic Management by Emerald. IF-6.6, WoS. ABDC-A –
- Yousaf Ali with Sundas Sara and Obaid Ur Rehman: How to Tackle Plastic Bags & Bottles Pollution Crisis in Pakistan? A Cost-Benefit Analysis approach. In Environmental & Ecological Statistics by Springer. IF-3.8, WoS. ABDC-A (
- Yousaf Ali with Feroz Khan & Dragan Pamucar: A new fuzzy FUCOM-QFD approach for evaluating strategies to enhance the resilience of the healthcare sector to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Kybernetes journal by Emerald. ESCI, Q1, WoS, IF-2.1. AJG-1.
- Yousaf Ali with ; Jokhio, Danyal ; Dojki, Amna ; Rehman, Obaid ; Khan, Feroz: Adoption of Circular Economy for Food Waste Management in the Context of a Developing Country” in Waste Management & Research: The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy. Sage Publisher. WoS, IF- 3.9
- Yousaf Ali with Jehangir Khan & Muhammad Sabir: Political Protests and its Impacts on Interdependent Infrastructure Systems. Int. J. of Critical Infrastructures by Inderscience (2021)IF- 0.6. ESCI, Scopus, WOS, (Accepted Forthcoming).
- Yousaf Ali with Khaqan Zeb, Abdul Haseeb Khan Babar & Muhammad Asees Awan: Identification of Critical Factors for the Implementation of Reverse Logistics in the Manufacturing Industry of Pakistan. Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics by Emerald (2021) Scopus,
- Yousaf Ali with Abdul Haseeb: Enhancement of Electric Vehicles’ Market Competitiveness using Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment. Technological Forecasting and Social Change journal by Elsevier. ESCI, Q1, WoS IF-12. ABDC-A.
- Yousaf Ali with Obaid Ur Rehman: Optimality Study of China’s Crude Oil Imports through China Pakistan Economic Corridor using Fuzzy TOPSIS and Cost-Benefit Analysis. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (2021) ESCI, WOS, Q1, IF- 10.6. ABDC- A*
- Yousaf Ali with Hamza Pervez: A quantitative assessment of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from conventional and modular construction: A case of a developing country. In Journal of Cleaner Production. (2021) ESCI, WOS, Q1 IF-11.1. ABDC-A
- Yousaf Ali with Amin Ullah : Sustainable supplier selection for the cold supply chain (CSC) in the context of a developing country. . Environ Dev Sustain (2021). ESCI, WOS, Q2, IF-4.9.
- Yousaf Ali with Talal Bin Saad and Obaid ur Rehman: Integration of IoT technologies in Construction Supply Chain Networks; CPEC a Case in Point. In Sustainable operations and computers.SCOPUS
- Yousaf Ali with Abdul Haseeb and Aminullah Khan: Moving toward green mobility: Overview and analysis of electric vehicle selection, Pakistan a Case in Point. Environment, Development and sustainability journal by Springer. ESCI, WoS IF-4.9 .
- Yousaf Ali with Hassaan Tariq, Amin Ullah Khan and Antonella Petrillo: Sustainable production of diapers and their potential outputs for the Pakistani market in the circular economy perspective, Journal: Science of the Total Environment. ELsevier. Q1, IF-9.8
- Yousaf Ali with Shamsher Lala, Abdur Reham and Muhammad Sabir: Economic Viability of foreign investment in public transport of Pakistan: Orange Line Metro Train in focus; In Journal of Transnational Corporation Review by Taylor & Francis.ABDC-C,IF-3.3.ESCI WoS
- Yousaf Ali with Irum Irfan: Religious Tourism in Pakistan: Scope, Obstacles & Strategies. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism by Taylor and Francis: IF-1.9.ESCI-WoS– ABDC-B
- Yousaf Ali with B. Mehmood; M Huzaufa; U Yasir and Amin U Khan: Development of a New Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method for a Car Selection Scenario. Journal: Facta Universitatis Series: Mechanical Engineering. ESCI, WoS; · SCOPUS (Elsevier) – IF-7.7.
- Yousaf Ali with Suddiyas Nawaz: Analyzing the influence of social, cultural, behavioral traits on cycling and walking in Pakistan. In journal of Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Elsevier. Scopus.
- Yousaf Ali with Amin Ullah Khan: AHP & ANP techniques and their applications: Twenty years review from 2000 to 2019. in the International Journal of Analytic Hierarchy Process. Vol 12. No-3 (2020). Q4.SCOPUS.
- Ali, Yousaf; Younus, Ahsan ; Khan, Amin ; Pervez, Hamza, “IMPACT OF LEAN, SIX SIGMA AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY ON THE PERFORMANCE OF SMES”: International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Emerald.IF-2.8.ESCI, ABDC-B.
- Ali Yousaf; Asadullah Khan; Ghani Khan; Zeeshan Ahmed “Evaluation of Effectiveness of Fence on a Country’s Border: A case Study of Pak-Afghan Border Fence“. Journal of International Migration and Integration. Springer. IF-1.3. ABDC-C. ESCI
- Yousaf Ali with Muhammad Bilal and Muhammad Sabir: Impacts of Transport Strike on Pakistan Economy: An Inoperability Input-Output Model (IIOM) Approach in Journal of Research in Transportation Economics – Journal – Elsevier. IF-3.8– ABDC-B.
- Yousaf Ali with Rosita Pretarolli, Muhammad Sabir, Claudio Socci and Francesca severini: Structural Changes in Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions in the United Kingdom (UK): An Emission Multiplier Product Matrix (EMPM) Approach. Journal Mitigation and adoptation strategies for global change by Springer. IF-4 .
- Yousaf Ali with Hameem Bin Hameed and Amin Ullah Khan: Regional development through tourism in Balochistan under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Journal of China Tourism Research.IF 1.7 ESCI. ABDC-B .
- Yousaf Ali with Muhammad Sabir, Imran Khan & Aneel Salman: Plant Species Selection for Afforestation: A case study of the Billion Tree Tsunami Project of Pakistan. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. Taylor & Francis. IF 1.4 .
- Yousaf Ali with Hamza Pervez and Jehangir Khan: Selection of the Most Feasible Wastewater Treatment Technology in Pakistan Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM):Journal of Water Conservation Science and Engineering, IF-2 Springer.
- Yousaf Ali with MZ Khan, HB Sultan, M Hasan, S Baloch: Future of currency: a comparison between traditional, digital fiat and cryptocurrency exchange mediums: International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies. Inderscience publisher.
- Yousaf Ali with Shayan Arif, Fahad munir, Muhammad Bilal Azeem and Amin Ullah khan: CAN INDIA-PAKISTAN SPORTS PROMOTE PEACE? A MCDM APPROACH. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Scopus.
- Yousaf Ali with Hameem Bin Hameed and Antonella Petrillo: Environmental risk assessment of E-waste in developing countries by using the modified-SIRA method: Science of the Total Environment. ELsevier.IF-9.8
- Yousaf Ali with Abrar Ahmed, Zainab Ahmed Shaha and Asees Awan: Preventing radicalism in educational institutions: Pakistan a case in Point. Journal of Public Affairs. John Wiley. ABDC-B. IF-2.5
- Yousaf Ali with Feroz Khan and Amin Ullah Khan: Sustainable hybrid electric vehicle selection in the context of a developing country. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, pp.1-11. IF- 5.1 Springer.
- Yousaf Ali with Muhammad Waseem Khan: Sustainable construction: Lessons learnt from Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA). Journal . Construction Innovation, Information, Process, Management By Emerald.IF- 2.9 ABDC-B (
- Yousaf Ali with Sania Binte Saleem and Muhammad Sabir: Structural Decomposition Analysis (SDA) to Investigate the changes in Energy Consumption in Pakistan. Journal of System Science and Complexity. IF-2.1 by Springer.
- Yousaf Ali wit Muhammad Abdullah Khalid: Economic impact assessment of natural disaster with multi-criteria decision making for interdependent infrastructures. Journal: Environment, Development and Sustainability IF-4.9.
- Yousaf Ali with Muhammad Sabir, Muhammad Bilal, Mehnab Ali and A.A. Khan: Economic Viability of Foreign Investment in Railways: A Case Study of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor . The Engineering Economist Journal by Taylor and Francis. IF-1.2 .ABDC-B(
- Yousaf Ali with Muhammad Asees Awan: “ Sustainable modelling in reverse logistics strategies Using fuzzy MCDM: Case of China Pakistan Economic Corridor” Management of Environmental Quality An International Journal (Emerald) IF-4.8 ESCI -ISI ( ABDC-C, AJG1).
- Yousaf Ali with Saad, Talal Bin; Sabir, Muhammad; Muhammad, Noor; Salman , Aneel ; Zeb, Khaqan: “Integration of Green Supply Chain Management practices in construction supply chain of CPEC” in Management of Environmental Quality An International Journal (Emerald)IF-4.8ESCI -ISI ( ABDC-C, AJG 1)
- Yousaf Ali with Muhammad Waseem khan, Antonella Petrillo and Fabio De Felice: : Occupational Health and Safety in Construction Industry in Pakistan Using Modified-SIRA Method. Journal-Safety science (ABDC-A) Elsevier IF-6.1.
- Yousaf Ali with M. Asees Awan; M. Bilal; Jehangir Khan; Antonella Petrillo and Arshad. A. Khan: “Risk Assessment of China-Pakistan Fiber Optic Project (CPFOP) in the light of Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)” in Journal of Advanced Engineering Informatics. Elsevier – IF – 8.8 . volume-40.
- Yousaf Ali with (Mumtaz, U., Petrillo, A) (2018) :A linear regression approach to evaluate the green supply chain management impact on industrial organizational performance in Journal: Science of the Total Environment, IF-9.8
- Yousaf Ali, with Maurizio Ciaschini, Claudio Socci , Rosita Pretaroli and Muhammad Sabir :Identifying the sources of Structural changes in CO2 emissions in Italy. Journal of Economia Politica (2019)-Springer- IF-1.8 (SSCI -JCR).
- Yousaf Ali with Muhammad Sabir and Noor Muhammad: “A Comparative Input-Output Analysis of the Construction Sector in Three Developing Economies of South Asia” in Journal of Construction Management and Economics by Taylor & Francis.IF-2.9 . ESCI-Scopus-(ABDC-A)
- Yousaf Ali with Muhammad Abdullah Khalid: Analyzing Economic Impact on Interdependent Infrastructue After Flood Pakistan a Case in Point. In journal of Environmental Hazards-Human & Policy Dimensions. Taylor & Francis– IF-3.8. (SSCI)
- Yousaf Ali with Muhammad Waseem Khan, Fabi D Feicie, Aneel Salman and Antonella Petrillo: Impact of brick kilns industry on environment and human health in Pakistan. Science of the Total Environment, IF-9.8
- Yousaf Ali with (Waseem, M., Mumtaz, U., Salman, A., Noor, M., Sabir, M): Identification of Factors Influencing the Rise of Cesarean Sections Rates in Pakistan, using MCDM. in International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance by Emarald publishing.IF-1.4 ESCI-Scopus-(ABDC-C, AJG-1) Academic Journal Guide
- Yousaf S, Ali Y, Sabir M, Masood MT. Production planning of Pakistan Tobacco Company (PTC) using quantitative and multiple-criteria decision analysis—A case in-point. Journal of Multi-Crit Decision Analysis. 2017;1–18. (John Wiley)IF-1.8– (ISI)- ABDC-B.
- Yousaf Ali with (El Meligi, M. Ciaschini, C. Socci, R. Pretaroli and F. Severeni). The Inoperability Extended Multisectoral Model and the role of Income Distribution: a UK case study” in the Review of Income and Wealth Journal. (John Wiley– IF-2 (ABDC-A) (
- Yousaf Ali with (Mumtaz, U., Petrillo, A; Felice, P) (2018) :Identifying the critical factors of green supply chain management: Environmental benefits in Pakistan in Journal: Science of the Total Environment, Elsevier: IF 9.8
- Yousaf Ali with (Jillani, A., Waseem, M) : Greening of Humanitarian Supply Chain with Focus on Logistics, International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling: Inderscience Publisher, Scopus (Elsevier) Switzerland. AJG-1,
- Yousaf Ali with (Sabir, M., Noor, M): Refugees and Host Country Nexus: A Case Study of Pakistan in Journal of International Migration and Integration, Springer. ESCI-Scopus. IF 1.2.(ABDC-C)
- Yousaf Ali with Zainab Ahmed Shah and Amin Ullah: Post-Terrorism Image Recovery of Tourist Destination: A Qualitative Approach Using Fuzzy-VIKOR in Journal of Tourism Analysis: Revista de Análisis Turístico. Emerald Publishing Scopus.
- Yousaf Ali, Zaeem Rasheed, Noor Muhammad and Salman Yousaf; Energy Optimization in the wake of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Journal of Control and Decision by Taylor & Francis.IF 1.4 (Scopus)
- Yousaf Ali with Suddiyas Nawaz: Impacts of cycling and walking on health, environment and society: Pakistan a case in Point in International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics (IJEES). IF 0.1. ESCI – ABDC-C, AJG-1 (Issue No. 4, Vol. 40, 2019)
- Yousaf Ali with Sania Binte Saleem: Effect of Lifestyle Changes and Consumption Patterns on Environmental Impact: A comparison Study of Pakistan and China in the Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment by Taylor & Francis.IF 9.2 ESCI
- Yousaf Ali with Khaqan Zeb and Muhammad Waseem: Factors influencing environment and human health by cement industry: Pakistan a case in Point in Management of Environmental Quality An International Journal .IF-4.8 ESCI ABDC-C.
- Yousaf Ali with Muhammad Razi: Social, Environmental and Economic impacts of adopting clean energy use in International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST) (IGI Global) Volume 11, Issue 4, IF-0.9 ESCI -SCOPUS . https://doi: 10.4018/IJDSST.2019100102
- Yousaf Ali with Muhammad Razi: Ranking renewable energy production methods based on Economic and Environmental criteria using multi-criteria decision analysis. In Journal of Environment Systems and Decision. Springer
- Yousaf Ali · Memoona · Claudio Socci · Sania Binte Saleem: Can coal replace other fossil fuels to fulfil the energy demand in Pakistan? An environmental impact analysis. Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science.IF-1.4. ESCI, Scopus.
- Yousaf Ali with Muhammad Razi, Antonella Pretaroli and Muhammad Sabir: A VIKOR based approach for assessing the social, environmental and economic effects of “smog” on human health Journal: Science of the Total Environment Elsevier : IF 9.8
- Yousaf Ali with (Nawaz, S). Factors Affecting the Performance of Water Treatment Plants in Pakistan , Journal: Water Conservation Science and Engineering. Springer SCOPUS:IF 2.0
- Yousaf Ali with (Sabir, M., Noor, M): Forecasting incidence of Dengue and Selecting Best Method for Prevention, Journal of Pakistan Medical Association, (ISI Indexed/ IF=0.8) Vol. 68, No. 9, 2018
- Yousaf Ali., with Ishfaq, S., Ali, S., (2018) Selection of Optimum Renewable energy source for Energy Sector in Pakistan by using MCDM approach;in Journal: Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability. Springer. IF=2.4 ESCI, Scopus-ISSN:2509-4246
- Yousaf Ali., Socci, C., Pretaroli, R. and Severini, F., 2017. Economic and Environmental Impact of Transport Sector on Europe Economy. Asia-Pacific Journal of regional science, ESCI, Scopus.Springer. IF-1.4 .
- Yousaf Ali., with Aslam, Z., Dar, S, H., Mumtaz, U., (2018) A Multi Criteria Decision Analysis of Solid Waste Treatment Options in Pakistan: Lahore City a case in Point;in Journal: Environment Systems & Decisions. Springer-ISSN:2194-5411 (Environ Syst Decis (2018).
- Yousaf Ali, Ali Asghar Muzafar, Noor Muhammad and Aneel Salman: Selection of a Fighter Aircraft to Improve the Effectiveness of Air Combat in War on Terror: Pakistan Air Force – A Case in Point. Volume 9 Issue 2. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process IJAHP (
- Yousaf Ali, Naveed Iftikhar and Cedric Aimal Edwin: Assessment of Career Selection Problems in Developing Countries: A MCDM approach. Volume 9 Issue 2. SCOPUS. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process IJAHP-
- Yousaf Ali, Masab Butt, Muhammad Sabir, Ubaidullah Mumtaz and Aneel Salman: Selection of Suitable Site in Pakistan for Wind Power Plant Installation Using AHP approach. in Journal of Control and Decision by Taylor & Francis.IF-1.4 (Scopus) (
- Yousaf Ali., with Sabir, M., Khalid, A., Mumtaz, U., (2017) Adopting Lean Production in Packaging Department of Frito-Lay (Lays) to Reduce the Labor Cost, ICMA Pakistan’s Research Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pp-62-70
- Yousaf Ali., Pretaroli, R., Socci, C and Severini, F., 2017. Carbon and Water Foot printing of Italy: A Multi-Region Input-Output approach. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews – JCR 2019, Elsevier IF- 15.9
- Yousaf Ali., Ciaschini, M., Socci, C., Pretaroli, R. and Severini, F., 2017. An Analysis of CO2 emissions in Italy through the Macro Multiplier (MM) approach. Journal of Cleaner Production. JCR 2019, Elsevier (ABDC-A) IF- 11.1
- Yousaf Ali, Carbon, Water and Land use accounting: Consumption vs Production perspectives: Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 67(2017)921–934. Elsevier IF- 15.9
- Yousaf Ali: Measuring CO2 emission linkages with the hypothetical extraction method (HEM). Journal of Ecological indicators 54 (2015) 171-183. ). Elsevier IF- 6.9
- Yousaf Ali, Maurizio Ciaschini, Rosita Pretaroli, Claudio Socci: Measuring the Economic Landscape of Italy: target efficiency and control effectiveness. Journal of industrial and Business economics (Springer) IF- 4.6- AJG-1, ABDC-C.
- Yousaf Ali: The Water Footprints of Italy: An Input-Output Approach. Book (Sustainable development for territories. Threats and opportunities. 2016 eum edizioni università di macerata.
- C.Socci, Yousaf Ali, Maurizio. C, Pretaroli.R, Francesca.S: Estimating the economic Impact of Tourism Industry Through the MM approach. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania. Series V: Economic Sciences • Vol. 9 (58) No. 2 – 2016.
- Yousaf Ali, C. Socci, M.Ciaschini, R. Pretarolli. Economic relevance of Tourism industry: the Italian case. Universita degli Studi di Macerata, Italy; Dipartimento di Economia e Diritto. Quaderno di Dipartimento n. 72
Book Chapter
Yousaf Ali, Amin Ullah Khan, Muhammad Usama Hakeem and Ahmed Raza Qureshi: 5G Technology Feasibility and Challenges from an International Point of View. In Book titled “CONCEPTS IN SMART SOCIETIES Next-generation of Human Resources and Technologies” published 2024 by by CRC Press 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
- Ali, Y: Measuring Financial Risk Modelling: With Crystal ball + Excel and Pc Give 2013, Macerata, Italy: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing 116. (Available at Amazon at
- Ali, Y. UH, Mahboob. Awan, A. Iqbal, MF. Haseeb, MA: Fuzzy MCDM modeling for controling Smog Formation: A case of Pakistan. Chapter 14 in book “Sustainability Modeling in Engineering by World Scientific.
An Application of the Multiregional Input-Output Model (MRIIM) approach to assess the disruptions caused by the Earthquake in Turkey. 29th IIOA Conference in ALGHERO, Sardinia, Italy (June 2023) & 11th edition of the International School of Input-Output Analysis 25th-30th June 2023 Alghero, Italy.
- A Multi-Criteria Cost-Benefit Analysis to optimize the oil supply networks. 20th International Conference on Modelling and Applied Simulation 16-18 September (2021).Poland. DOI:
- Women entrepreneurship in developing countries: Simulation-based Fuzzy TOPSIS approach. 19th International Conference on Modelling and Applied Simulation 16-18 September (2020). Athens, Greece. DOI: 10.46354/i3m.2020.mas.001
- Risk assessment in supply chain networks of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): Paper presented at CPEC- MANAGING THE CHANGE. China Pakistan Management Initiative at Suleman Dawood School of Business, LUMS. 17 to 18 January 2019
- Supply Chain Optimization of Oil Refineries, Case of Pakistan oil Refinery Ltd. (PRL): paper presented at National conference on Professional Trends in Industrial & Systems Engineering at University of Engineering & Technology (24-25 April 2018), Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan.
- Optimization of Emergency Procedure in Hospitals: Peshawar City a Case in Point: paper presented at National conference on Professional Trends in Industrial & Systems Engineering at University of Engineering & Technology (24-25 April 2018), Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan.
- Measuring the impact and recovery pattern of a flood using the dynamic input-output inoperability model (DIIM) Pakistan a Case in Point (25th International Input-Output Conference – Resort Casino Hotel, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA 2017)
- Yousaf Ali: Estimating the economic impact of the tourism industry through the MM approach: Paper presented at the 22nd International Input-Output Conference, 14-18 July 2014 Lisbon, Portugal).
- Yousaf Ali: An Input-Output-based methodology to assess the economic and environmental impact of the transport sector on the European economy. Paper presented in the 23rd IIOA conference, 2015, Mexico.
- Yousaf Ali: Inoperability Extended multisectoral model (IEMM) for the interdependent system; UK case, Paper presented in the 23rd IIOA conference, 2015, Mexico
- Yousaf Ali: The Interactions between Pakistan economic growth and dominant sectors in final energy consumption: An Input-Output Approach. International Conference on next-generation energy technologies, 1st-3rd April 2016, GIK Institute, Pakistan.
- Yousaf Ali: Resource Optimization to escalate the efficiency of the security in educational Institutions: Pakistan a Case in Point. 1st international Research Symposium (IRS) 2016 organized by ICMA Pakistan at PC Lahore.
- Yousaf Ali: Adopting Lean production in the packaging department of Frito-Lay (LAYS) to reduce the labor cost. 1st international Research Symposium (IRS) 2016 organized by ICMA Pakistan at PC Lahore.
Journal Reviewer Panel
- Process Integration and optimization for Sustainability, Springer
- Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis by John Wiley,
- Ecological Economics, Elsevier
- Journal of Control & Decision, Taylor & Francis
- Journal of Economics & Management by Taylor & Francis
- Transportation research Interdisciplinary perspective by Elsvier
Courses Taught
Graduate Courses
- EM521 : Operations Management
- EM502 : Quantitative decision Analysis
- EM523 : Quality Management
- EM561: Project managmeent
Undergraduate Courses
- MS102 : Business Ststistics
- MS101 : Business mathematics
- MS446 : Business economic Forecasdting
- MS361 : Operations and production management
- MS426 : Project management
- MS436 : Technology management
- EM 102: Engineering Statistics