Dr. Saima Aftab

DR. SAIMA AFTAB Assistant Professor School of Management Sciences

Saima Aftab, PhD

Assistant Professor


An educationist by choice. Saima Aftab has obtained PhD degree from Foundation University Islamabad. She completed her MS in HRM from Muhammad Ali Jinnah University with a “Very High Distinction” and her MBA (HRM) from the same university with a “Gold Medal”. She has more than 15 years of diverse experience of teaching and training in public and private sector organizations in the field of Human Resource Management and Soft Skills Development respectively. She specializes in teaching, analyzing, researching people management issues using people centric approach. The main focus of her research is in the broader domains of Leadership, Emotions, Cognitive behaviors and Organizational development with a proven track record of publications in local and international journals of repute. She also has extensive experience in policy making, policy revision and developing performance management systems in organizations. 

Currently she has been appointed as “Research Fellow” in “INTI International University, Malaysia”. This appointment entails international engagement and collaboration in research activities including funded research, funded joint research projects, Full sponsorship to publish research outputs in INTI IU’s own journals and Opportunity to participate in scholarly activities organized by INTI International University, including research symposiums, academic conferences, research opportunities, guest lectures, mirror classes, visiting scholars, etc.  

Research Interests

  • Agile leadership, Abusive Leadership, Organizational Behavior, Cognitive psychology, Employee Emotions, Leadership in times of transformation, Industrial Organizational Psychology


  • Ph.D., Human Resource Management, Foundation University Islamabad, 2007 - 2021
  • M.S., HRM, Muhammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad, 2010
  • M.B.A., HRM, Muhammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad, 2007


  • 1. Khalid, K., Aftab, S., (2023). Women Glass ceiling beliefs and their perceived career progression: A comparative study of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja– IF 3.08, 36 (3) HEC - W category, Honorable Mention, Q1, WOS, Scopus, SSCI.
  • 2. Aftab, S., Khalid, K., & Waheed, A., Aftab, A., Adnan, A. Role of Agile Leadership in Managing Inter-Role Conflicts for A Satisfying Job and Life During Covid-19 VUCA world. (2022). Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 13. IF 4.232. HEC - W category, Silver Medallion, SSCI, Q1, JCI 1.04, WOS, Scopus.
  • 3. Aftab, S., & Waheed, A., (2022). Abusive Leadership and Proactive Behaviours - Role of Family Motivation as a Moderator. Human Systems Management, 41(4), 453-466. Doi: 10.3233/HSM-211545. IF – 2.32, WOS, Scopus.
  • 4. Hussain, K., Aftab, S., Chaudhry, M. G. (2022). Person-Organization Fit as determinant of Constructive Deviance Behavior: the mediating role of Psychological Ownership and the moderating role of Collectivist Orientation. A Conditional Process Analysis. Journal for Applied Economics and Business Studies, 6(1), 25-52. DOI: 10.34260/jaebs.612 (Y-category)
  • 5. Aftab, S., & Waheed, A., (2021). Proactive Employee Behaviors and Organizational Development: The Role of Self-Efficacy as a Moderator. Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review, 2(1), 232-243. https://doi.org/10.36902/rjsser-vol2-iss1-2021. (Y- Category)
  • 6. Aftab, S., & Khalid, K. (2020). 4 C’s of work environment and organizational performance: mediating role of individual performance. International transaction journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied sciences and Technologies. 11(2), 1-16. (ESCI, WOS, Y-Category)
  • 7. Aftab, S., Khalid, K., (2018). Mediation model of interrelationships among 4C’s of work environment, employee performance and organizational performance in Pakistani organizations. Asia Proceedings of Social Sciences 2(3) 176-180. Future of marketing and management, 4th Asia International Conference (AIC).
  • 8. Khalid, K., Aftab, S., (2017), “Employees’ Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards as Stimulus of Forms of Employee’s Organizational Commitment: A Study of Higher Education Institutions of Pakistan”. Vol. 1, issue 4, pp. 9 – 24, International Journal of Law, Humanities & Social Science (IJLHSS)
  • 9. Aftab, S., (2007) “Exploratory Study of Human Resource Development; A Study Focusing on the Areas of Islamabad, Rawalpindi And Wah Region”, International Business Research Journal, Australia, 3(3), 36-55, ISSN: 1832-9543 (online) and ISSN: 1837-5685 (Print), 6th International Business Research Conference, Hong Kong, http://www.bizresearchpapers.com/SaimaAftab.pdf
  • 10. Does the Organizational Support and Identification Effect Green HRM Practices to Generate Sustainable Pro-environmental Behaviour? (Foresight – ESCI, WOS, Scopus, X-Category – Review Complete)
  • 12. Role of exploitative leadership in vertical knowledge withholding. (Sage open– IF 2.032, Review complete)
  • 13. Contributing factors of Non-Sustained Cities in Pakistan: Recommendations and a Way Forward (Human Systems Management – IF 2.32 – In review)
  • 14. Impact of perceived threat of Covid on mental health and turnover intentions of employees (under review)
  • 15. Role of age and grit in converting negative emotions into proactive behaviors. (under review)

Case Studies

  • 1. Aftab, S., (2016), “Should I stay or should I go: the first 90 days at work”: A case study, 16-0005-1, The Case Center, UK
  • 2. Bhatti, K., Aftab, S., (2016), “Sometimes You Make A Right Decision; Sometimes You Make The Decision Right”: A case study, 416-0081-1, The Case Center, UK
  • 3. Bhatti, K., Aftab, S., (2016), “Turnover kills”: A case study, 416-0081-1, The Case Center, UK
  • 4. Aftab, S., Ramay, M., (2007), “Please let me do my work”: A case study, 407-046-1, The Case Center, UK
  • 5. Aftab, S.,(2005) “Business Continuity and Data Recovery”, A Teaching Note, 905-009-6, European Case Clearing House, U.K

Book Chapter

  • "Blue Ocean Leadership and Hope Preservation through Self connection," for the upcoming book, "Innovative Human Resource Management for SMEs." IGI Global – WOS & Scopus indexed.

Research Supervision / Co-Supervision

  • 1. Umair Saleem – Blue Ocean Leadership (2023) (Ongoing).
  • 2. Syed Muhammad Muzaffar. UW-19-MGT-MS-003. (2023). The Role of Leader-Member Exchange in the Relationship between Leadership Styles and Employees’ Pro-Environmental Behavior.
  • 3. Umair Sana, UW-19-MGT-MS-004. (2022). Moderating effect of organizational support on the relationship between work culture and employee engagement during pandemic
  • 4. Junaid Saeed. UW-17-MGT-MS-001. (2021). A Hypothetical Framework Linking Employees’ Attitudes and Organizational Citizenship Behavior for Environment at Workplace


Case teaching methodology90%
Case writing75%
People Management80%
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