Dr. Hadeed Ahmed Sher

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Dr. Hadeed Ahmed Sher

Associate Professor (HEC approved PhD Supervisor)

Qualifications: Ph.D Electrical Engineering, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia (2016), M.Sc Electrical Engineering, UET Lahore (2008), B.Sc Electrical Engineering, BZU Multan(2006)
Research Interests: Photovoltaic applications, Power Electronics, Maximum Power Point Tracking, Renewable Energy

Short Bio

Dr. Hadeed Ahmed Sher, a Senior Member of IEEE, earned his B.Sc. degree in 2005, M.Sc. degree in 2008, and Ph.D. degree in 2016, all in electrical engineering. He received the prestigious Research Excellence Award from the KSU College of Engineering in 2012 and 2015. Dr. Sher specializes in renewable energy integration, including both standalone and grid-tied systems, and played a pivotal role in establishing a 2 MW distributed generation solar PV plant at GIKI. He is also a co-founder of the Open Energy Audit Lab, a 30 kW grid-tied solar PV experimental facility at GIKI. 

Dr. Sher has developed numerous advanced algorithms for fault detection, localization, classification, and isolation in PV energy systems. His prolific research contributions include over 60 publications in IEEE Transactions, peer-reviewed journals, and leading international conferences. He serves as a member of the IEEE IES Technical Committees on Renewable Energy Systems and Power Electronics and is an Associate Editor for the IET Renewable Power Generation journal. 

Areas of Specialization

  1. Design of Photovoltaic system
  2. Power Electronics
  3. Electrical Machine Drives
  4. Modeling and simulation


  1. Linear circuit analysis
  2. Electronic devices and circuits
  3. Electric Machines
  4. Power Electronics
  5. Renewable Electrical Energy Systems
  6. Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Engineering


  1. EE-513 | Power converter design, control and applications
  2. EE-521 | Switch Mode Power Supplies
  3. EE-571 | Electronics for energy control
  4. EE-621 | Power Processing for Photovoltaic Systems

CPD Activities and Invited Talks

  1. Writing papers  for Scientific Journals, The Does and Dont’s
  2. Solar PV Energy and Solar Cell Technologies
  3. Energy Storage Technologies
  4. Renewable Energy Landscape : Local, Regional & Global Perspective
  5. Ensuring Electrical Safety: Best Practices, Hazards, and Risk Mitigation

Books and Book Chapters

[B3] Sher, Hadeed AhmedLinear Circuit Analysis Laboratory Manual” unpublished

[B2] Sher, Hadeed Ahmed, and Ali Faisal Murtaza. “Electrical models of photovoltaic modules” In Performance Enhancement and Control of Photovoltaic Systems, pp. 115-132. Elsevier, 2024.

[B1] Sher, Hadeed Ahmed, Khaled E Addoweesh, Yasin Khan “Harmonics Generation, Propagation and Purging Techniques in Non-Linear Loads” In An Update on Power Quality. InTech Open, 2013.

Refereed Journal Publications


[Y1][J44] Murtaza, Ali Faisal, Muhammad Hanan Azam, Abdulrahman Alsafrani, and Hadeed Ahmed Sher. “A unique architecture of photovoltaic system for flexible power control of LVDC homes.” Energy Reports 13 (2025): 2531-2544.

2024 :

[Y8][J43] Ahmad, Hilal, Taqi Ahmad Cheema, Hadeed Ahmed Sher, and Cheol Woo Park. “Green hydrogen production from thermoelectric condensation of ambient moist air.” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2024), Impact Factor 8.1 and ISI Indexed

[Y7][J42] Chauhdary, Sohaib Tahir, Faisal Mumtaz, Hadeed Ahmed Sher, Sulaiman Z. Almutairi, Ali S. Aljumah, Ali Faisal Muratza, and Mohammed H. Alqahtani. “Particle Filter-based Passive Islanding Detection Scheme for Renewable Energy Penetrated Distribution Systems.” IEEE Access (2024), Impact Factor 3.4 and ISI Indexed

[Y6][J41] Khan, Hamid, Hadeed Ahmed Sher, Afaq Hussain, Abdullah M. Noman, Ali Faisal Murtaza, and Kareem M. AboRas. “Improved RCC-Based MPPT Strategy for Enhanced Solar Energy Harvesting in Shaded Environments.” IEEE Access (2024), Impact Factor 3.4 and ISI Indexed

[Y5][J40] Murtaza, Ali Faisal, Hadeed Ahmed Sher, Talal Alharbi, and Filippo Spertino. “A Single Sensor based Detection Mechanism for LL/LG faults of PV array.” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2024), Impact Factor 5.6 and ISI Indexed

[Y4][J39] Gull, Muhammad Naveed, Taqi Ahmad Cheema, Abid Imran, Naeem Uz Zaman, Hadeed Ahmed Sher, and Cheol Woo Park. “Multiphysics performance evaluation of thermoelectric generator arrays.” Applied Thermal Engineering 249 (2024): 123348.

[Y3][J38] Chauhdary, Sohaib Tahir, Mazhar Hussain Baloch, Mohammed Alqahtani, Hadeed Ahmed Sher, Sulaiman Z. Almutairi, Ali Faisal Muratza, and Ali Aljumah. “Fast Passive Anti-Islanding Strategy for AC Microgrids using Cubature Kalman Filtering Algorithm.” IEEE Access (2024), Impact Factor 3.4 and ISI Indexed

[Y2][J37] Mumtaz, Faisal, Taha Saeed Khan, Mohammed Alqahtani, Hadeed Ahmed Sher, Ali S. Aljumah, and Sulaiman Z. Almutairi. “Ultra High-Speed Fault Diagnosis Scheme for DC Distribution Systems based on Discrete Median filter and Mathematical Morphology.” IEEE Access (2024), Impact Factor 3.4 and ISI Indexed

[Y1][J36] Khan, M. Usman, Ali Faisal Murtaza, Abdullah M. Noman, Hadeed Ahmed Sher, and Maria Zafar. “State-Space Modeling, Design, and Analysis of the DC-DC Converters for PV Application: A Review.” Sustainability 16, no. 1 (2023), Impact Factor 3.3 and ISI Indexed

2023 : 

[Y5][J35] Nadeem, A, Ahmed Sher, H, Faisal Murtaza, A, Ahmed, N. An improved 0.8 Voc model-based global maximum power point tracking algorithm for photovoltaic system. Int. J Circuit Theory and Applications. 2023;  1-21. Impact Factor 2.3 and ISI indexed  doi:10.1002/cta.3869

[Y4][J34] Noman, Abdullah M., Hamed Khan, Hadeed Ahmed Sher, Sulaiman Z. Almutairi, Mohammed H. Alqahtani, and Ali S. Aljumah. “Scaled Conjugate Gradient Artificial Neural Network-Based Ripple Current Correlation MPPT Algorithms for PV System.” Int. J Photoenergy (2023), Impact Factor 3.2 and ISI indexed.

[Y3][J33] Murtaza, Ali Faisal, and Hadeed Ahmed Sher. “A Reconfiguration Circuit to Boost the Output Power of a Partially Shaded PV String.” Energies 16, no. 2 (2023) Impact Factor 3.2 and ISI indexed

[Y2][J32] H, Rehman., Ahmed, N., Sher, H.A., Al‐Durra, A. and Hasanien, H.M., Comprehensive analysis and design of a switched‐inductor type low inductance‐requirement DC‐DC buck‐boost converter for low power applications. IET Power Electronics (2023) Impact Factor 2.112 and ISI indexed

[Y1][J31] Nadeem, Ahsan, Hadeed Ahmed Sher, Ali Faisal Murtaza, Nisar Ahmed, and Ahmed Al-Durra. “An improved sliding mode control–based GMPPT algorithm for photovoltaic system.” Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control (2023) Impact Factor 2.146 and ISI indexed

2022 : 

[Y5][J30] Muhammad Zakir, Ammar Arshad, Hadeed Ahmed Sher, Ahmad Al-Durra “Design and Implementation of A Fault Detection Method for a PV-Fed DC-Microgrid with Power Control Mechanism” IET Electric Power Applications, 2022, Impact Factor 2.568 and ISI indexed

[Y4][J29] Ali Faisal Murtaza, Hadeed A. Sher, Usman Fahad, Ali Nasir, Filippo Spertino “Efficient MPP Tracking of Photovoltaic (PV) Array through Modified Boost Converter with Simple SMC Voltage Regulator” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Volume13, Issue 3. July 2022. Impact Factor 8.31 and ISI indexed

[Y3][J28] Rehman, H., Murtaza, A.F., Sher, H.A., Noman, A.M., Al-Shamma’a, A.A., Alkuhayli, A. and Spertino, F., “Neighboring-Pixel-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm for Partially Shaded Photovoltaic (PV) Systems” Electronics, 11(3), p.359. January 2022, Impact Factor 2.397 and ISI indexed

[Y2][J27] Khan, M. U., Hasan, K. M., Murtaza, A. F., Usman, H. M., Sher, H. A. “A Robust MPPT Control Based on Double Ended Forward Converter Architecture” CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Volume 70 No.1, January 2022, Impact Factor 3.772 and ISI indexed

[Y1][J26] Muhammad Zakir, Hadeed A. Sher, Ammar Arshad, Matti Lehtonen “A Fault Detection,Localization, and Categorization Method for PV Fed DC-Microgrid with Power-Sharing Management among the Nano-Grids”  International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems Volume137, May. 2022. Impact Factor 4.63 and ISI indexed

2021 : 

[Y8][J25] Ali Faisal Murtaza, Hadeed A. Sher, Filippo Spertino, et.al.,“A Novel MPPT Technique Based on Mutual Coordination between Two PV Modules/Arrays ” Energies, Vol. 14, Issue 21, 2021. Impact Factor 3.004 and ISI indexed and Energy Systems, 2021. Impact Factor 4.630 and ISI indexed

[Y7][J24] Usman Rafiq,Ali Faisal Murtaza, Hadeed A. Sher, Dario Gandini “Design and Analysis of a Novel High-Gain DC-DC Boost Converter with Low Component Count” Electronics, Vol. 10, Issue 15, 2021. Impact Factor 2.397 and ISI indexed

[Y6][J23] Ahsan Mehmood, Hadeed A. Sher, Ali F Murtaza, Kamal Al-Haddad “A Diode Based Fault Detection, Classification and Localization Method for Photovoltaic Array” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol 70, 2021. Impact Factor 3.658 and ISI indexed

[Y5][J22] Muhammad Adeel, Ahmad Kamal Hassan, Hadeed A. Sher, Ali Faisal Murtaza “A Grade Point Average Assessment of Analytical and Numerical Methods for Parameter Extraction of a Practical PV Device” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol 142, May 2021. Impact Factor 12.11 and ISI indexed

[Y4][J21] Ahsan Mehmood, Hadeed A. Sher, Ali F Murtaza, Kamal Al-Haddad “Fault Detection, Classification and Localization Algorithm for Photovoltaic Array” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol 36, Issue 4, 2021. Impact Factor 4.614 and ISI indexed

[Y3][J20] Ali F Murtaza, Hadeed A. Sher, Kamal Al-Haddad, Flippo Spertino “Module Level Electronic Circuit based PV array for Identification and Reconfiguration of Bypass Modules” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol 36,Issue 1, March 2021. Impact Factor 4.501 and ISI indexed

[Y2][J19] Daud Sibtain,Ali F. Murtaza,Naveed Ahmed, Hadeed A. Sher, Muhammad Majid Gulzar “ Multi Control Adaptive Fractional Order PID Control Approach for PV/Wind Connected Grid system” International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems Accepted for Publication, 2021 Impact Factor 1.692 and ISI indexed

[Y1][J18] Ahsan Nadeem, Hadeed A. Sher, Ali F Murtaza, Nisar Ahmed “Online sensorless estimator for PV open circuit voltage and short circuit current” Solar Energy Vol 213, January 2021 Impact Factor 4.608 and ISI indexed

2020 : 

[Y5][J17] Fahad Khan, Ali F Murtaza, Hadeed A. Sher, Kamal Al-Haddad, Faisal Mustafa “Cabling Constraints in PV Array Architecture: Design, Mathematical Model and Cost Analysis” IEEE Access, 2020 Impact Factor 4.728 and ISI indexed

[Y4][J16] Afaq Hussain, Hadeed A. Sher, Ali F Murtaza, Alireza Javedi, Kamal Al-Haddad “Transformerless  three Phase Variable Output Voltage DC/AC Standalone Power Converter Using Modified Restrictive Control Set Model Predictive Control” IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol.8 Issue 4, December 2020. Impact Factor 4.728 and ISI indexed

[Y3][J15] Afaq Hussain, Hadeed A. Sher, Ali F Murtaza, Kamal Al-Haddad “A Novel Sensor-Less Current  Technique for Photovoltaic System Using DC Transformer Model based Model Predictive Control” International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Volume 122, Nov. 2020. Impact Factor 4.418 and ISI indexed

[Y2][J14] Ali F Murtaza, Mohsin Bilal, R Ahmad, Hadeed A. SherA Circuit Analysis based Fault Finding Algorithm for Photovoltaic Array under L-L/L-G Faults” IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 8, Issue 3, September 2020. Impact Factor 4.728 and ISI indexed

[Y1][J13] Ahsan Nadeem, Hadeed A. Sher, Ali F Murtaza “An online fractional open circuit voltage maximum output power algorithm for photovoltaic modules” IET Renewable Power Generation, Vol.14, Issue 2, February 2020 Impact Factor 3.605 and ISI indexed

2019 : 

[Y2][J12] Afaq Hussain, Hadeed A. Sher, Ali F Murtaza, Kamal Al-Haddad “Improved Restricted Control Set Model Predictive Control (iRCS-MPC) based Maximum Power Point Tracking Of Photovoltaic Module” IEEE Access, Volume 7, October 2019. Impact Factor 4.098 and ISI indexed

[Y1][J11] R Ahmad, Ali F Murtaza, Hadeed A. Sher, “Power tracking techniques for efficient operation of  photovoltaic array in solar applications – A review” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 101, March 2019. Impact Factor 12.11 and ISI indexed

2018 : 

[Y1][J10] Hadeed A. Sher, Khaled E Addoweesh, and Kamal Al-Haddad “An Efficient and Cost Effective Hybrid MPPT Method for a Photovoltaic Flyback Micro-Inverter” IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy, Vol.9, Issue 3, July 2018. Impact Factor 6.235 and ISI indexed

2017 : 

[Y3][J9] Hadeed A. Sher, Arslan Abbas Rizvi, Khaled E Addoweesh, Kamal Al-Haddad “A Single Stage Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Energy System (SAPES) with High Tracking Efficiency” IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy, Vol.8, Issue 2, April 2017. Impact Factor 4.909 and ISI indexed https://bit.ly/2OvOGfh

[Y2][J8] Hadeed A. Sher, Khaled E Addoweesh, Zorays Khalid and Yasin Khan “Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Inverter Fed Induction Motor system under DC link Capacitor Failure” Journal of King Saud University: Engineering Sciences, Vol. 29, Issue 2, April 2017.

[Y1][J7] R Ahmad, Ali F Murtaza, Hadeed A. Sher, Umar Tabrez Shami, Saheed Olalekan “An analytical approach to study partial shading effects on PV array supported by literature” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 74, March 2017. Impact Factor 8.050 and ISI indexed

2016 : 

[Y1][J6] Hadeed A. Sher, Khaled E Addoweesh, Yasin Khan “Effect of short circuited DC link capacitor of an AC-DC-AC inverter on the performance of induction motor” Journal of King Saud University: Engineering Sciences, Vol. 28, Issue 2, July 2016.

2015 : 

[Y3][J5] Hadeed A. Sher, Ali F Murtaza, Abdullah Noman, Khaled E Addoweesh, Kamal Al-Haddad and Chiaberge M. “A new Sensorless hybrid MPPT algorithm based on Fractional Short Circuit Current Measurement and P&O MPPT ” IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy, Vol.6, Issue 4, October 2015.Impact Factor 4.909 and ISI indexed

[Y2][J4] Hadeed A. Sher, Ali F Murtaza,Khaled E Addoweesh, Chiaberge M. “Pakistan’s progress in solar PV based energy generation” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 47, July 2015. Impact Factor 8.050 and ISI indexed

[Y1][J3] Hadeed A. Sher, Ali F Murtaza, Abdullah Noman, Khaled E Addoweesh, Chiaberge M. “An intelligent control strategy of fractional short circuit current MPPT technique for PV applications” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol.7 Issue 1, January, 2015 Impact Factor 1.135 and ISI indexed

2012 : 

[Y2][J2] Hadeed A. Sher, Khaled E Addoweesh “Micro-Inverters – A promising solutions in solar photovoltaic” Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. 16 Issue 4, December, 2012 ISSN 0973-0826 Impact Factor 2.36 and ISI indexed

[Y1][J1] Hadeed A. Sher, Khaled E Addoweesh “Power storage options for hybrid electric vehicles – A survey” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 4 Issue 5, September, 2012 Online ISSN 1941-7012 Impact Factor 2.790 and ISI indexed

Selected Conference Publications


[C23] Ahmed, Fayaz, Hadeed Ahmed Sher “Modeling and Control of Boost Converter: Switched, Averaged, and State-Space Comparison.” In 2024 International Conference on Engineering & Computing Technologies (ICECT), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2024.

[C22] Bhatti, Abdur Rafay, Hasnain Lakhair, Hadeed Ahmed Sher, and Taqi Ahmed Cheema. “Portable Solar-Station with Integrated Battery Management and Load Monitoring System.” In MATEC Web of Conferences, vol. 398, p. 01025. EDP Sciences, 2024.

2023 :

[C21] Muhammad Adeel, Hadeed A. Sher, A. K. Hassan “A MATLAB Toolbox for the Extraction of PV Module Parameters Using Optimization Algorithms” In 25th International Multi Topic Conference (INMIC-2023), November 17-18, 2023, Lahore, Pakistan.

[C20] Murtaza, Ali Faisal, and Hadeed Ahmed Sher. “A Series Resonant Network based Boost Converter” In 2023 International Conference on Emerging Power Technologies (ICEPT), May 6-7. 2023 Topi, Pakistan.

2022 :

[C19] Muhammad Adeel, Hadeed A. Sher, A. K. Hassan and K. Al-Haddad, “Comparative Analysis of PV Parameter Extraction Algorithms,” IECON 2022 – 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Brussels, Belgium, Oct 17-20, 2022

2021 : 

[C18]Muhammad Zakir, Ammar Arshad, Hadeed A. Sher and Matti Lehtonen “An Optimal Power Management System Based on Load Demand and Resources Availability for PV Fed DC-Microgrid with Power-Sharing among Multiple Nanogrids” IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT Europe), Helsinki, Finland,  Oct 18-21, 2021

2020 : 

[C17]Ahsan Nadeem, Hadeed A. Sher, Ali Faisal Murtaza, Nisar Ahmed “An online fractional open-circuit voltage maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm based on sliding mode control” IEEE Symposium on Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (RAEE&CS 2020), Islamabad, Pakistan, 20-22 October, 2020

2019 : 

[C16] Waseem, M., Feng, Y., Qiu, Y., Sun, C. and Hadeed A. Sher “Improved vector current control for grid side converter in PMSG wind turbine with fault tolerance capability” 8th Renewable Power Generation Conference,RPG 2019, Shanghai, China, Oct.24-25, 2019
[C15] Afaq Hussain, Hadeed A. Sher, Ali F Murtaza, and Kamal Al-Haddad “Revised Perturb and Observe Approach for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic Module Using Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control” The 28th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2019, Vancouver, BC, Canada June 12-14, 2019

2018 : 

[C14 ] Afaq Hussain, Hadeed A. Sher, Ali F Murtaza, and Kamal Al-Haddad “Improved Voltage Controlled Three Phase Voltage Source Inverter Using Model Predictive Control for Standalone System” The 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2018, Washington DC, USA October.21-23 2018

2017 : 

[C13 ]Arslan Abbas Rizvi, Hadeed Ahmed Sher, Khaled E Addoweesh, Abderrehman Al-Leithy, Hany Al-Ansari, Kamal Al-Haddad “Simulation of sun tracking system for point focus fresnel collector” Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2017 IEEE 26th International Symposium on, Edinburgh, UK, June 19-21, 2017
[ C12 ]Hadeed A. Sher, Ali F. Murtaza and Kamal Al-Haddad “A Hybrid Maximum Power Point Tracking Method for Photovoltaic Applications with Reduced Offline Measurements” 18th Annual International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2017, Toronto, Canada, March 22-25, 2017

2015 : 

[ C11 ]Hadeed A. Sher, Khaled E Addoweesh, and Kamal Al-Haddad “Performance Enhancement of a Flyback Photovoltaic Inverter using Hybrid Maximum Power Point Tracking” The 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2015 IEEE,pp.5369- 5373, Yokohama, Japan November 09-11 2015

2014 : 

[ C10 ]Hadeed A. Sher, Ali F. Murtaza, Khaled E Addoweesh, Kamal Al-Haddad and Chiaberge M. “A New Irradiance Sensorless Hybrid MPPT Technique for Photovoltaic Power Plants” The 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2014 IEEE, pp.1-5, Dallas, USA October 29-Nov 01, 2014
[ C9 ]Hadeed A. Sher, Ali F. Murtaza, Khaled E Addoweesh and Chiaberge M. “A two-stage Hybrid Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for Photovoltaic Applications” PES General Meeting — Conference and Exposition, 2014 IEEE,pp.1-5, Washington DC, USA July 27-31 2014

2013 : 

[ C8 ]Ali F. Murtaza, Hadeed A. Sher, Chiaberge M. and Khaled E Addoweesh “Comparative Analysis of Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques for PV applications” Proc. of the 16th International Multitopic conference, (INMIC, 2013), UET, Lahore, Pakistan, 19-20 December 2013
[ C7 ]Ali F. Murtaza, Hadeed A. Sher, Chiaberge M. and Khaled E Addoweesh “Optimization of P&O MPPT for Distributed PV System” Proc. of the 16th International Multitopic conference, (INMIC, 2013), UET, Lahore, Pakistan, 19-20 December 2013
[ C6 ]Hadeed A. Sher, Ali F. Murtaza, Khaled E Addoweesh and Chiaberge M.“An Intelligent Offline MPPT Technique for PV Applications” Proc. of the 2013 IEEE conference on Systems, Process, and Control, (ICSPC, 2013), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13-15 December 2013
[ C5 ]Ali F. Murtaza, Hadeed A. Sher, Chiaberge M. and Khaled E Addoweesh “An improved P&O for distributed PV applications” Proc. of the International Conference on Modeling & Simulation, (ICOMS, 2013), Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan, 25-27 November 2013

2012 : 

[ C4 ]Hadeed A. Sher, Khaled E Addoweesh, Yasin Khan and Ali F. Murtaza “Harmonic Analysis of Inverter fed Induction Motor under faulted DC link Capacitor” Proc. of The 15th Saudi Technical Exchange Meeting, (STEM, 2012), King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 17-19 December 2012
[ C3 ]Ali F. Murtaza, Hadeed A. Sher, Chiaberge M., Boero D., De Giuseppe M. and Khaled E Addoweesh “A Novel Hybrid MPPT Technique for Solar PV Applications using Perturb & Observe and Fractional Open Circuit Voltage Techniques” Proc. 15th Int. Conference on Mechatronics, (Mechatronika, 2012), Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, 05-07 December 2012
[ C2 ]Hadeed A. Sher, Khaled E Addoweesh, Yasin Khan and Abdul Rahman Kashif “Performance of Inverter Fed Induction Motor under Open Circuit DC link Capacitor” Proc. The 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, (IECON, 2012), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 25-28 October 2012

2011 : 

[ C1 ] Hadeed A. Sher, Khaled E Addoweesh and Yasin Khan “Effect of DC link capacitor failure on freewheeling diodes of inverter feeding an induction motor” Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Power Electronics in Industrial Applications and Renewable Energy, (PEIA, 2011), Doha, Qatar, 03-04 November 2011

Graduate supervision

PhD Students

Sr. #Student nameThesisStatusPublished work
1Ahsan NadeemDevelopment of efficient Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithms for Photovoltaic ApplicationsCompleted, Nov 2022C17,J13,J18, J31, J35

MS Students

Sr. #Student nameThesisStatusPublished work
1Syed Ahmad ShahAnalysis of a CHB-MLI  for motor drive applications (2019)Completed, May 2019 
2Afaq HussainOn the applications of MPC in power electronicsCompleted, Dec 2019C14,C15, J12,J15, J16
3Ahsan MehmoodDevelopment of L-L/L-G fault finding algorithm for Photovoltaic power plantsCompleted, May 2020J21, J23
4Muhammad AdeelExtraction of PV model parameters using analytical and numerical methodsCompleted, Jan 2021J22, C19, C21
5Muhammad ZakirFault finding method for a DC microgridCompleted, Aug. 2021C18, J26, J30
6Hamid KhanA ripple correlation control maximum power tracking for partial shading conditionsCompleted, March 2022J41
8Maryam HassanDevelopment of a PV microinverterCompleted May 2023 
9TanzilaComparative Evaluation of Solar Irradiance Prediction Models and Photovoltaic Technologies for Agrivoltaic ApplicationsIn Progress 


  1. HEC approved PhD supervisor
  2. Best poster presentation award (2015-2016) during the annual research day of College of Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  3. Best PhD researcher (2012-13) of College of Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  4. Awarded by the President of Pakistan certificate of valuable contributions in the Youth Convention 2004.
  5. Went to China with the 1st official youth delegation of Pakistan in the 57 years history of Pak China friendship.

Review Work

  • IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy
  • IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics
  • IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics
  • IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion
  • IEEE Access
  • Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
  • Applied Energy
  • International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

Professional Affiliations

  1. Registered Engineer with Pakistan Engineering Council. PEC No. ELECT-21712
  2. Member of Institution of Engineers, Pakistan Membership No. M-15758/LHR-4179
  3. Senior Member IEEE USA, Membership # 92014757
  4. Member of IEEE, Industrial Electronics Society, Technical Committee on Renewable Energy Systems
  5. Member of IEEE, Industrial Electronics Society, Technical Committee on Power Electronics
  6. Associate Editor, IET Renewable Power Generation
  7. Publication Chair, ICEPT 2021, ICEPT 2023

Funded Projects and Grants

  1. “Development of efficient Photovoltaic Maximum Power Point Tracking System for rural areas of KPK” 1 year funded project under HEC startup research grant program. Total grant approx. 0.4 million PKR.


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