Dr. Dur-e-Zehra Baig

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Dr. Dur-e-Zehra Baig

Assistant Professor

Qualifications: Ph.D (Electrical Engineering) from University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Research Interests: Modelling and Controls of the dynamics System; Adaptive Signal processing; Biomedical instrumentation; Modeling and controls of Physiological System; Renewable Energy; and Computer Architecture.


1) Dur-e-Zehra Baig;  R. Ahmad, Andrey Savkin and Branko Celler, Robust Adaptive H∞ Control Design for Heart Rate Regulation during Rhythmic Exercises of Unknown Type; International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing;33(5): pages 01-12, 19 March 2019, DOI: 10.1002/acs.2992. (IF=2.25).

2) Kh.S.Karimov, Kh.M.Akhmedov, Dur-e-Zehra Baig, Adam Khan, Tahseen Amin Khan Qasuria,  Noshin Fatima, Muhammad Ali, Umair Rao, S.A.Moiz, Solar hybrid thermoelectric collector, Patent No.887 of the Republic of Tajikistan, 17 April, 2018.

3)       Combined Photo-Electric Cell and Thermoelectric Generator for Demonstrative Purposes Khasan Skarimov1,2, Muhammadabid3, Dur-E-Zehra Baig1, Syed A  Moiz4, Adam Khan5, T. A. Qasuria1, Khakimma Khmedov2, Muhammad Ali6 and Umair Rao 1  Academia Journal of Scientific Research 5(1): 022-033, January 2017, DOI: 10.15413/ajsr.2017.0160, ISSN 2315-7712.

4)       Physiological Control of Human Heart Rate and Oxygen Consumption during Rhythmic Exercises, Quantitative Methods (q-bio.QM); Systems and Control (cs.SY), arXiv:1403.7105 [q-bio.QM], March, 2014.

5)       Self biofeedback control of oxygen consumption (Vo2) during cycling exercise: Based on its real time estimate, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference 2013:477-480 · July 2013.

6)       Estimation of oxygen consumption during cycling and rowing, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference 2012:711-4 · August 2012.

7)       An adaptive H ∞ control design for exercise-independent human heart rate regulation system,  9th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA 2011, Santiago, Chile, December 19-21, 2011.

8)       Modeling of Human Heart Rate Response during Walking, Cycling and Rowing, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference 2010:2553-6 · August 2010.

Project Supervision

  1. Design and Fabrication of Hyperloop using Superconductors, 2017.
  2. Intelligent Robotic Arm Using 3D Image Processing for Industrial Application, 2017.
  3. Smart Wheel Chair (PROTOTYPE), 2017
  4. Modelling and Simulation of Human Heart Control During Treadmill Excercise,  2016
Professional Training’s and Certifications

  • OBE/OBA Training session at UET Peshawar in 2015.
  • OBE/OBA Training session at GIKI institute.
  • Writing- SAR (Self-Assessment Report) and development OBE system at the department of ES in GIK Institute year 2017.
  • “ABET Accreditation for Better Teaching and Learning” ASU Workshop, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, April 2014
  • Professional Blackboard Training 2014, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  • Training for sessional teaching staff: in the Faculty of Engineering at UNSW, Sydney, Australia.
  • Brain Machine Interface: IEEE EMBS, San Diego, USA from 28 August, 2012 to 1 September, 2012. G.tec Brain-Computer Interface and ECoG.
  • COSMED KB4 gas analyser: Cosmed, Italy.
  • Professional Training of industrial Control System: PLC (Programmable logic Controller), Hydraulic, Pneumatics, and Electro Hydraulic Controls System from Pakistan Council Scientific Institute of Research (PCSIR).


Academic Awards

  • APA (Australian Post Graduate Award)
  • EETS (Excellency Engineering Top up Scholarship
  • SEA (Supplementary Excellency Award
  • Full Bright Scholarship for MSc Engineering, Faculty of Electronics, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute.
  • 1st Position & won Hakim Muhammad Saeed Gold Medal in Bachelor of Engineering.


Work Experience

Assistant Professor

Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology

Key Responsibilities

  1. Course Instructor
  • Electricity and Magnetism (PH102)
  • Logic Design (ES212)
  • Signals and Systems (ES332)
  • Electronic-1 (ES231)
  • Engineering Electromagnetic (ES371)
  • Modelling Process (ES342)
  1. Researcher

As a researcher, I am pursuing my research in the fields of Control Engineering, Bio-Medical Instrumentation and Data Scientist.

  1. Project Supervisor
  • Intelligent Robotic arm with 3d detection for industrial application
  • Smart Wheelchairs
  • Modeling, Simulation and Fabrication of the Hyper-loop using Magnetic Levitation.
  • Modeling and Simulation of heart rate during Treadmill Exercise.
  • Intelligent Autopilot design using neural network.
  • Design and Implementation of Smart Car Diagnostic System.

4.  As a member Final year project Evaluation Committee member, my major responsibility is to evaluate FYP throughout the academic year.

  1. Academic Advisor: Counseling and guiding the students for selecting appropriate course work and maintain their academic performance based on workload.
  2. OBE-Coordinator (Institute/Department)

I worked for the OBE/OBA assessment loops in OBE accreditation committee and also monitoring the shortcoming of the course files. Moreover, provide help to the course instructor for writing the course learning outcomes (CLOs). I also worked for mapping the desired program learning outcome (PLOs) with respect to the CLOs. At the institute OBE committee, I am responsible for the assessment of interfaculty SAR. Also conduct interfaculty MOCK visits.

  1. Self-Assessment Report (SAR) Convener

SAR committee member, my responsibility is to write and organize the SAR for PEC accreditation in year 2017.

Assistant Professor

King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Course Instructor

  • Electronic 1( EE311)
  • Computer Organisation (EE361)


Professional Membership

  • IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Membership
  • IEEE  Membership
  • Professional Engineer of Pakistan Engineering Council
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