Dr. Asad Mahmood

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Dr. Asad Mahmood

Assistant Professor

Qualifications: Ph.D (Telecom Paristech, France)
Research Interests: Mathematical Optimization, Inference theory / Bayesian Inference, Sparse Signal Processing, Machine/Deep Learning, Multi/Hyper-spectral Image Processing and Analysis, Remote Sensing of Environment, Signal Processing for Communications, Biomedical Image Processing, Internet of Things

Courses Taught:

  1. Optimization Techniques (ES-5xx) 
  2. Linear Algebra II (ES-304)
  3. Signals and Systems (ES-332)
  4. Optical Communications and Computing (ES-475)
  5. Digital Logic Design (ES-212)
  6. Engineering Electromagnetics (ES-371)
  7. Solid State Electronics (ES-361)
  8. Digital Communications (ES-559)

Current Research Projects:

  1.  Use of Mathematical Optimization and Deep Learning for Hyperspectral image Super-resolution, Co registration and Denoising (In Collaboration with the multinational Terra Core Inc., South Africa)
  2.  Machine/Deep Learning for Automatic Breast Cancer Detection and Classification. (In collaboration with Rehman Medical Institute, Peshawar)


Supervised Final Year Projects:

  1. Deep Learning for Breast Cancer Detection
  2. Machine Learning for Demand Forecasting
  3. Deep Learning for Hyperspectral Image Denoising, Unmixing, Classification
  4. Deep Learning for Hyperspectral Image Denoising Super-resolution and Co-registration.
  5. Edge Machine Learning based Early Earthquake Warning System
  6. Crop Health Analysis via Quadcopter Based Remote Sensing


Fundings & MoUs:

  1. MoU with RMI (Rehman Medical Institute) Peshawar on Breast Cancer Detection Research
  2. Ignite ICT R&D Funding for Final Year 2023-24
  3. Ignite ICT R&D Funding for Final Year 2021-22


Google Scholar Profile:     scholar.google.com.pk/citations?user=BGdzJxgAAAAJ&hl=en

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