MTME 2023

Instructions for Authors

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Instructions for Authors

  • The authors are requested to ensure that their submitted manuscripts fall within the categories described in the aims and scope of the conference.
  • All submitted manuscripts should follow the international research and ethical standards, must be original and should not have been submitted or published in any other conference or journal. (Provide plagiarism report with similarity index less than 5%)
  • Submitted manuscripts must be written in English, be at least 3 pages and maximum 6 pages long, format as per sample (sample provided on the website)
  • The list of headings, font type and size should be as mentioned in the word template. Figures, charts, plots, schematics, and tables should be high quality/resolution and properly indexed. The corresponding text on figures should be easily readable.
  • Submission:
    • Completed word files (full length paper, plagiarism report, should be e-mailed to via conference website or to Hamza Mohsin ( by March 06, 2023 at the latest. Once the peer-review is complete, the accepted manuscripts would be notified by April 06, 2023.
    • In case of any queries, please contact ( ).
  • Oral Presentation:
  • Authors with accepted manuscripts should email PowerPoint version of their presentation to Hamza Mohsin ( by April 29, 2023.
  • Note that the presentation length should not exceed the allotted time. (10 minutes)


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