Department Of Materials Science


Graduate Program Degree Requirement

List Of Courses for Graduate (MS & PhD) Program in Materials Engineering.

i) Core Courses

Course CodeCourse Title

MM 511

Thermodynamics of Materials

MM 531

Phase Transformations in Materials

MM 521

Mechanical Behaviour of Materials*

MM 569


MM 571

Computational Materials Science*

ii) Technical Electives

Course CodeCourse Title

MM 522

Theory of Dislocations

MM 523

Materials Selection and Failure Analysis

MM 524

Metal Forming

MM 532

Thermomechanical Processing

MM 533

Microstructural Control

MM 534

Advanced Manufacturing Systems

MM 535

Advanced Joining Technology

MM 536

Nanoengineering and Smart Materials*

MM 537

Synthesis and Design of

Nanostructures and Devices*

MM 541

Process Metallurgy and Extraction

MM 543

Solidification Processing

MM 544

Modern Steels and Processes

MM 545


MM 551

Corrosion Monitoring and Prevention

MM 553

Surface Engineering

MM 554

Advanced Coatings

MM 555

Tribology of Engineering Materials

MM 556

Thin film Technology*

MM 561

Carbon Materials

MM 562

Carbon Nanomaterials and Fabrication*

MM 563

Analytical Techniques

MM 564

Polymer Science and Engineering

MM 565

Ceramics Engineering

MM 566

Electronic & Magnetic Materials

and Devices

MM 567

Composite Materials

MM 568

Advanced and Nanostructured


MM 573

Nanomaterials and Computer

Aided Nanodesign*

MM 591

Electron Microscopy*

MM 592

Crystals and X-Ray Diffraction

MM 593

Nanomaterials Characterization

<* Students specializing in Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials area will have to select at least 1 core and 2 elective courses marked with asterisk from the list above.>

General Electives

Course CodeCourse Title

MM 572

Engineering Design

MM 581

Industrial Safety

MM 542/


Mathematical Methods in Engineering/

Computational Methods for Engineers

MM 582

Industrial Management

MM 583

Technology Management

Course Description

CodeNameLecture HoursLab HoursCredit HoursPre-reqsCo-reqs
MM511Thermodynamics of Materials303nonenone
MM521Mechanical Behaviour of Materials300nonenone
MM522Theory of Dislocations303nonenone
MM523Materials Selection and Failure Analysis303nonenone
MM524Metal Forming303nonenone
MM531Phase Transformations in Materials303nonenone
MM532Thermomechanical Processing303nonenone
MM533Microstructural Control303nonenone
MM534Advanced Manufacturing Systems303nonenone
MM535Advanced Joining Technology303nonenone
MM536Nanoengineering and Smart Materials303nonenone
MM537Synthesis and Design of Nanostructures and Devices303nonenone
MM541Process Metallurgy and Extraction303nonenone
MM542Mathematical Methods in Engineering303nonenone
MM543Solidification Processing303nonenone
MM544Modern Steels-and Processes303nonenone
MM551Corrosion Monitoring and Prevention303nonenone
MM553Surface Engineering303nonenone
MM554Advanced Coatings303nonenone
MM555Tribology of Engineering Materials303nonenone
MM556Thin Films Technology303nonenone
MM561Carbon Materials303nonenone
MM562Carbon Nanomaterials and Fabrication303nonenone
MM564Polymer Science and Engineering303nonenone
MM565Ceramics Engineering303nonenone
MM566Electronic and Magnetic Materials and Devices303nonenone
MM567Composite Materials303nonenone
MM568Advanced and Nanostructured Materials303nonenone
MM571Computational Materials Science303nonenone
MM572Engineering Design303nonenone
MM573Nanomaterials and Computer Aided Nanodesign CAN303nonenone
MM581Industrial Safety303nonenone
MM582Industrial Management303nonenone
MM583Technology Management303nonenone
MM591Electron Microscopy303nonenone
MM592Crystals and X-ray Diffraction303nonenone
MM593Nanomaterials Characterization303nonenone
MM598MS Project606nonenone
MM599MS Thesis909nonenone
MM699PhD Dissertation12012nonenone
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