Faculty Of Materials & Chemical Engineering

Department of Materials Science and Engineering – DMSE

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Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE)


Elon knows because Elon is SMART ….


Ever heard of Dr. Yarjan Abdul Samad? A Pakistani Space Scientist working at the University of Cambridge, UK. He graduated in 2009 from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, GIKI.

Looks COOL?         Join DMSE and be our next Yarjan! 









Modern trends in the scientific and technological race require innovative solutions to complex issues being faced by the world at large. Scientists and experts from various fields including physics, chemistry, biology, engineering etc. are joining hands to utilize the knowledge and understanding of Materials Science and Engineering for expediting scientific breakthroughs and proposing real-time engineering solutions. At the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, we offer a high-quality, impactful and world-class PEC accredited program in Materials Engineering with the goal to produce graduates that are expected to excel in both industry and academia at national and international fronts. We prepare graduates that are sound theoretically and technically along with having excellent soft skills required for various professional contexts. Since the inception of GIK Institute, and in-line with the vision of Dr. A. Q. Khan, the Materials Engineering program has produced 750+ graduates now successfully contributing to a variety of industrial, research, business, and academic ventures.



  • Our BS in Materials Engineering Program is Accredited by PEC, HEC and Washignton Accord.
  • Materials Engineering graduates are working in a variety of national and international organizations (see Our Graduates and companies list).
  • Materials Engineering graduates have secured fully-funded Master and PhD admissions in world’s top 50 Universities and are currently serving academia, research & development multinationals and other reputable organizations around the globe (see Our Graduates).
  • Materials Engineering is at the heart of international innovation in science and technology with relevant programs being offered in almost all the top 100 universities in the world including MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge etc.
  • A degree in Materials Engineering is the gateway to fully-funded Master programs in world’s top universities and international careers in research and development.


The memories of my admission into GIK Institute back in 1996 are always fresh in my mind. I was a young lad like you, looking into the details of what Materials Science and Engineering was all about, and decided to give it a shot considering the global scientific trends. Having been connected to the department and the field for 25 years, I must admit that the discipline around the globe has come a long way and my decision of becoming a Materials Engineer is proving to be the right choice every passing day. Technological advancements have made it essential to know, understand, research and improve the properties of materials along with producing break through inventions in the form of new materials, for instance, graphene, that have changed even the fundamentals of science. Thanks to advancements in Materials Science and Engineering, humanity has been able to manufacture devices at the nanoscale of which a smart watch is a perfect example. Modern flexible electronic devices employing stretchable screens and electronics, NASA’s space shuttles resisting extreme space environment, temperature sensor and body components of Mars Curiosity Rover, Beryllium mirror in James Webb Telescope to explore the universe, solar cells employing semiconductors, lithium-ion batteries employed in smartphones and electric vehicles, biomedical implants in the form of heart stents or dental braces are a few examples of how Materials Engineering has shaped the scientific community.

Our graduates have excelled as a result of the training they receive here and are currently involved as senior members in multinational FMCG organizations, founders of start-ups and, most-importantly, scientists in R&D organizations as well as professors in academic institutes worldwide. We inculcate in our graduates the qualities to adapt to whatever career they would like to pursue. So, come join us for our degree program and become of a part of the community shaping the world of today and tomorrow.

Prof. Dr. Fahd Nawaz Khan
Dean & Alumnus (Class of 2000)
Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering


mohajir@giki.edu.pk (Mr. Mohajir Shah, PS to Dean)

If you would like to know more about the Materials Engineering Program, its requirements, scholarships, and resulting career options, please drop us an email. You will be connected to the most relevant person in the Faculty. You may also follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for news and updates.




DMSE Mission and Objective Based Education (OBE)

Technological advances dominate the world in which we live and well-qualified materials engineers are needed to cope with them. Their areas of concern are wide and varied. Whether it is production of a light but strong material for an aircraft wing or of a material for an artificial hip with all the properties of a bone, we need the expertise of a material engineer. He/she collaborates with engineers of other specializations to investigate problems such as the analysis of the structural failure of a bridge, the amount of wear of an engine component, or the corrosion of deep-sea oilrigs.

The engineer of tomorrow must be technically competent, market-conscious, commercially adept, environmentally sensitive and responsive to human needs. The curriculum of the department aims at producing such a multi-dimensional engineer. It provides a broad range of fundamental courses at the earlier stages and progressively leads the students to areas of their specializations. It includes the principles that govern the properties of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites, and the whole range of technologies which produce these materials and nanomaterials.

The Department offers 4 year BS program in Materials Engineering which deals with a broad understanding of materials and the manufacturing of components. It offers following streams:

  • Specialization in Manufacturing
  • Specialization in Nanotechnology

Thrust Areas:

  • Materials Processing, Manufacturing and Characterization
  • Nanotechnology and Nano Materials
  • Ceramics, Polymers and Composites
  • Surface Engineering and Coating Technology
  • Computational Materials Science
  • Corrosion and Oxidation

DMSE adopted Outcome Based Education (OBE) in Fall 2015.

DMSE Mission:

The mission of the department of materials science and engineering is to develop and disseminate the understanding of structure, property, processing and performance of materials so that our graduates can excel in academia, research, business and industry.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

Graduates in Materials Science and Engineering will:

  1. Pursue successful career in industry, research organizations, academia and allied professions.
  2. Demonstrate creativity and innovation in addressing engineering problems in a sustainable way.
  3. Use leadership, entrepreneurial and team working skills in ethical and professional manner.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs):

There is a set of twelve Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) of Materials Engineering  program which describe what students are expected to know/perform/attain by the time they graduate from Department of Materials Science and Engineering. The program learning outcomes (PLOs) are given bellow:

  1. Engineering Knowledge: Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and materials engineering to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem Analysis: Ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/Development of Solutions: Ability to design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  4. Investigation: Ability to investigate complex engineering problems in a methodical way including literature survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis and interpretation of experimental data, and synthesis of information to derive valid conclusions.
  5. Modern Tool Usage: Ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The Engineer and Society: An ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solution to complex engineering problems.
  7. Environment and Sustainability: An ability to understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Ability to apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
  9. Individual and Teamwork: Ability to work effectively, as an individual or in a team, on multifaceted and /or multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: Ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing, on com-plex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project Management: Ability to demonstrate management skills and apply engineering principles to one’s own work, as a member and/or leader in a team, to manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment.
  12. Lifelong Learning: Ability to recognize importance of, and pursue lifelong learning in the broader context of innovation and technological developments.
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