Description of Courses SMGS

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HM101 English Language and Communication Skills (3-0-3): The course aims to equip the students with the necessary language and communication skills to cope with their academic and professional needs. The module effectively integrates the four basic skills of language i.e. reading, writing, listening and speaking. The oral communicative competence of the students is enhanced by focusing on the phonological aspects of language. The students are motivated to take part in the classroom sessions where they are encouraged to take the dynamics of stress and intonation in consideration while speaking. The learners are also introduced to the principles of effective writing from the sentence level to full-length texts with special emphasis on logical organization of materials.

HM111 Islamic Studies (2-0-2): The course of Islamic Studies presents Islam as a balanced mode of life by incorporating basic aspects of human rights and rule of law, brotherhood. Students are also taught the concepts relative to respect of other religions, equality of mankind and harmony between religion and practical aspects of life.

MS151 Introduction to Accounting (3-0-3): This course is designed to provide the introduction to financial accounting and reporting to the students. The course is intended to teach the students to read, understand and analyze financial transactions. Then they will learn how to record these transactions in books of accounts. The desired results from these recordings will be calculated in the form of final accounts.

MS121 Fundamentals of Management (3-0-3): Fundamentals of Management is an introductory course about the management of organizations. It provides guidelines on the principles of management that are applicable to all types of enterprises; basic management philosophy and decision making; principles involved in planning, organizing, leading and controlling; global environment; managing change and innovation; human resource management introduction; organizational behavior; power politics., conflict, and stress; leading with influence; communication and information technology; control systems; and operations management. The contents learned in this course will allow students to work effectively with others in an organization. The course will also encourage students to explore the applicability of western management principles and theories in local settings.

MS101 Business Mathematics (3-0-3): Business Mathematics presents mathematical skills and knowledge that students can apply to solve financial problems. The course provides step-by-step guidance through sample problems and solutions related to banking, credit, basic finance and investment. Students will also gain an understanding of financial instruments and terminology used in business finance such as compound interest, annuities, and promissory notes. The course will cover topics like elements of Algebra, differentiation integration functions and their graphs; ratios; proportions and percentages; interest and annuities; basic statistical measures; and stocks and bonds.

HM121 Introduction to Sociology (3-0-3): The purpose of the course is to familiarize the students with the definition of sociology, founders of early sociology, three theories given by early sociologist, definition of culture and its development, elements of culture, cultural integration and cultural variation. The course also elaborates the components of society, social interaction, groups, social role, role of conflict institutions, verbal and non-verbal communication, social group bureaucracy, deviance, conformity; and, national and international social problems.

HM102 Technical Writing (3-0-3): The course aims to develop technical and scientific report writing competence amongst the students. The students are effectively introduced to the underlying mechanics and conventions of technical or professional writing through a series of professional correspondence. The module effectively covers the topics of introduction to communication in technical and intercultural workplaces; identification of purpose of writing, techniques for the preparation for writing a document such as brainstorming outlining, drafting, editing and proofreading; technical writing style and strategies; use of brevity, politeness and accuracy in writing ; formatting and activities.

It also equips the students with the techniques of tailoring the content of technical documents to the needs of various kinds of situations and audiences. The course focuses on the dynamics of designing technical reports and writing documents; writing emails, letters, memos, short reports, formal reports, executive summaries, abstracts, progress reports, white papers, and proposals; and presentation of information in oral and written format. The module effectively blends speaking and writing skills as the students are motivated to present their written reports orally in class at the end of the semester.

HM112 Pakistan Studies (2-0-2): This is an introductory course for examining the political behavior, processes and government institutions. The course aims to give students an awareness of political ideas, theories, national systems and public policies. The course effectively lays emphasis on critical analysis of the political issues in national and international level.

HM113 History (3-0-3): The course will help to inculcate historical consciousness about the human past and analytical and interpretative approach towards historical facts amongst the students. It will provide an in-depth, critical introduction to the theoretical, conceptual and epistemological foundations of the academic discipline. The students will be acquainted with the main political events, cultural and intellectual debates; religious movements and social issues .The students will also delve into the cultural heritage in South Asia and the world at large and develop an awareness of the political, constitutional and historical development in Pakistan before and after 1947. It will train the students to use historical knowledge to resolve the socioeconomic, political and intellectual problems of state and society.

MS102 Business Statistics: The course is designed to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing and drawing conclusions from the data. Data and information are integral to the operation and planning of all businesses, and as businesses grow and develop there is an increasing need for the use of formalized statistical methodology to answer business related questions. This course will cover topics like; types of variables and data; frequency distributions; data organization and presentation; numerical measures; measures of dispersion; index numbers, regression and correlation analysis; concepts of probability and sampling methods.

MS131 Principles of Marketing (3-0-3): This course will focus on developing an understanding of key marketing concepts aimed at improving the conceptual knowledge of marketing as applicable to decision making process with a focus on tactical marketing mix decisions. Furthermore, it will provide the students with a comprehensive framework to evaluate marketing decisions and to create successful marketing initiatives. The contents included in the course would be definition, evolution and future of marketing; marketing strategies and elements of marketing mix; elements and analysis of marketing environment; ethics and social marketing; strategic marketing planning; sales forecasting; and designing marketing plan.

MS122 Human Resource Management (3-0-3): This course is designed to provide the students with understanding of key HRM functions, designed to help them understand if western human resource management theories and practices have any relevance to local settings. The course will also discuss the Islamic perspective of managing human resource. The students will also be encouraged to compare and contrast the human resource practices suggested in their textbooks and the practices critical for achieving success from indigenous perspective. The course contents include human resource planning; strategic human resource management; recruitment and selection; interviewing candidates; training and development; performance appraisal and performance management; career development, retention and voluntary/involuntary turnover; compensation; and global human resource management.

MS141 Microeconomics (3-0-3)The course would provide an understanding of the principles of microeconomic analysis of business decisions in competitive and noncompetitive markets. The main topics in this course include supply and demand analysis; free markets; scarcity; production possibilities; the price system; government policy; labor markets; capital, and natural resource markets, and externalities.

HM203 Business Communication (3-0-3): The main objective of this course is to give students practical awareness of activities such as interacting, informing, instructing and persuading within the business community. It would bring in them the personalities of businesspeople as communicators, who can speak, write and interact with others effectively and professionally. The main topics of the course include introduction to communication, types of internal and external communications, types of formal and informal communication upward, downward and horizontal communication, use of technology in business communication; perception, adaptation and selection of appropriate words; writing emails, memos; and listening and speaking skills in business environments. This course aims at giving students an advanced understanding of the concepts and principles of professional business communication.

HM223 Psychology (3-0-3): This course surveys the major sub disciplines of the field, including such topics as the brain and neuroscience, behavioral genetics, cognitive and social development, perception, learning, memory, decision-making, language, consciousness, emotions, motivation, psychological disorders, social identity, interpersonal interactions and group and cultural processes. The course is designed to provide students with a well-rounded knowledge of the domains of psychology where the theories and practical aspects of the subject are introduced to them. It focuses on enhancing the knowledge human cognition, behavior and development. Furthermore, students will develop an understanding of the impact of cultural, social and environmental factors that affect mental health and well-being of an individual.

HM224 Anthropology (3-0-3): This course is design as an introduction to the discipline of anthropology as a whole. It presents students with a theoretical grounding in the major subfields of Cultural and linguistic anthropology. The main topics of this course includes the introduction to anthropology, principles of anthropology, the cultural change and development, political anthropology & social problems, and the economic anthropology. In this class the emphasis is on the holistic nature of the discipline.

Students will able to explore the history of the discipline and profession, The course objectives is set to learnt the basic methods and theories, and the political and ethical dimensions of modern practice in the domain of anthropology. Similarly, the students will learn to examine and interpret evidence using specific examples, from artifacts to sites to regions. The course frequency is set for the business students at every year, there is no pre-requisite course required for this course.

CS201 Introduction to Computer (3-0-3): This course will provide a technical introduction to computer and information sciences to undergraduate business students. The course will focus on developing an elementary knowledge of computing amongst the students. The goal of this course is to introduce students with the basic and applied knowledge of computer operating systems and computer applications. The core focus of the course will be on Microsoft Office Application (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Access and Visio). In the first part, this course will introduce the students to computer hardware, software, operating systems, data communication through internet and Microsoft applications. Then, building upon these foundations the students will be introduced to database management through Microsoft Access. This will help students to exploit opportunities and accept the challenges posed by doing business in an increasingly digital domain.

HM222 International Relations and Current Affairs (3-0-3): International relations course is designed to meet the needs of all those students who wish to enhance their understanding of the subject focusing on the changing political, economic and socio-cultural relations within the international system of the modern era. The subject explores the underlying global, regional, and domestic factors that influence relations between actors on the world stage. It seeks to provide students with the knowledge of the global system tools to function effectively in the present, and the ability to respond to future developments. The course concocts the element of current affairs to establish a productive knowledge of the socio-political happenings in Pakistan and abroad. The course also aims to develop a cogent political thought amongst the students by focusing on the strategies that affect the countenance of national and international politics. It also delves into the elements of constitutions, governments, human rights and economic development from a sociopolitical point of view. Diplomatic relations along with the critical analysis of the dynamics of indigenous and international politics are accentuated in the subject.

MS232 Marketing Management (3-0-3): This course is gear towards providing an understanding of the rationale for marketing decisions from a managerial perspective. Emphasis will be on including the knowledge of integrating theory and practice amongst the students. Students will have to apply analytical techniques they have learned in this course, to make strategic marketing decisions. The course contents include introduction to marketing; marketing environment and market analysis, market research; buyer or consumer behavior; consumer decision making; marketing research and analysis; market segmentation, targeting and positioning; product concepts; product management; service and nonprofit marketing; pricing strategy; placing strategies; wholesaling and Industrial distribution; retailing; promotional strategies; and intercultural and international marketing.

MS242 Macroeconomics (3-0-3): The main objective of this course is to give students an understanding of the working of socialist, capitalist and mixed economy at the aggregate level. The basic themes are extended to explore the disciplines of national income, public finance, macroeconomics in closed and open economies, macroeconomic stabilization policies, money and banking link up with conventional macroeconomics.

MS252 Financial Accounting (3-0-3): This course is built upon the basic concepts of Financial Accounting and integrates theoretical and practical aspects of financial accounting and reporting. The course is designed to introduce the students to the regulatory framework governing the preparation and publication of financial statements of a limited company and groups of companies. It mainly focuses upon the company accounts and their understanding in the context of IFRS and companies’ ordinance 1984.

MS254 Cost and Management Accounting (3-0-3): This course focuses on the use of accounting information to report managerial performance and to facilitate business decisions. It covers the preparation and use of cost and management accounting information in planning, budgeting, break-even analysis, income determination, product costing, process control, corporate financing and capital structure decision making.

MS223 International Business (3-0-3): This course aims to provide the students with an overview of the unique problems faced by firms engaging in international activities; the importance of understanding the foreign economic, social, political, cultural and legal environment; the mechanics of importing and exporting; joint venture, franchising and subsidiaries; international dimensions of management, marketing and accounting, international financial management. The course also delves into the special problems of multi-national corporations; recent problems of the international economic system; country-risk analysis; the increasing use of counter trade.

MS253 Business Finance (3-0-3): The objective of this course is to introduce concepts and techniques of finance and build the foundations for all subsequent finance courses and provide basic knowledge of the analytical tools required by every student. This course is a rigorous introduction to the basic principles of finance and their applications to usual finance issues and decision making. The course provides an overview of business finance management and lays emphasis on the financial statement analysis, time value of money, and management of cash flow, risk and return and source of financing.

MS311 Business Ethics (3-0-3): It introduces students to ethical and moral issues, conflicts and decisions confronting citizens, groups and communities of Pakistan. The course aims at highlighting the necessity and importance of good character conduct and moral life as manifested in major world religions. The students are also motivated to appreciate the ethical and moral dimensions of Pakistani culture. The course contents include introducing and defining business ethics; social responsibility and development of ethical issues in business; application of moral philosophies to business ethics; ethical decision making framework; organizational influences on ethical decision making; influence of significant others in organizations; role of opportunity and conflict; development of effective ethics; and international business ethics.

MS312 Logic (3-0-3): Logic is fundamental to the way humans communicate. Our public debates and private reasoning are shaped by logical principles, even though most of us would struggle to spell them out. Introduction to Logic will teach the basics of formal logic, which provides symbolic methods for assessing and representing the logical form of arguments to the students. The students will develop an understanding of symbolic language and logic, as well as familiarity with precise models of deductive reasoning.

MS313 Business Law (3-0-3): No business enterprise can function without following the country’s legal processes as well as its own. If it wishes to expand beyond local borders, then international laws and treaties also come into play. This course will look at company laws, contract laws, buying & selling goods & services, law relating to intellectual property, law of agency, company financial reports, elements of employment law, and management and employment ethics. Prudential Regulations of the State Bank of Pakistan and major regulatory frameworks under the Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan will also be discussed.

MS343 Pakistan Economy (3-0-3): This course aims to make students understand the key sectors of economy of Pakistan and contemporary issues in agriculture, industry and financial and social sector. It intends to give students a comprehensive knowledge about the outlook and comparison of developing and developed economies with specific reference to Pakistan. To make students understand current policies in trade, commerce, fiscal/monetary policy, industry and agriculture. It is designed to provide students with critical information and knowledge about Pakistan economic environment. Important Components which contribute to the development and progress of the economy of country are included here.

MS325 Organizational Behavior (3-0-3) : The knowledge of individuals’ perceptions, motivational attitudes and behavior enable students to not only understand themselves better, but also to adopt appropriate managerial policies and leadership styles to increase their effectiveness. The focus of instruction will move progressively through the individual, group and organizational levels of behavior and will examine the interrelationships of behavioral phenomena among these levels. Specific topics include leadership, motivation, teamwork, career issues, work roles, job enrichment, employee participation, and work and non-work integration.

MS355 Financial Management (3-0-3): The main objective of this course is to develop a foundation of financial management concepts. This will enable the students to understand how corporations make important investment and financing decisions and establish working capital policies. The course also lays a foundation for more complex financial topics that arise in additional elective courses in finance. This course introduces the students to fundamental principles of finance i.e. time value of money and relations between risk and return, MM theories of irrelevance and efficient markets. Through exposure to these fundamental concepts it is expected that the students will learn how to apply their knowledge the valuation of stocks and bonds, financial planning, capital budgeting, long-term financing, capital structure, dividend policy, working capital management, and risk management.

MS324 Business Policy (3-0-3): The course focuses on the formulation and implementation of corporate policies. The knowledge and techniques learned in earlier courses will be applied in an integrated fashion to the process of strategic decision making and organizational change. The topics considered in the course will be relationships of organizations to their environments, the hierarchy of organizational objectives, structured as well as informal approaches to strategic planning, the integration of business functions, organizational structure, and policy implementation and evaluation. A significant aspect of the course is devoted to assessing the competitive dynamics of firms.

MS333 Consumer Behavior (3-0-3): This course is designed to enhance students’ understanding of how and why consumers purchase (or do not purchase) goods and services. It will combine both the theoretical concepts of consumer behavior and its application for marketing strategies related to private, public and non-profit sections. At the conceptual level, it will seek to present an integrated framework around which major areas of consumer behavior can be understood and applied. This course will explore and identify market identities and various sources of influence with the way consumers think and learn from market related information. The knowledge and understanding gained from this course can be utilized in the marketplace to make rational decisions to satisfy consumer needs and wants and remain loyal to products. Specific topics to be covered include cognition process, consumer motivation, emotions; consumer cultural theories; consumption, meaning and identities; and role of market and consumer ideologies.

CS302 Management Information Systems (MIS and DSS) (3-0-3): Information systems began as automation of office systems and have grown into systems that assist managers to make decisions, systems that model successful business practices, and systems that transform the modern business into knowledge-based enterprise. New types of infrastructure and applications are developed and utilized such as ERP (enterprise resource planning), IOS (inter-organizational systems), RIFD (radio frequency identification), and CRM (customer relationship management) to name a few. This course helps students see the connection between information systems (IS) and business performance and explores current information systems concepts and technologies. Students will learn how information systems give a business competitive edge by providing technologies that help managers plan, control and make decisions. Included in course are topics such as hardware and software components of Information systems, e-business concepts and implementation and survey of common information systems used today.

MS356 Money and Banking (3-0-3): The course will cover both theory and practice of money and banking. The first part of the course will cover commercial and central banking. Topics on commercial banking will include economics of banking; the role of banks in the presence of asymmetric information; examining bank’s balance sheet operations with their need to balance; asset, liability, liquidity, and risk and return. The second part will focus on State Bank of Pakistan’s role in monetary policy and supervision of banking sector through prudential regulations.

MS303 Business Research Methods (3-0-3)

The objective of this course is to expose students to the principles and methods of business research and encourage them to explore application of theories that have been predominantly developed in Western cultures by using different research techniques. An understanding of the relevance of Western research for local practice would help students to explore various business-related problems and their plausible solutions from an indigenous perspective. Topics would include: introduction to research methods in business and management disciplines; literature searching strategies; literature review; research paradigms and approaches; theory and research; introduction to SPSS; quantitative research design; internal and external validity; survey based research; case study research; quantitative and qualitative data analysis; and writing research proposals and thesis.

MS357 Financial Econometrics (3-0-3): This course focuses on techniques for estimating regression models, problems encountered in estimating such models, and interpreting their output. The goal of the course is to teach students the basics of the theory and practice of econometrics and to give them experience in estimating econometric models with actual data. The course covers the topics like single equation regression models, regression analysis, two-variable and multiple regression analysis, econometrics modeling, and time series econometrics.

MS358 Corporate Finance (3-0-3)This important module aims to develop the analytical skills for making corporate investment with regards to financial decisions and risk analysis. This course will examine various theories including the concept of present value, the opportunity cost of capital, discounted cash flow analysis, a consortium of valuation techniques, issues between short & long term financial management, risk and return, capital asset pricing model, capital budgeting, corporate capital structure and financing decisions, dividend policy, investment and financial decisions in the international context, including exchange rate/interest rate risk analysis, and issues of corporate governance and control. This course also explores the very patterns of corporate finance that has shaped the familiar yet complex terrain of today’s global economy.

MS359 Legal and Taxation Issues (3-0-3): This course is designed to give students a familiarity of various forms of organizations and the rights and responsibilities of its officers, employees, and shareholders; taxation of the various organizational forms; patents and other forms of intellectual property issues; contract law particularly as it applies to licensing, leases, employees and insurance; and ways to mitigate various forms of risk.

MS361 Operations and Production Management (3-0-3): This course introduces the theory and practice of operations and production management as a functional area in the management of business enterprise. This course will discuss the principles, concepts and basic problems affecting manufacturing and non-manufacturing firms. Topics covered will explore Tangible & intangible functions of production, Discrete & continuous manufacturing processes & systems, Conventional & system approach to Design, Production planning & Control, Process planning, Quality control, Quality assurance, Assembly methods, Packaging, Production work measurements, Production standards, Production philosophies, Operations Strategy, Managing Processes, Process Strategy, Process Analysis, Process Performance & Quality, Constraint Management, Process Layout, managing value chains, Forecasting, Sales & Operations planning, Resource planning, Linear Programming, Scheduling.

MS362 Supply Chain Management (3-0-3): Supply Chain Management includes the materials and information flow among all firms that contribute significantly to a product, from the point of scratch to final product. Elements of supply chain management have been studied and practiced for some time in marketing, logistics, and operations management. This course will integrate different perspectives from various functions of management to develop a broad understanding of how to manage a supply chain. Topics include Value Chains, Supply chains, Supply chain lifecycle, Supply chain strategy, Resource planning, Procurement, Inventory models, Inventory management, Automated Inventory Tracking System, Sales & Operations Planning, Forecasting, Scheduling, logistics, Contracts, Supply Chain Technology, Distributed Requirement Planning.

HM404 Advance Oral Communication (3-0-3): The course of Oral Communication has been designed to help students devise oral, interpersonal and physical strategies required to confidently and effectively interact with a variety of audiences. In this module, the students are taught to effectively eclecticize the oral rhetoric with the paralinguistic features and visual aids to deliver successful oral presentations. Apart from other skills students will also achieve excellence in creativity and flair; oral business communication; and problem solving. The major skills targeted in the course are Tutorial Presentations, Poster presentation, Seminar Presentations, Conference Presentations, thesis defense, viva Skills and Negotiation Skills.

MS414 Corporate Social Responsibility (3-0-3): This introductory course will include the principles of private businesses supporting communities and people. The challenge is often to find a balance between doing good and leveraging these practices to benefit business community and its constituents. This course covers CSR methods, tools, principles, and practices at the organization and society level. The course is designed to give students a general knowhow of CSR, its general implementation and management in an organization. The contents to be covered in course are legal and economic perspectives on CSR; ownership theory; market and stakeholder’s analysis; contemporary public and social issues involving business; global natural environmental issues; technological issues influencing economy and society; community relations and strategic philanthropy; role of government in CSR; and social audit.

MS444 Environmental Sciences (3-0-3): The environment impacts our way of life in many aspects (e.g. food and fiber production, resources for building shelter and infrastructure, and water supplies). Adverse impacts to this environment affect the well-being of humans and other living organisms. Therefore, the broad topics covered will include natural environmental systems, physical and social causes of environmental problems, and strategies to mitigate or manage these issues. The course will also address issues like sustainable communities and sustainable development.

MS426 Project Management (3-0-3): The module focuses on the topics of fundamental principles, Project life cycle, Project organizations and human resource management, PM planning, Work breakdown structure, Estimating time and cost, Precedence relationships, Project scheduling and control technique, Project risk analysis, Time compression and resource levelling, Computerized project management, Special issues in software projects.

MS434 Entrepreneurship (3-0-3): This course focuses on identifying business opportunities and developing them into a business. The management functions of accounting, finance, and marketing as well as legal and economic considerations are catered in the subject. Students are taught to take business responsibilities and initiatives as business strategies are created. Through the process of developing a business plan, students acquire various necessary skills to operate a successful business. Topics of discussion will include history of entrepreneurship, idea generation, technology and ideas, sources of finance, elevator pitch, patents and formulation of business plan.

MS435 Business Process Design and Analysis (3-0-3): This course includes identification, development, analysis, controlling, enhancement and management of business processes. Examples from different industries and functional areas within firms would be employed in the course to identify similarities and differences of well-run processes.

MS445 Industrial Economy (3-0-3): Industrial Economy focuses on the study of firms, industries and markets. When analyzing decision making at the levels of individual firm and industry, Industrial Economics helps in understanding issues like; the levels at which capacity, output and prices are set, the extent to which the products are differentiated from each other, how much firms invest in research and development (R&D), how and why firms advertise. Industrial economy will cover the topics of size and structure of firms, separation of ownership and control, short-run price competition, dynamic price competition, entry deterrence and entry accommodation, product differentiation and non-price competition, price discrimination, vertical relations, the determinants of market structure, competition and industrial policy regulations.

MS446 Business and Economic Forecasting (3-0-3): This course will examine a more rigorous approach to various financial, econometric and time series approaches for predicting the effects of future corporate planning decisions and policies. The course would include topics of forecasting methods with single equation models, predicting with quantitative as well as qualitative choice models, and simulation with single and multi-equation models. These techniques are used to predict product sales, economic variables, and financial indicators. The course will be useful for recipients and users of forecasts and the ones involved in conducting business and economic forecasts.

MS463 Technology Management (3-0-3): This course introduces the students to the concepts of Industrial networks, Fundamentals of product and process development, Business community and new generations of managers, Practical skills, Knowledge and experience in commercialization of new technological innovations. The module also delves into the core ideas of the use of multidisciplinary science based knowledge, Problem-solving, Teamwork, Outreach activity, Major steps in proof of concept to intellectual property protection, Prototype development, Fabrication and assembly routes, Materials procurement, Identification and Creation of new markets, Development of business plan, Appropriate technology and marketing, Distribution and financing, Routes and strategies for specific technology under development.

EM431 Business Plan for New Ventures (3- 0-3): Developing a business plan for a new venture and the entrepreneurial process of executing the first phases of new venture creation can be daunting. This course will explore areas like idea conception, entrepreneurship, business planning, market research, entrepreneurial opportunities and strategies, venture analysis and strategy, industry and competitor analysis, marketing plan and risk assessment. Emphasis is placed on high growth business opportunities. The final deliverable will be a complete business plan for a high growth venture and formal presentation of the plan to mock investors. Some individual offcampus travel will be required.

EM432 Digital Marketing (3-0-3): The evolution of traditional mass media has highlighted the importance of digital advertising. This course is designed to give students a thorough understanding of assessment and evaluation of the businesses in the new technological era. The course will also delve into the details for preparing a digital marketing plan for entrepreneurial and business expansion opportunities. Furthermore, it will help the students to plan and develop digital platforms for online businesses and e-commerce solutions.

EM433 Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation (3-0-3): This course focuses on the processes by which teams within an established company conceive, foster, launch and manage a new business that is distinct from the parent company. Following the market development lifecycle, students will examine the management of eight types of innovation: disruptive, application, product, process, experiential, marketing, business model and structural. The ability to simultaneously integrate and differentiate between a company’s existing and new business is crucial to the success of any corporate entrepreneurship effort. As an advanced course, emphasis will be placed on skills needed to promote and manage corporate entrepreneurship including opportunity recognition, selling an idea and conflict management. Furthermore, in this course, we will examine the apparent contradiction in the term “corporate entrepreneurship” and discuss managerial techniques and organizational structures that promote entrepreneurial behavior in a corporate context. Attention will also be given to the difficulties inherent in the process of assessing entrepreneurial performance within a corporation and control mechanisms put in place by corporate managers to restrict the economy of corporate entrepreneurial initiatives.

EM434 Services Marketing (3-0-3): The objective of this course is to give students an understanding of the strategic and managerial issues adherent to marketing services in industries with high service components. It will also provide the learners with an insight to the distinguishing aspects of service marketing thereby advancing their ability to apply marketing strategies to create, communicate and deliver customer value in the service economy.

AF451 Accounting Information System (3-0-3): This course applies the practical application of accrual-basis accounting using accounting software. Students will gain experience in integrated software designed to handle general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, financial statement analysis, fixed assets, sales order processing, inventory, and payroll. Students will explore various topics in AIS to understand and use technologies in making decisions in specialized areas of the accounting profession, such as managerial accounting, financial accounting, auditing, and tax accounting. Topics include types of AIS applications and systems, technologies and database concepts, internal control issues, audit issues, and systems development issues and current trends in AIS.

AF452 Auditing (3-0-3): This course provides managerial understanding of the auditing process and its importance for effective decision making. The course will cover auditing theory and practice; generally accepted auditing standards; code of ethics; systems of internal controls and its evaluation; compliance; and integrity of information. The course will motivate and prepare students to earn prestigious and globally recognized ‘Certified Internal Auditor’ certification.

AF453 Investment and Portfolio Management (3-0-3): The focus of this course is on financial theory and empirical evidence that are useful for investment decisions and provide a comprehensive, analytical approach to modern theory of investments. Topics covered include mean variance analysis, Markowitz type portfolio analysis, portfolio construction, asset pricing theory, market efficiency and anomalies, hedge funds and investment funds performance evaluation. Topics include modern portfolio theory, fundamental and technical analysis of equities, concentrated equities positions, fixed income analysis, benchmarking, capital markets, the appropriate use of mutual and importance of asset allocation.

AF454 Financial risk management (3-0-3): The course will focus on variety of risks faced by financial managers and tools available for managing these risks. Particularly, it focuses on credit risk, interest rate and liquidity risk, market risk, foreign exchange risk and country risk. The students will learn about the tools and techniques for managing these risks such as future contracts, option contracts, swaps, value at risk, and other standard risk hedging techniques and methods of measuring volatility. Students attending this course are expected to have studied a basic course of investment and portfolio management and have a good understanding of asset pricing models. This course also examines theoretical and practical aspects of risk management with emphasis on the effective use of future options and other financial derivatives to control market risk exposure. Reviews no- arbitrage methods and options, including the Black-Scholes model and binomial tree numerical methods.

SC461 Planning and Control Systems (3-0-3): This course includes the design and management of planning and control systems within the organization and across the supply chain. It covers business planning; master production scheduling; material requirements planning; just-in-time and theory of constraints, Enterprise resource planning (ERP) and business-to-business (B2B) systems; impact of information technologies on planning and control systems.

SC462 Business Logistics Strategy (3-0-3): Logistics and distribution are the core components of supply chain management. Logistics management plans, implementation and controls efficient, effective forward and backward flow, storage of goods and services. It also predicts and circulates timely related information between the point of origin and the points of production, purchase and consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements. Logistics decisions are typically classified into 1) strategic: dealing with decisions that have a long-lasting effect on the firm; 2) tactical: including decisions that are updated anywhere between once every quarter and once every year; 3) operational: referring to day-to-day decisions. For this course, the focus will be on strategic and tactical decisions in logistics management.

SC463 Sustainability in Supply Chain Management (3-0-3): Sustainability in Supply chain Management is a modern concept of management practices attempting to integrate environmental concerns to all stages up and down the supply chain. In a globalized market, the environmental performance criteria extend beyond the single firm to its entire supply chain network across national borders. Topics covered will include closed-loop supply chains; reverse logistics systems; carbon foot printing; water foot printing; life-cycle analysis; and supply chain sustainability strategy.

SC464 Lean and Six Sigma in Supply Chain Management (3-0-3): Today’s world-class companies have been successful in eliminating process inefficiencies and streamlining management hierarchies to cut costs, improve quality and become more responsive to customers. It’s more important than ever to increase organizational effectiveness through engagement of people, elimination of waste and cultivation of innovative teams who are constantly striving to improve. These are all part of a management concept known as Lean management. The aim of this course is to go through the entire Lean and six sigma Model, to reinforce critical concepts and implementation methods. By the end of course, participants will have a solid base of knowledge of Lean Management and six sigma concepts and how to build the right behavior in their organization to increase business performance.

Introduction: Minors in Management for Engineers: Globalization has brought new challenges of sustainability, health, and environmental protection therefore a new breed of managers is required by companies and organizations to cope up with these issues. Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering and Technology offers Minors in Management geared towards helping engineers/technologists develop planning, decision making and managerial skills while receiving advanced technical knowledge. It is intended to prepare graduates with the management skills needed to provide engineering leadership in today’s multi-disciplinary business environment. The primary focus of the program is on management and the application of business skills to engineering leadership situations. The Management Sciences outlook and approach is interdisciplinary within the variety of engineering pursuits.

Educational Objectives: The courses have been specifically designed to:

  1. Prepare managers and leaders for engineering and industrial organizations by exposing students to modern concepts of economics, production sciences, and enable them to manage important human as well as financial resources within the enterprises.
  2. Familiarize students with the fundamental principles of manufacturing, risk management, project management, and maintenance management.
  3. Teach them innovative techniques which can be utilized to manage modern industries.
  4. Instill the spirit of entrepreneurship, which will enable them to forge new avenues in the modern economy, and provide them with better foresight, and greater financial flexibility.
  5. Equip students with English Language and communication Skills with special emphasis on business communication and technical writing. Reintroduce them to their history, religion and culture.

Professional Outcomes: courses prepare students in effectively managing the financial, human, and physical resources within the modern economy. They are designed to impart strategic, tactical and operational level knowledge to students in order to enable them to be better managers, analysts, entrepreneurs, and business executives..

The courses also prepare them for academic reading and accurate professional writing. Their presentation skills are improved through class seminars and group discussions which in turn would help them exchange their views and communicate their experience in research with professional colleagues and potential employers.

Seminars: A series of seminars dealing with wide-ranging issues of topical significance are organized in which students have opportunities to hold brainstorming sessions and interact with eminent scholars in various disciplines. The seminars aim at arousing interest of students in current problems, helping them form enlightened opinions about them, and develop skills for rational discourse and argumentation.

Service Courses for Engineering Faculty

Course Title

Course Code

Cr. Hr

English Language and Communication Skills



Technical Writing



Pakistan and Islamic Studies/Ethics/ Impact of Science and Technology on Society



Engineering Economics



Sociology and Human Behavior



Corporate Law and Professional Ethics



Technology Management



Industrial Management



Human Resource Management



Operations Management



Total Quality Management



Project Management



Entrepreneurship and Marketing



Macro and International Economics



Accounting and Finance



Supply Chain Management



Industrial Safety



Maintenance Management 



Lean Enterprise Management



Description of Courses of HM101 English Language and Communication Skills (3-0-3): The course aims at equipping the students with the necessary language and communication skills to cope with their academic and professional needs. The course prepares the students for academic reading and writing, oral presentations, reference skills and grammar. The students are given practice in communication skills and are introduced to the principles of effective writing from the sentence level to full-length texts with emphasis on logical organization of materials. Oral communication is improved through class seminars and group discussions.

HM102 Technical Writing (3-0-3): The course aims at imparting to the student’s competence in scientific and technical report writing. The mechanics and conventions of writing process are introduced through communicative activities and tasks. The course focuses on technical report writing and correspondence related to the profession of Engineering. The course also deals with the issues and problems of planning and designing technical presentations for varying situations and audiences.

HM211 Pakistan and Islamic Studies (3-0-3): The course introduces students to the origins and development of Muslim nationalism in South Asia and the struggle for freedom in the wider historical perspective. It also examines the political, socio-cultural and economic aspects of the state and society of Pakistan with reference to the ideals and concepts of its founding fathers.

Islamic Studies presents Islam as a rational code of life with emphasis on Islamic perspectives on fundamental human rights, rule of law, brotherhood and equality of mankind, empirical and rational basis of knowledge and harmony between the religious and the scientific domains of experience.

HM211 Ethics (3-0-3): The course is offered to Non-Muslim students in place of Islamic Studies. It introduces students to ethical and moral issues, conflicts and decisions confronting the citizens, groups and communities of Pakistan. The course aims at highlighting the necessity and importance of good character, conduct and moral life as manifested in major world religions. The students are also enlightened to appreciate the ethical and moral dimensions of Pakistani culture.

HM211 Impact of Science and Technology on Society (3-0-3): This course, too, is offered to non-Muslims students in place of Islamic Studies as a second option. They are given sociological perspectives on cultural changes and the role played by scientific and technological innovations affecting such changes. The main topics dwelt upon are the holistic character of cultures, the phenomenon of cultural lag and the resultant socio-cultural dislocations, the social order and technology nexus, and the impact of technological advancements on social institutions.

MS291 Engineering Economy (3-0-3): This course delves into the areas of cost concepts, Money time relationships, Measures of worth, Performance analysis form final accounts, Decision-making, Brief introduction of the quantitative techniques and of the behavioural aspects.

MS426 Technology Management (3-0-3): The course focuses on the topics of Industrial networks, Fundamentals of product and process development, Business community and new generations of managers, Practical skills, Knowledge and experience in commercialization of new technological innovations, Use of multidisciplinary science based knowledge, Problem-solving, Teamwork, Outreach activity, Major steps in proof of concept to intellectual property protection, Prototype development, Fabrication and assembly routes, Materials procurement, Identification and Creation of new markets, Development of business plan, Appropriate technology and marketing, Distribution and financing, Routes and strategies for specific technology under development.

MS449 Industrial Management (3-0-3): The course deals with the principles of industrial management. It focuses on effective and innovative ways of managing physical, human, financial and time resources of industrial and business organizations. It aims at preparing the students to develop a greater awareness of the contemporary trends in organizational management. The course makes an attempt to equip the students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for a good manager.

MS412 Human Resource Management (3-0-3): The course focuses on the topics of Design and execution of Human resource management strategies, Systematic and strategic thinking about aspects of managing an organization’s human assets, Implementation of policies to achieve competitive advantages, Reward systems, Performance management, High-performance human resource systems, Training and development, Recruitment, Retention, Equal employment, Opportunity laws, Work force diversity, and Union management relationships.

HM322 Corporate Law and Professional Ethics (3-0-3): The course introduces students to the ethical and moral issues they are likely to confront as engineers such as the vital impact their work has on health, safety and welfare of people, major theories of moral development and codes of ethics prescribed by professional bodies, and case studies illustrating ethical and moral dilemma engineers have to cope with. The legal component deals with the constitutional provisions regarding fundamental human rights, principles of natural justice, basic aspects of contract law, arbitration, partnership, evidence law, labor laws, and drafting legal documents used in contractual transactions.

MS492 Operations Management (3-0-3): This course will provide the students with the necessary knowledge of the basics of managing, manufacturing and Service organization, Strategic decision making, Facility location and layout, Job design and work compensation, Demand forecasting, Capacity and material planning, Scheduling in various environments, Emerging trends in managing operations, focus on selection and use of quantitative management tools after introducing the fundamental concepts.

MS494 Total Quality Management (3-0-3): The course contents include Fundamental principles of quality, Standards, Techniques for quality analysis and improvements, Statistical methods to measure quality, and SPC (Statistical Process Control). Acceptance sampling; QFD (Quality Function Deploying), Value engineering, Cross functional management, and benchmarking. ISO-9000 application, clauses and implementation issues.

MS496 Project Management (3-0-3): The module focuses on the topics of fundamental principles, Project life cycle, Project organizations and human resource management, PM planning, Work breakdown structure, Estimating time and cost, Precedence relationships, Project scheduling and control technique, Project risk analysis, Time compression and resource levelling, Computerized project management, Special issues in software projects.

MS434 Entrepreneurship and Marketing (3-0-3): The module focuses on the topics of Industrial economic strategy, Preparation of a business plan for new ventures and financing options for start-up business, Barrier to entry, Corporate governance, Mergers information gained through environmental scans on new business opportunities, Case studies, Sharing the experiences of entrepreneurs and investors, Consulting for inventing start-up or entrepreneurial businesses and for professionals.

MS447 Accounting and Finance (3-0-3): The module focuses on the topics of Financial reporting, Financial Statements, Financial statements as management planning tool, Statements of cash flows, Revenue and expense reorganization, Account receivables, Inventories, Tangible and intangible assets, Liabilities, Bonds, Income taxes, Shareholder’s equity, Accounting control, EVA, LIFO, FIFO.

MS448 Macro and International Economics (3-0-3): The module focuses on the topics of International fiscal policies, Macro-environment for firms and organizations, Basic tools of macro-economic management, monetary policy, and Exchange rate policy. Evaluation of the different strategies for economic development including Trade policy, Industry policy, and Natural resource policy. Market crises, Risk management and strategies for future. Major challenges in developed and underdeveloped countries for global integration, Inequality and asset price bubble.

MS491 Supply Chain Management (3-0-3): Supply Chain Management includes the materials and information flow among all firms that contribute significantly to a product, from the point of scratch to final product. Elements of supply chain management have been studied and practiced for some time in marketing, logistics, and operations management. This course will integrate different perspectives from various functions of management to develop a broad understanding of how to manage a supply chain. Topics include Value Chains, Supply chains, Supply chain lifecycle, Supply chain strategy, Resource planning, Procurement, Inventory models, Inventory management, Automated Inventory Tracking System, Sales & Operations Planning, Forecasting, Scheduling, logistics, Contracts, Supply Chain Technology, Distributed Requirement Planning.

MS493 Industrial Safety (3-0-3): The course aims to focus on the topics of safety regulations and safety management, office safety and manual handling safety of chemical, Fire safety, Radiation safety, Shop floor safety, Machine guarding and robotics safety, Construction safety, Electrical and pressure safety, Environmental protection, Occupational health, First aid basics, and Risk evaluation and management.

MS495 Maintenance Management (3-0-3):The module aims to develop an underlying knowledge of the organization and control of maintenance systems, Maintenance policies and strategies, Preventive maintenance, Predictive maintenance and condition improvement, Total productive maintenance, Reliability and failure analysis, Scheduling maintenance, Unique challenges of software maintenance, Maintenance performance measure benchmarking and improvement.

MS489 Lean Enterprise Management (3-0-3): The module addresses some of the important issues involved with planning, development, and implementation of lean enterprises. The dimensions of People, Technology, Process, and Management of an effective learn manufacturing company are considered in a unified framework. Particular emphasis is on the integration of these dimensions across the entire enterprise, including Product development, Production, and Extended supply chain. Analysis tools as well as future trends and directions are explored. A key component of this subject is a team project.

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