Faculty Of Electrical Engineering

Labs And Facilities

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Faculty Of Electrical Engineering

Keeping in mind present and future needs, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering has an assortment of equipment and facilities for students so that they can cope with fast evolving technologies. These facilities provide them with the opportunity to learn and understand the concepts of electronic and power engineering and constructively transform them to practical use. Major laboratory facilities are summarized below: 

Microwave Laboratory

Contains state-of-the-art microwave training systems, antenna line and transmission line demonstrators suitable for the study of generation, propagation and reception of microwave signals.

Microelectronics Laboratory

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Electric Machines Laboratory

Different types of motors, generators and loads are available for study of operation of various electric motors. Both low and high power motors are available as well as a fully automated workbench

Signals & Image Processing Laboratory

Image acquisition facilities include a colour CCD camera as well as colour scanners, with colour printers available for output. The software available for image processing includes MATLAB and KHOROS.
The Lab is equipped with the very latest in computing equipment: There are 40 x 3.00GHz Core 2 Duo Intel based desktops with 8.0GB RAM. DVD writers are available for data portability and fine colour development is made possible with the high resolution widescreen LCDs.

Telecommunications Laboratory

High frequency (up to 2Ghz) signal generators and modulators are available as are digital storage oscilloscopes for the generation and analysis of different signals. Additional equipment, including noise generators, spectrum analyzers will be bought in the near future.

VLSI Design Laboratory

The Laboratory currently consists of VHDL simulation software. It will be soon upgraded to include Xilinx FPGA’s, which will provide the capability for VHDL programming, synthesis and verification

Signal Processing Simulation Laboratory

This lab has 50 networked PCs running Windows NT 4. A Pentium Pro 200 system is used as a server of the network. The software available in this lab includes Matlab, PSpice, Microwave Office, ModelSim and Xilinix. Matlab is used for running exercises in the courses of Digital Signal Processing, Signals & Systems, Digital Communication Systems. Pspice is a simulation tool for analyzing electric circuits is used in the labs of Circuit Analysis I & II. 

Process Control & Automation Laboratory

This laboratory offers a unique opportunity to familiarize with PLC structure and learn their programming techniques. PLCs are attached with models to demonstrate different PLC functions and understand their applications. These models include: Traffic Light Model, Surface Treatment Chariot model, Pneumatically Controlled Robotic Arm. Controls lab is also equipped with models that demonstrate and give practical knowledge about different theoretical concepts studied in Control Systems course, such as PID control, State Feedback control, Positional Control, Speed control etc. These models include: Digital Inverted Pendulum, Digital Servo Workshop, Magnetic Levitation Unit, Twin Rotor MIMO system, and Analog Computers.

Microprocessor Interfacing Laboratory

The intent of this laboratory is to provide an insight to a microprocessor and microprocessor systems. Used in two courses, “Computer Architecture & Microprocessor Interfacing”, this laboratory is equipped with trainers designed to provide comprehensive hands-on training employing the latest state-of- the-art technology. Microprocessor Training System is a modularized approach to microprocessor concepts and applications. In addition to these trainers this laboratory is also equipped with a universal programmer used to program microcontrollers of different types as well as EPROMs, trainers and digital oscilloscopes so that students are able to perform laboratory projects.

ASIC Design Laboratory

This laboratory is equipped with the latest design software such as MAX+PLUS II/Quartus II version 2.2 Design Software, VHDL/Verilog HDL Synthesis & Simulation Tools, SOPC version 2.7 Builder System Development Tools, FPGA programming SW/HW. The laboratory has also Xilinx Foundation 5.1 series Design SW, MentorGraphics Leonardo Spectrum version 2002e Synthesis tools and Model Technology’s ModelSim 5.6a installed on number of latest PCs. Moreover, it is equipped with number of Alter’s UP-2 Development boards with ByteBlasterMV download cables plus Sparten-IIe based and XCV-1000 based ASIC Development boards.

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