

Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi was an invited speaker at “The Sixth Italian-Pakistani workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics” from 24th – 26th January 2019 in NUST, Islamabad. Five Ph.D research students from CPMS (Miss Mavra Ishfaq, Mr. Muhammad Riaz, Mr. Abdul Muneem, Mr Abdul Kabir and Mr. Asim Ullah) also contributed to this workshop as oral presentations. The titles of...
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Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi, Pro-Rector (Academics) of Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, has been selected as a member of the Scientific Committee of the International Centre for Advanced Training and Research in Physics (CIFRA). Across the world only 11 renowned academicians have been selected as CIFRA members one of which is...
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Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi, Pro-Rector (Academics), attended XI International Conference on Nuclear Structure Properties (NSP18) from 12th – 14th September 2018 in Trabzon, Turkey along two of his PhD research students (Miss Mavra Ishfaq and Mr. Abdul Muneem). Prof. Nabi also visited Karabuk University and Akdeniz University during his three weeks stay in Turkey. The aim of...
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Three Turkish Professors Dr. Necla Cakmak, Dr. Mesut Karakoc and Dr. Haris Ðapo visited Computational Physics Modeling & Simulation (CPMS) Lab, FES, GIK Institute. Dr. Necla Cakmak (PI from Turkey side) is visiting GIK as part of Pak-Turk Researchers’ Mobility Grant Program in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi (PI from Pakistan side). Dr. Haris...
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Ms. Mavra Ishfaq (Ph.D student, CPMS group, GIK Institute) is currently on a one-year visit to Department of Physics, Faculty of Science at Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey. Ms. Ishfaq is working under the Co-supervision of Dr. Haris DJapo, in Nuclear Sciences Research and Application Center. Ms. Mavra Ishfaq is working on the Co-Incident part of...
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Mr. Muhammad Majid (Ph.D student, CPMS group) has worked under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Natalie Jachowicz, in the neutrino physics theoretical group of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Ghent University Belgium, for the period of six months in the framework of a scholarship awarded by IRSIP HEC, Pakistan. Mr. Majid has worked...
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Three M.Phil students, Mrs. Sadaf Rani, Ms. Rabiya Arshad and Ms. Fiza Rehman from Department of Physics, Punjab University, Lahore visited Computational Physics Modeling & Simulation (CPMS) Lab GIK Institute from 1st March – 15th April 2018 for their research work under Co- Supervision of Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi, GIK Institute. The students would be...
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Turkish Professor Dr. Tuncay Bayram visited GIK Institute for two weeks from 8th – 22nd April 2017 on Project Based Mevlana Exchange Program. The project was jointly submitted by Group Leader CPMS and Dean FES, Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi and HoD Nuclear Energy Engineering, University of Sinop Turkey, Dr. Tuncay Bayram. The duration of this...
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Dr. Necla Cakmak from Karabük University Turkey visited Computational Physics Modeling & Simulation (CPMS) from 27th April – 9th May 2015 as part of the Mevlana Faculty Exchange Program established between the two universities last year. She is the first foreign faculty to visit GIK Institute on this program. Activities of Dr. Necla Cakmak during her stay: Discussion with graduate students on...
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Professor Dr. Abdel Nasser Tawfik, Founding Director Egyptian Center for Theoretical Physics, MTI Modern University, Egypt visited Computational Physics Modeling & Simulation (CPMS) in March 2015. He was accompanied by Ms. Nada Ezzelarab who is a MS student in Egypt and working under joint supervision of Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi. Activities of Professor Dr. Abdul Nasser Tawfik  during his...
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