Modelling, Simulation and Visualization | Hours: 3 0 3 |
Integrated product aspects modeling: Solid modeling, Kinematic modeling, mechanism simulation, finite element analysis; Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems, Dynamics behavior modeling; Computer graphics in product visualization, computer modeling environment and its effect of product modeling; Web-based product modeling and visualization. Project of creating a functional product model to demonstrate the usefulness of advanced CAD systems.
Pre-requisites: None | Co-requisites: None |
Hours: XYZ where X = Lecture, Y = Lab, Z = Credit
All hours are per week.
3 Lab hours constitute 1 credit hour
1 credit hour implies 1 lecture of 50mins per academic week. 16 weeks in total.
Pre-Requisite courses are courses required to be completed before this course may be taken
Co-Requisite courses are courses required to be taken along with this course