English Language and Communication Skills

English Language and Communication SkillsHours: 3 0 3

The course aims at equipping the students with the necessary language and communication skills to cope with their academic and professional needs. The course prepares the students for academic reading, academic writing, oral presentations, reference skills and grammar. The students are given practice in communication skills and are introduced to the principles of effective writing from the sentence level to full-length texts with emphasis on logical organization of materials. Oral communication is improved through class seminars and group discussions.

Pre-requisites: NoneCo-requisites: None

Hours: XYZ where X = Lecture, Y = Lab, Z = Credit
All hours are per week.
3 Lab hours constitute 1 credit hour
1 credit hour implies 1 lecture of 50mins per academic week. 16 weeks in total.
Pre-Requisite courses are courses required to be completed before this course may be taken
Co-Requisite courses are courses required to be taken along with this course

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