Electronics for Energy Control

Electronics for Energy Control
Hours: 3 0 3

Single- and three-phase converter; HVDC; FACTS; UPS; wind turbines; fuel cells; electric vehicles; variable speed drives; semiconductor devices used in power electronic systems; static converters for single- and three-phase rectification and inversion design; standby and portable AC supplies; AC transmission networks; dynamic voltage restorer applications; DC/DC converters for fuel cell and electric vehicle applications.

Pre-requisites: noneCo-requisites: none

Hours: XYZ where X = Lecture, Y = Lab, Z = Credit
All hours are per week.
3 Lab hours constitute 1 credit hour
1 credit hour implies 1 lecture of 50mins per academic week. 16 weeks in total.
Pre-Requisite courses are courses required to be completed before this course may be taken
Co-Requisite courses are courses required to be taken along with this course

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