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Ms. Mavra Ishfaq, PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi visited GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Germany in January, 2019. Prof. Dr. Takehiko has a position as Leader of the Hypernuclear Spectroscopy Group in the FRS/NuSTAR department at GSI, Germany and Chief Scientist, the High Energy Nuclear Physics Laboratory, the Cluster of Pioneering Research, at RIKEN in Japan. Ms. Ishfaq visited few other research laboratories...
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Turkish Professors Dr. Necla Cakmak, visited Computational Physics Modeling & Simulation (CPMS) Lab, FES, GIK Institute as part of the Mevlana Faculty Exchange Program established between GIK Institute and Turkish universities and attended the 2nd International Pak-Turk Conference on Emerging Technologies in the field of Sciences & Engineering at GIK Institute as invited speaker also. Dr. Necla Cakmak stayed for three weeks in GIK Institute, Dr. Necla Cakmak discussed Research problem...
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2nd Pak-Turk Conference on Emerging Technologies in the Field of Sciences and Engineering was organized in GIK Institute, March, 11-13, 2019 jointly sponsored by HEC and GIK Institute. The conference was attended by 05 Turkish and 09 national invited speakers. Another 38 participants presented their research papers. The Turkish speakers included Prof. Dr. Nihal Buyukcizmeci, Dr. Ismail H. Sarpün, Prof. Dr. Mahmut Böyükata, Dr. Necla Çakmak and Dr. Canel EKE....
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Mr. Abdul Muneem student, CPMS group, GIK Institute is currently a PhD student at FES, GIK Institute under Supervision of Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi. Mr. Abdul Muneem has been selected as International Program Associate (IPA) at High Energy Nuclear Physics laboratory, RIKEN, Japan. The Research work will be carried out at RIKEN, Japan and GSI Germany under co-supervision of Prof. Dr. Takehiko Saito. The HypHI Project GSI in Germany, which...
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Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi was an invited speaker at “The Sixth Italian-Pakistani workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics” from 24th – 26th January 2019 in NUST, Islamabad. Five Ph.D research students from CPMS (Miss Mavra Ishfaq, Mr. Muhammad Riaz, Mr. Abdul Muneem, Mr Abdul Kabir and Mr. Asim Ullah) also contributed to this workshop as oral presentations. The titles of the talks were 1. Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi, “A new recipe for calculation of phase space...
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