Dr. Ubaid Ullah Mumtaz

Dr. Ubaid Ullah Mumtaz

Assistant Professor SMGS
Selected Publications


1 Mumtaz, U., Ali, Y., & Petrillo, A. (2018). A linear regression approach to evaluate the green

supply chain management impact on industrial organizational performance. Science of the total

environment, 624, 162-169.

2 Mumtaz, U., Ali, Y., Petrillo, A., & De Felice, F. (2018). Identifying the critical factors of

green supply chain management: Environmental benefits in Pakistan. Science of the Total

Environment, 640, 144-152.

3 Ali, Y., Butt, M., Sabir, M., Mumtaz, U., & Salman, A. (2018). Selection of suitable site in

Pakistan for wind power plant installation using analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Journal of

Control and Decision, 5(2), 117-128.

4 Ali, Y., Aslam, Z., Dar, H. S., & Mumtaz, U. (2018). A multi-criteria decision analysis of

solid waste treatment options in Pakistan: Lahore City—a case in point. Environment Systems

and Decisions, 38(4), 528-543.

5 Ali, Y., Khan, M. W., Mumtaz, U., Salman, A., Muhammad, N., & Sabir, M. (2018).

Identification of factors influencing the rise of cesarean sections rates in Pakistan, using

MCDM. International journal of health care quality assurance.

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