Mr. Haseeb Ahsan
ext - 2338
Office #3, Brabers Building, GIK Institute

Mr. Haseeb Ahsan


Qualifications: MPhil English Literature – National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad
Research Interests: Post-Colonial Literature. • Neocolonialism and Neoimperialism • Discourse and Literature of Resistance 


If you ask Haseeb what he does, there’s a good chance he’ll give you the answer “I read.” And if you ask him what his favorite thing to read is, he’ll probably say that it all depends on the day, or even the hour—it might be a poem about nature, a letter from an 18th-century writer to their muse, or a long-winded novel about mysteries of ancient civilizations.

But if you ask him what he does professionally, that’d be “I teach English.” Haseeb also loves to hike and camp. He can often be found getting lost on a trek (on purpose) and enjoying the wonders of nature while reading verses about the outdoors. When not out in nature, though, he spends his time writing and teaching. His passion for language started at a young age; his favorite books were those that transported him to new worlds and allowed him to explore new ideas and possibilities through a good story. That’s why he has dedicated his life to creating that same experience for others.

But don’t let all that fool you: Haseeb is all about hard work. He believes in the power of learning, and wants to share his knowledge with anyone interested in learning alongside him. So if you want to learn more about the English language, write great content, or find your own voice through writing, come take one of his classes!

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