Overview: B’GrowTech are the first Hydroponic Fodder set-up-providing company and we provide indoor vertical farming solutions to combat climate change and ensure food and fodder security. Our solutions are providing fresh organic food for humans and livestock animals while saving water, space, and labor costs. Objective: Our objective is the provision of controlled-environment agriculture services...Read More
Overview: SAM’s (Smart Agricultural Machine), as according to the self-explanatory name is the title of the compact size bike driven plough designed to help and aid farmers in the cultivation of their lands whilst providing an affordable and economic alternative to tractors. Pakistan is predominately an agriculture based economy and due to the increase in...Read More
Overview: UpLaw is an online service that makes it faster and easier for members of public and businesses to find and hire legal help solely based on their preferences. UpLaw are not a law firm, do not provide any legal services, legal advice or “lawyer referral services” and do not provide or participate in any...Read More
Overview: Digital Sehat Ghar is a mobile application which is involved in health services, live medical assistance via doctors who will be providing services via digital means or appointments. The purpose is to aid and assist in the provision of basic healthcare and its related aspects’ integration into the digital marketplace. Some of these services...Read More