Successful Conclusion of WRE 2023 at GIK Institute: A Commemoration

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The 5th International Workshop on Functional Reverse Engineering of Machine Tools (WRE 2023) was held at GIK Institute on 16th December 2023. The workshop was technically co-sponsored by IEEE and IMechE, and financially sponsored by Directorate General of Science and Technology, Government of KP. Proceedings of the workshop will be published by CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group, USA) as a book series. The theme of the workshop was digital twining of machine tools.


The crux of the opinion in the workshop was that the application of functional reverse engineering has gained considerable momentum and can help the country in indigenous development of machine tools.

Chairman HEC, Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, SI, HI, was the Chief Guest at the opening ceremony, and Prof. Dr. Saleem Raza Samo, Vice Chancellor, Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology, Nawabshah, was the Chief Guest at the closing ceremony. 

A large number of national and international scientists, invited speakers, and practitioners attended the workshop. There were two theme talks, four keynote talks, and four parallel technical sessions including seven invited talks and twelve chapter presentations. Among the prominent speakers at workshop were:

  • Prof. Dr. Duc Pham OBE, University of Birmingham, UK,
  • Prof. Dr. Haiyan Zhao, Tsinghua University, China
  • Prof. Dr. Rafiq Ahmad, University of Alberta, Canada
  • Prof. Dr. Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry, SI, MUET, Pakistan
  • Prof. Dr. Radu Tarca, University of Oradea, Romania
  • Prof. Dr. Florin Popentiu, National University of Science and Technology, Romania
  • Dr. Volkan Esat, Middle East Technical University, Northern Cyprus, Turkey
  • Dr. Kashif Nisar, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
  • Dr. Lubna Luxmi Dhirani, University of Limerick, Ireland
  • Dr. Waleed Ejaz, Leakhead University, Canada
  • Dr. Danyal Maheshwari, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • Dr. Sunny Katyara, Irish Manufacturing Research Ltd, Ireland
  • Dr. Rehan Umer, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, UAE
  • Dr. Venu Parameswaran, University of Bahrain, Bahrain
  • Dr. Abi Waqas, University College Cork, Ireland, and
  • Dr. Faheem Ijaz, NUST, Pakistan

Addressing on the occasion, Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman HEC, said that the workshop was a golden opportunity for the academic and industry experts from across the world to exchange views with each other and adopt new measures for quality enhancing and finding faults in different products in the best interest of the people and future generation. He expressed the significance of functional reverse engineering and its importance for society.

The experts said that the purpose of functional reverse engineering is to improve the existing products and machines, studying more closely the efficiency, design and manufacturing.

Both the Chief Guests, Rector, GIK Institute, Prof. Dr. Fazal A. Khalid, SI, and Pro-Rector Academic, GIK Institute, Prof. Dr. S. M. Hassan Zaidi, President’s Pride of Performance, congratulated the untiring efforts of the organizing team including Prof. Dr. Wasim A. Khan, Prof. Dr. Ghulam Abbas, Dr. Taqi Ahmad Cheema, and Dr. Waqas Abkar Lughmani, on the successful completion of the international workshop. 


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