NETRONIX Society organized an Intra GIK Event called SNP on 23rd, 24th, 25th September 2022 at GIK Institute

Home > SDG4 > NETRONIX Society organized an Intra GIK Event called SNP on 23rd, 24th, 25th September 2022 at GIK Institute

NETRONIX Society under the Student Affairs Department organized an Intra GIK Event called SNP on 23rd, 24th, 25th September 2022 at GIK Institute. More than 200 students participated in a 3-day Intra GIK event, who were given different time slots to properly manage the event. NETRONIX is majorly known for invigorating gaming events like Uber Game-X. SNP is an intra GIK event for the students of GIK Institute giving them a chance to explore the realm of gaming. The participants indulged in a weekend of intensive gaming. The games included Valorant • CSGO • Tekken • FIFA 22 • PUBG • Free Fire • Need for Speed • Blur • COD 4 • Mortal Kombat

NETRONIX Society also works as the hostel network administrators, A session of Networking Basics was also organized to familiarize the students with the basic networking skills and cloud computing. The students were given a lecture on DC++ and the working of the LAN connections in GIK Institute.

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