Event Report | The ICPC Asia West Continent Finals 2021

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For the first time in the history of the Asia West continent, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIKI) and ICPC Asia Topi, Pakistan, took the lead to organize the ICPC Asia West Continent Finals which was a multi-site contest organized in parallel at three different international sites including Bangladesh (Dhaka), India (Gwalior-Pune) and Pakistan (Topi). The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is a team-based, programming competition that fosters problem-solving, programming and teamwork skills amongst university students around the globe. It is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious algorithmic programming contest known as the “World Cup of Computing” where the best brains compete annually. ICPC involves a network of dozens of universities hosting regional competitions. Participation in regionals has grown to thousands of the finest students in computing disciplines at over 3,322+ universities from over 115 countries in six continents. The winner team of regionals qualifies for ICPC World Finals to compete with the best teams of the world.

The ICPC Asia West Continent Finals is for countries of the Asia West continent including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and others. The contest was organized from 23-25th December, 2022 at GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, the other two sites being at India and Bangladesh. The contest was conducted over a period of two days, such that a mock round was conducted on 23rd December, 2022 and the actual contest was held on 24th December, 2022. The Inaugural Session of “The 2021 ICPC Asia West Continent Finals” was held at India after the two hour long mock round of the contest. A question and answers session was conducted where the participants interacted with System Group and Judges about the Contest Environment & Rules. Pakistan and Bangladesh regional sites joined the session online through zoom.


A total of 67 teams from Pakistan, India, Iran, Bangladesh and Afghanistan were shortlisted for the contest while 58 could finally make it to contest. Four teams appeared in the contest from the ICPC Asia Topi Regional site, three of the teams being from Pakistan while one international team from Kateb University, Afghanistan was invited too. Teams from GIK Institute, FAST-NUCES Karachi and FAST-NUCES Islamabad represented Pakistan in the contest.

The first prize in the final contest was bagged by University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The second prize was won by Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, India while Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology won the third prize. Team Pentateuch from GIK Institute and Team Trojans 1 from FAST_NUCES Karachi performed reasonably well solving multiple problems.

ICPC Asia Topi appreciates the relentless efforts of its core team Dr. Masroor Hussain, Director ICPC Asia Topi, Sarah Sajjad, Deputy Regional Contest Director, Ali Shaukat, Marketing Chair, Usman Haider, Systems Co-chair and the lab assistants Imad Khan, Imad Anjum for playing key role in organizing the contest. We also admire the efforts of Ms. Ayesha Siddiqa, Software Engineer at Noon, Dubai and take pride in her valuable contribution as a problem setter at the international contest on behalf of Pakistan. We are highly indebted to Prof. Dr. Fazal A. Khalid, Rector GIK Institute, Prof. Dr. Wasim A. Khan, Pro-Rector (A), Sardar Aminullah Khan (Pro-Rector A&F), Dr. Ahmar Rashid (Dean FCSE) and Director (IT) for their overwhelming support and cooperation in organizing the event.

Special thanks to Noon for their generous sponsorship towards this mega event. This was not possible without the support of ICPC Asia Topi sponsors GeniTeam, Quixel and Epic Games who have been the backbone of the event. ICPC Asia Topi is also thankful to the Aftab Ahmad Khokhar, Additional Secretary & Ambassador to Austria, M. Zohaib Khan, Chairman P@SHA, AFGHANISTAN, IRAN & TURKEY DIVISION, Foriegn Affairs and Pakistan Embassy Kabul to give visa to Afghan team. Lastly, thanks to the GIK ACM Chapter for all their support in the contest.

Snapshot Glimpse of the Event

Lab view of teams participating from GIK Institute, ICPC Asia Topi Regional Site.

Group Photo of the participants with Dr. Masroor Hussain, Director for ICPC Asia Topi Regional Site

Screenshots from the Inaugural Session of the Event held at India, joined through Zoom from Pakistan and Bangladesh Regional Sites.

Scoreboard View: Top 15 teams of the contest

For Details Scoreboard, Click the below link:


About the author

Web Development | Data Science | Socialmedia Analytics | Digital Marketing | Lecturer GIKI
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