WES Antiharassment Awareness Session

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WES Antiharassment Awareness Session

Women Engineering Society (WES) under the Student Affairs Department organized an event called “Anti-Harassment Awareness Session” in collaboration with Harassment Complaint Cell (HCC) on 10th October 2022 for the faculty members and entire student body which included undergraduates, postgraduates. The session comprised of the institute’s policies on harassment and the procedure that is required to file an official complaint of the offences committed against any person residing on campus. The institute’s harassment policies were delivered by Dr Dur e Zehra, the member of HCC. The community of GIK Institute was educated with the general perception and details regarding possible harassments. The students were also introduced to Women Engineering Society and the work it aims to accomplish in making this campus a safer and better place for everyone. The following HCC members were attended the session:

  • Ms Dur e Zahra
  • Mr Sher Ali Shah
  • Ms Shanza Rehan
  • Mr Amin Qureshi


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Web Development | Data Science | Socialmedia Analytics | Digital Marketing | Lecturer GIKI
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