2nd Pak-Turk Conference on Emerging Technologies in the Field of Sciences and Engineering was organized in GIK Institute, March, 11-13, 2019 jointly sponsored by HEC and GIK Institute. The conference was attended by 05 Turkish and 09 national invited speakers. Another 38 participants presented their research papers. The Turkish speakers included Prof. Dr. Nihal Buyukcizmeci, Dr. Ismail H. Sarpün, Prof. Dr. Mahmut Böyükata, Dr. Necla Çakmak and Dr. Canel EKE. The national invited speakers were Prof. Dr. Arshad Saleem Bhatti, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sharif, Prof. Dr. Bakhadir Irgaziev, Dr. Ali Ashher Zaidi, Prof. Dr. Asghar Qadir, Prof. Dr. Asif Ullah Khan, Dr. Zohaib Iqbal, Dr. Mansoor-ur-Rehman and Ms. Feriha Verdag.
The Chief Guest of the opening ceremony was Mr. Jehangir Bashar, Rector & Patron-in-Chief of 2nd Pak-Turk Conference on Emerging Technologies in the Field of Sciences and Engineering. Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi Pro-Rector (A) & Conference Steering Committee Chair also addressed the opening ceremony. Prof. Fazal A. Khalid was the chief guest at closing ceremony.
The CPMS group and the Machine Intelligence Research Group (MInG) were the main organizers of this international conference. Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi from FES and Dr. Zahid Halim from FCSE were the joint directors of this conference.