Turkish Professors Dr. Necla Cakmak, Dr. Mesut Karakoc and Dr. Haris Dapo visit computational physics modeling & simulation (CPMS) Lab, FES, GIK Institue.

Home > CPMS News > Turkish Professors Dr. Necla Cakmak, Dr. Mesut Karakoc and Dr. Haris Dapo visit computational physics modeling & simulation (CPMS) Lab, FES, GIK Institue.

Three Turkish Professors Dr. Necla Cakmak, Dr. Mesut Karakoc and Dr. Haris Ðapo visited Computational Physics Modeling & Simulation (CPMS) Lab, FES, GIK Institute. Dr. Necla Cakmak (PI from Turkey side) is visiting GIK as part of Pak-Turk Researchers’ Mobility Grant Program in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi (PI from Pakistan side). Dr. Haris and Dr. Mesut are also visiting GIK regarding a PSF-TUBITAK joint research project. Dr. Haris is the PI from Turkey side and Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi is the PI from Pakistan side. Dr. Necla visited the CPMS Lab for a period of three weeks (5 – 26 May, 2018) whereas Dr. Haris and Dr. Mesut visited for one week (5 – 12, May 2018). The Turkish professors also attended the “First International Pak-Turk Workshop on Emerging Technologies in the Field of Sciences & Engineering” at GIK Institute as invited speakers. During their stay the Turkish Physicists discussed research problems with graduate students.

Starting from bottom left: Dr. Haris Dapo, Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi, Dr. Necla Cakmak and Dr. Mesut Karakoc at
Computational Physics Modeling & Simulation (CPMS) Lab, FES, GIK Institute. Standing are the graduate students
of CPMS group
Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi along with invited speakers at “First International Pak-Turk
Workshop on Emerging Technologies in the Field of Sciences & Engineering”.
Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi presenting shields and certificates to Turkish speakers at “First International
Pak-Turk Workshop on Emerging Technologies in the Field of Sciences & Engineering”.
CPMS group photo with Prof. Dr. Jameel-Un Nabi and Turkish professors at
a local restaurant near Tarbela Dam, KP Pakistan.

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