Campus Life

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In addition to its great historical character, the location of the Institute offers many advantages. The northern areas of Pakistan which attract expeditions from all over the world are easily accessible from here. Perhaps the most important advantage is the invaluable opportunities it offers for establishing interaction between industry and university.

Some of the most important national industries are located quite close to the Institute. These include the Telephone Industries of Pakistan, Heavy Mechanical Complex, the Heavy Foundry and Forge Engineering, the Kamra Aeronautical Complex, the Heavy Rebuild Factory and the Locomotive Complex. Their proximity offers invaluable opportunities for practical training of the students.

Though away from the congestion, noise and pollution of big cities, the Institute has easy access to important urban centers. It is less than two hours’ drive from Islamabad and Peshawar. Both cities are connected with the rest of the country through frequent air, train and bus services. Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, has an international airport which provides ready access to the outside world.


There are many options to travel in the campus.

GIK provides transportation services to its students and employees. Shuttles service is available to and from Peshawar & Islamabad on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


The parking is available 24 hours with 24hours security. We make sure that everything is under control.

GIKI Bus service
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